FishBowl III
A totally random clubbing night
Yaoi smut warning
Sex, War, Pestilence, Famine and Trouble are copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
“Weeeee clubbing!” Lane bounced and thudded against Sex’s back, flinging arms around her. “Hewo lovely.”
“Hey you,” Sex tipped her head back so she could kiss at Lane’s cheek. “Guess you’re excited huh?”
“Been so long since we went clubbing in a group, this is so neat!” the Koorime squeaked. “I get shotgun right?”
“Hmm… I’m thinking we might have to adjust things.”
“Stop thinking, going to hurt yourself,” he giggled.
“Oh shush you,” Sex bumped her rear back against the ice demon on her back.
“Clubclubclubclub,” Bastian scampered around the couple, spazzing happily, looking more than a little odd without his ears and tail.
“Yep, club!” Lane giggled. “Did you get those pants from Pesti?”
“Uh huh!” Bastian beamed, wiggling despite not having a tail to wave happily. “They shiny!”
“Yes they are,” Sex grinned.
“Mine are shiny too, they sparkle,” Lane posed and turned so the sparkles caught in the sunlight.
“Nicenice War come club,” Bastian squeaked at the appearance of that particular purple-haired Force, scampering to spaz around War’s feet instead.
“Yeah yeah, War clubbing isn’t a new thing Bast-man,” the Force leaned down and ruffled Bastian’s hair.
“Is a new thing when it’s all of us though!” Sex exclaimed, opening her van doors. “Bus leaves in ten minutes, where is everybody else?”
“You know Pesti, he takes two days to get ready,” Lane giggled.
“Almost as bad as you,” she retorted.
“Hey I resemble that,” the demon poked her in the side, “Besides, I’m here aren’t I?”
“Probably started getting ready two days ago.”
“Psh, you’ve been planning this for more than a month.”
War grinned, “There’s Sunshine. The corpse actually let you out?”
Pestilence giggled, glancing back behind him where Jenii was following him out. “Is my husband and his name is Jenii.”
“Oh no, that is not coming.”
“Yes he is, and lookie him even wearing human clothes!” Sex beamed.
“I’m not going, have fun Bast-man,” War started back into the house.
Bastian squeaked and clung to War’s leg at the exact moment Pestilence stumbled to catch and cling to War’s arm. Both of them blinked at him, begging shamelessly.
“Please come!”
“Want nicenice War go club!”
“Here, Jenii can sit in the very back and War can sit in the very front,” Sex offered.
“I’ll still know he’s there,” War growled.
“War, please?” Pesti begged. “Haven’t been out together in so long.”
“Because the corpse has you tied to the bed.”
“He does not, silly. Come on, please come with?” Pestilence blinked his pretty, amethyst eye at his best friend.
War attempted to not look, that blink held so much power it was dangerous. In the end, however, he failed, his shoulders slumping. “Fine,” he sighed.
“Yay!” Pesti squeaked, flinging arms around War’s neck and hugging him
Sex smiled at Jenii, attempting to be comforting, “It’s okay tall dark and scarry, van won’t bite you.”
“Hnnn,” Jenii lingered against the wall, looking entirely uncomfortable in his black jeans and sleeveless semi-transparent black shirt. He hated human clothes, but somehow Pesti had convinced him to wear them.
“You look very sexy,” the genderchanger attempted flattery.
“Hn,” Jenii glared.
“Maybe it would be safer if Jenii didn’t come?” Lane blinked worriedly.
“Nonsense, he’ll be fine. Been planning this over a month remember? Jenii needs to get out!”
“And into a nice grave,” War muttered.
“You cause trouble tonight and I’ll break your neck,” Famine growled, stalking through the fray and prowling into the van to sit in all her pissy glory.
“Why are you coming?” War gave her an incredulous look.
“Because you and Jenii are going to be contained in small spaces together.”
“And is wearing leather!” Sabine squeaked, flouncing past to hop up into the van and cuddle her leather-clad Famine.
“Hey now, a club is no place for someone as respectable as you.”
“Come on War, of course Sabine is going to follow Famine,” Sex argued.
“Famine doesn’t really go to clubs either.”
“Gah, you’re all impossible. Okay who are we missing?” Sex peered around.
“Din and Trouble, if they decided to come,” Lane looked at the seats in the van, “Is there going to be enough room?”
“Err… we’ll squish!” Sex giggled. “There’s Dinner!”
Din smirked, tugging Trouble along behind him, “Hey we didn’t miss the train. Sorry, had to say bye to Dari-pod.”
“You’re a freak,” Lane poked the fellow Koorime.
“Tanji’s not coming,” Din eyed Famine, rethinking his attempt to find a seat in the van.
“Aawww, maybe go talk to him,” Pesti pouted, stumbling back over to Jenii.
“Hn, if he’s going to be obstinate is best to leave him.”
“We got a full crew here anyway. War up front here,” Sex orchestrated. “Now Sabine, you’ll have to sit on Famine, Din here with Trouble on you, place for lovely Laney here then. Then… Pesti you get Jenii into the back,” Sex didn’t even attempt helping with that last one, hopping into the driver’s seat.
“Come on my General,” Pestilence tugged gently, blinking that big pouting eye at him. “Is okay, done this before, much shorter trip this time.”
Jenii put his head down, growling softly in the back of his throat. Despite his fears and protests, he prowled slowly to follow his husband, pressing himself down against the back seat, head in Pestilence’s lap. Bastian wriggled in behind them, squishing between the two back seats.
“All in!” Lane tugged the door shut.
“Off we go then!” Sex giggled and pulled the van away from the house.
“Eehhnn,” Jenii tensed up, fingers digging into Pesti’s leg.
“Shh, is okay,” Pestilence cooed, petting Jenii’s hair. “Tell you how club will be so not surprised and upset by it. Will be very loud, lots of music and noise, lots of people, and very dark, but bright lights now and then.”
“Ehn,” the fire demon protested the description, oh he was not going to like this.
Pestilence kept running his fingers through Jenii’s hair, doing his best to settle him, now and again diverting to rub a tense shoulder muscle. “We can find a table against the wall and stay there, will stay with you, make sure don’t set anything on fire,” he couldn’t help but giggle softly.
“And watch out for tins,” Sabine piped up.
“It’s been over a month, stop with the damn tins,” Jenii’s attempt at an angry tone came out more whimpering.
“Okay, no more tin jokes – at least in the car,” Pestilence warned, rubbing over Jenii’s shoulderblade and down his back.
“Yeah, we don’t want him freaking out in the van,” Sex glanced back in her rearview mirror.
“Why not? He could jump out. I hear leaping from a moving vehicle is really fun,” War muttered.
“You behave,” Sex swiped at him.
“Could do wonders for his face.”
“Hn,” Famine grunted in her “boys, stop it” tone that had immediate silence in the van.
Silence until the van hit a bump in the road. Jenii clenched his hands on Pestilence and groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. He was sure the vehicle was going to spontaneously combust or crash into something, despite trusting Sex’s driving, something could always happen.
“There are still bumps in the road,” he muttered disdainfully.
“I know, silly humans,” Pesti continued to pet despite the pressure digging into his flesh.
Lane squeaked and fell off the seat, landing at an odd angle between it and the van door.
Din blinked down at him, declaring immediately, “I didn’t do it.”
“I don’t believe you,” Sex glanced back, “Is Laney okay?”
“Am fine… just stuck,” Lane squeaked.
Sex started giggling, unable to stop herself. “Din can you get him up?”
Din reached and tugged, even unwinding his other arm from around Trouble to try, “Nope, wedged his skinny ass down there, dork.”
“You pushed me.”
“I did not, hands on Trouble, I swear.”
“I believe Din, he only fondles Trouble,” Sex tried to stop giggling, “Will just have to wait until we get there and can open the door.”
Bastian turned around and peeked from between the seats at Lane with those huge mismatched eyes. “Go boom?”
Lane made a nervous noise, “Yeah, yeah I went boom. I blame Sex’s tiny van!”
“Hey, it’s not size that matters, right?”
“I’d say size matters here, I’m squished and folded like origami!”
“But such lovely and sexy origami,” Sex grinned.
“I don’t want to be origami,” the Koorime fake-sniffled.
“Could be a new sexual trick?” Din peered down at his “brother”.
“I do not see how this position could be useful in bed.”
Sex glanced back again, “Ooh, I do!”
“Well leave it to you, you’re Sexie,” Lane stuck his tongue out at her.
“We’ll use that one when we get home, will teach you.”
“Yay! A lesson!” Lane beamed and cheered despite his very odd position. “Hmm, hope my legs aren’t asleep when we get there, how far is it?”
“Still a ways off yet. And don’t worry, I’ll wake your legs up,” the genderchanger winked.
“You know,” Din spoke thoughtfully, “right now Tanji would be whining, “are we theeeeerrreee yet?” and we’d all be wanting to kill him.”
Sex twitched, “Please don’t do that again.”
“Don’t… annoy the… driver,” Trouble murmured, barely audible except for Din or those with exceptional hearing.
“Is Sabine alive? Haven’t heard a squeak,” Sex glanced in her rearview mirror.
Din grinned at Sabine sitting there beside him, curled up on Famine, “She’s too busy drooling.”
“I am not drooling,” Sabine hummed, running her hand over Famine’s leather-clad thigh.
“You would be if you were less of a lady,” the Koorime smirked.
“You’re going to be more of a lady in a moment,” Famine sideways glared, and once again silence fell over the van.
“Okay! That is two conversations Famine has killed, let’s try something else,” Sex declared, flicking on the van stereo. “Here, Madonna CD, good for Pesti back there.”
Pestilence smiled and brushed back Jenii’s hair, singing softly to him, “Who needs the sun, when the rain's so full of life? Who needs the sky, when the ground's open wide? It's here in your arms I want to be buried, you are my sanctuary,”
Jenii fought to keep his eyes open and just couldn’t manage, purring just a little as those perfect notes slid over one another. Pestilence’s voice moved under and around the one coming from seemingly all around them, wrapping it up in that beautiful voice.
“Who needs a smile, when a tear's so full of love? Who needs a home, with the stars up above. It's here in your heart I want to be carried, you are my sanctuary.”
Jenii purred more, body relaxing beyond his control. He nuzzled his way beneath the fishnet of Pesti’s “shirt” to the earthen skin, tongue moving out in little now and again licks. Somewhere near within Pestilence was the beginning of a little life, their child, just barely started by some miracle and persistence of a certain child of Calm.
“Who needs the light, with the darkness in your eyes? Who needs to sleep, with the stars in the sky? It's here in your soul I want to be married, you are my sanctuary…” Pestilence continued singing.
The songs blurred together one after another, only now and again interrupted by some broken banter from somewhere else in the van. It made the drive past by swifter, even if Jenii tensed up and bruised Pesti’s poor skin with every bump in the road.
“Here we are!” Sex suddenly cheered through the music and banter, killing the first as she shut off the engine. “Let me get the door!” she scrambled out and around the van, opening the door very carefully, “I got you-ACK”
“EEE!” Lane and Sex tumbled to the tarmac in a tangle of limbs, hair and sparkles. “I can’t move,” Lane giggled, “Ow… ow ow.”
Sex giggled, rubbing at Lane’s arms, “You fucking nut.”
“No no, I’m a lightbulb, you’re the nut,” Lane grinned.
“Hazelnut, yep!”
Bastian wriggled out from between the seats, scampering out of the van and crouched, then blinked and straightened his legs, standing up proper human-like. Jenii was out of the van a split-second behind him, Din holding back Trouble so they didn’t get run over by the spazzing demon.
Pestilence stumbled out of the van behind Jenii, skip-tripping over to the place where Jenii had finally stopped in an empty section of the parking lot. He hopped and clung to his Shadow, trying not to giggle but failing miserably. Jenii was just too cute when he was spazzing.
“You’re a silly Shadow, club is that way,” Pestilence pointed.
“Hn, we can stay out here, right?”
“Came all this way to go club, now not even going to come inside?” Pesti blinked that big amethyst eye.
“Mrrr,” Jenii melted under the influence of that eye.
“I promise, will stay with you whole time, promise,” Pestilence leaned up and nuzzled Jenii’s cheek, licking along a scar.
“Ehnn, very well,” the demon sighed, fingers lacing with Pesti’s, allowing himself to be led back towards the van.
Sex smiled upside-down at them, “The others already headed inside, can catch them at the door.”
Jenii peered down at the tangle of Sex-and-Lane, “Will you two be following?”
“Mhm, soon as I get Lane moving again, and I have to wait for the sunset shift anyway. Go on kids. Pesti don’t let him blow anything up!”
“I won’t!” Pestilence giggled, skip-tripping and tugging Jenii towards the club.
“Okay you, let me… ack I’m getting my clothes dirty,” Sex wriggled out from under Lane and perched on the runningboard of the van, rubbing up Lane’s long legs.
“But you usually love getting all dirty,” the Koorime purred, attempting to wriggle despite still being numb in places.
“Mhmm, but not when the night has barely begun, and I spent lots of time to look this good.”
“Don’t need to spend any time at all and look gorgeous.”
Sex shook her head, expecting Lane to be playful or kidding, glancing up at Lane’s face. She had to pause what she was doing, struck by the absolute honesty in that expression. She eventually recovered with a smile, “Lovely Laney.”
Lane grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye, “Rub a little higher.”
The genderchanger surveyed her hands at the tops of Lane’s thighs, quirking a grin back at him. “Okay then,” she slid her hands up over his hips, torturing and slow.
“Aaahh,” the Koorime arched his back, thrusting his sensitive hips up into the touches, moaning out loud.
“Sshh, silly icicle,” Sex giggled, glancing around for someone else in that section of the parking lot.
Lane winced, but forced his legs to curl under him as he sat up, wriggling his way between Sex’s legs, sitting there on the tarmac beneath her. His hand deftly slipped up under her shirt, cupping the braless mound of soft flesh. He canted his head up, kissing at her neck.
“Hmmm, Laney… nice… but should at least get into the van and close the door,” she gasped softly, holding the back of Lane’s head without really thinking about it.
“Suddenly modest?” Lane nipped at Sex’s collarbone.
“Could get… arrested or something… out in public like this.”
“Says the personification of sex, of all Beings,” the Koorime ducked beneath the shirt entirely, nudging it up cutely with his nose until his mouth found what it was looking for.
Sex moaned and leaned back against the seat behind her, “Almost… sunset,” she panted.
“I know… love racing it.”
“Strange Koorime.”
“Mhmm,” Lane murmured, sucking expertly on that nipple.
Sex attempted to work her hand down over his stomach, towards his hips or elsewhere, she wasn’t sure, and wasn’t allowed to find out. Lane intercepted her hand and drew it out to the side, lacing their fingers together.
“Aahh, this game,” Sex didn’t attempt to dislodge the other hand from the back of Lane’s head, he’d just scold the attempt anyway.
They liked to keep things lively, tried new positions and kinks now and again, were playful almost always. However there were just some things that were standard that the Koorime kept going back to, a certain pattern he loved, especially for sunset. He worked her up quickly, tracing his fingers against hers and then over her palm in intricate patterns, manipulating those little nubs of flesh with fingers and tongue and lips
“Oohh Laney… you’re too good,” Sex arched her back, angling her legs wider, curling one around him in an attempt to draw him closer.
His hand left hers, working the closure of her pants and sliding down, fingers slipping in the hot wetness there. She arched up again, forcing herself to let him go a little so he’d have room to work. He played out all the sensitive places, awoke every nerve until they were all trembling and burning.
Sex tried to stop herself but she just couldn’t contain the cry of ecstasy, body arched up and shuddering hard. She fell back limp over the floor of the van at an odd angle, but that barely registered with her. That slender and soothing Koorime body was moving against hers, and that needed far more attention.
“Hmm… afterglowy Sex,” Lane giggled.
The genderchanger murmured an attempt at a response, failing badly. Lane was making a pun on the fact she was beginning to shift from female to male as the sun set, which left her body glowing slightly. As Sex’s body settled into its male form, those afterglow feelings of lethargy lifted away as if it had never happened, leaving Sex completely refreshed.
It was a good thing too, because Lane tugged Sex up with a playful giggle, dragging him out of the van and making him straddle his lap, kneeling there on the tarmac. Sex wrapped his arms around Lane’s shoulders and nose-nuzzled the insane Koorime.
“Think you have a sunset fetish.”
“Only with someone who so beautifully changes genders at sunset,” Lane smiled, hands working swiftly to release his aching length from his jeans.
He gripped Sex’s hips, angling him properly and easing him down. Lane’s naturally self-lubricating length slipped up into the tight passage with a little resistance that was easily worked out with a few smooth thrusts. Sex took it over from there, not even a look exchanged between them to signal it, both of them just knowing.
The Force lifted up, nearly drawing Lane all the way out before sliding back down, again and again until they were both panting and moaning beyond control. Female Sex might have just had an orgasm, but male Sex definitely needed one badly at this point.
Despite the teasing Lane had put himself through, the Koorime shey training forced him to outlast his partner, that control breaking down only once Sex was reduced to an orgasmically shuddering mass in his arms. Lane leaned Sex back against the van and pushed strongly into him a few more times before coming as well, crashing his forehead down on Sex’s shoulder and staying there for a long while afterwards.
Sex didn’t complain, he needed to stay there another moment as well to collect himself. Gradually they untangled from one another, giggling and hazy, nudging and poking, but eventually cleaning each other up.
“Should get… inside,” Sex murmured, moving his lips against Lane’s.
“Do you… care… when we stopped being friends with benefits and moved to a couple-ish?”
“Hmm,” Sex turned the thought over in his head for a moment. “No, not really. It happened, probably gradually so we didn’t notice.”
“Do you care?” Sex turned the question back at him.
Lane thought about it, then smiled and shook his head, “No… it happened, that’s enough.”
“Yeah… and this is enough fooling around, come on, on your feet!” Sex hopped up, tugging Lane up.
Lane pretended to stagger, leaning heavily on Sex, “The building isn’t on fire yet, they’re fine.”
Sex giggled, “We’re supposed to prevent the fires, silly. Come on, don’t make me piggy-back you.”
“Oh but that’s so romantic,” the ice demon straightened up and started toward the club beside Sex.
“Look at that, they haven’t even got into the club yet,” the Force tugged Lane a little harder, nudging his way through the crowd, “Excuse me, thank you.”
“Took you long enough,” War shot Sex a look.
“We like to take our time,” the genderchanger stuck his tongue out back.
“Shameless,” Pestilence giggled.
“You’re one to talk. How’s your husband?” Sex peeked around to find Jenii pressed against the wall of the club.
The Force leaned up against the husband in question, hugging close to him, trying to be comforting, “Might settle down once inside, lots of people out here.”
“Yeah, or not because of the music,” Lane grinned.
“About damn time they started letting people in,” War grumbled, shoving ahead to present his fake ID to the bouncers.
“Here, let Pesti take Jenii next before he freaks out,” Sex giggled.
Jenii hesitated, then glanced out at the swarm of people closing in on the door. It only took a little tug for him to follow Pestilence. Now Jenii was taller than those bouncers at the door, but he couldn’t stop himself from hoping they’d make a show of chasing him off, would be a good excuse to just leave and perhaps even tolerate staying in that damn van the whole night.
The bouncer took Pestilence’s fake ID, raising an eyebrow first at it, then at the short, cute, and entirely too little Force, “YOU are twenty-five?”
“Yes,” Pestilence beamed easily.
The other bouncer came over and looked at the ID, then at Pestilence, “You look more like five.”
“He’s twenty-five, get with it, got a whole crowd waiting,” War snapped from just inside the club.
“And how old is he?” the bouncer nodded at Jenii, eyeing the way their hands were clasped together.
“He’s seventy-six,” War snapped that chance right up.
“War-…ren!” Pestilence protested, barely remembering to use War’s human name. He took a breath and smiled at the bouncers, “He is not, but he is definitely old enough to get into the club, right, so no problem?”
The bouncers exchanged a look, the one just shaking his head, the other looking a little disgusted. They both moved aside so Pestilence and Jenii could follow War into the club, turning their attention to Famine.
"Can I see your ID?"
Famine just stared at them, Sabine squirming nervously beside her.
“Er… sir… uh… ma’am,” he couldn’t really decided what he was talking to.
Famine switched the emotionless look to a glare, “How old do you think I am?”
".... well...." he stalled, poor Cro-Magnon sized brain attempting to come up with a response that would allow him to keep his teeth.
"Cos I'm old enough to kick your fucking pathetic asses if you don't let me in there," the blue-haired Force growled.
"Have a nice night!" both bouncers stepped out of the way.
"I won't. Thank you," Famine tugged Sabine along after her, and neither one of the bouncers found the balls to ask about the age of her companion.
War stuck his head back out, grabbing Bastian. He grinned at the bouncers, “He’s with me, c’mon Bast-man.”
“Hee, sorry nicenice War,” Bastian giggled, looking around at all the pretty flashing lights.
“Mrrr, corpse,” War glared at Pestilence and Jenii ahead of them, “I’m not going to have fun tonight-“
“Warren!” came a chorus of female voices just entering the club.
“Haha! My fan club! Come on Bast, can get us some girls.”
“Yay tail!” Bastian scampered after.
Pestilence giggled over his shoulder at them, hugging tighter to Jenii’s arm. “Such a mood-swing. Over here, tables up here away from crowds and dance floor.”
The poor Shadow demon was ducking down at every beam of light that passed near them, glancing at every strobe that flashed. Pestilence was afraid he was about to give his poor technologically repressed husband a heart attack. He led him to a fairly quiet table, Famine prowling after and settling down as a sort of guardian that would only let certain people past.
Jenii attempted to blend back into the wall, strobes still startling him. Pestilence settled on his Shadow’s thigh and stroked back over his hair, trying to settle him.
“Hn, male,” Famine grunted, arms folded over chest, eyes closed.
“Hnn,” Jenii shot back, irritated and defensive.
“All right you two, I don’t speak that,” Pestilence pouted a little.
“Me neither,” Sabine giggled.
“Hn, he’s being stupid.”
“Hnn!” the demon protested.
Pestilence giggled softly, kissing Jenii’s forehead at the top end of the scar, proceeding down along it, lingering over Jenii’s eye, “Poor Shadow, all tense.”
“Already working it, huh Pesti?” Sex flounced up onto the level with Lane in tow. “About time the damn bouncers gave up, handed them the wrong ID by accident, had to explain about my twin sister, ahem. Must be new to the club, I mean really, no one EVER cards me here.”
“Raarr huffy pisseh Sex,” Lane twined his arms around the Force.
“Do not card me! I’m known!” Sex fussed, mainly because it turned Lane on.
“Outta the way,” Din nudged past Sex, dragging Trouble to find a nice place to sit and curl up together.
“Excuse you bubble-butt!”
“Tumble-dried hair!”
“That’s a new one,” Sex giggled, leaning back against Lane. “Okay we’ve got this little section blocked off here for us, plenty of chairs.. ah! Waitress. Eee! Rox!”
“Sam!” the waitress pranced up the stairs. “Brought ya boyfriend back I see.”
“Boyfriend that you let have vodka last trip on accident when he can’t handle more than water.”
“Psh,” Rox quirked Lane a grin, standing on one hip, serving tray resting there, “can’t handle nothing can ya sweetie?”
“Nope, just white soda,” Lane offered an embarrassed smile.
“These pale ones here, look at them, don’t look very healthy, bad stomachs and all. So white sodas for those two… er… Trouble?”
“Soda… is fine,” Trouble murmured, too quiet to be heard over the music.
“Soda,” Din repeated, mouthing something else to Sex with a few hand motions Trouble couldn’t see because he was burrowed so deeply against his husband.
Sex relayed it to Rox, whispering, “Rum and coke.”
Rox giggled, “Ooh sneaky, I like. And the big guy?”
“Eh, something… really hard?” Pestilence bit his lip, pretty sure this place didn’t stock Makai liquor.
“Besides the blonde of course,” the genderchanger giggled, Rox and Lane dissolving into giggles with him.
“You want something doll? Same thing? A box of Kleenex and some lotion?” Rox couldn’t stop giggling.
“Ooh probably by the end of the night,” Sex renewed the entire wave of giggles all over again.
Pestilence felt Jenii’s hand sliding over his stomach, possessively, protectively. Pesti smiled softly and laid his hands over it, all sunshine and cheer to the giggly waitress, “Just water please.”
“And over here for the lady… wow you look out of place hon.”
Sabine blushed a little, “Yes I suppose I do, beers please.”
“Oooh the beanie is drinkin, look out Fam!” Sex jeered. “My usual for me, oh and Rox, if you see a purple haired mullet guy with another guy with orange, black and white hair, put it on my tab, kay?”
“You got it, be right back dolls,” Rox winked and bounced back down the stairs.
Sex bounced, swinging hips to the beat, “I wanna dance!”
“Good! Me too!” Lane scampered, tugging Sex along behind him.
“Hn,” Famine grunted, clearly not a sound of praise for the two more hyper members of their entourage.
“People… really enjoy this?” Jenii eyed the sea of moving bodies spread out on the dancefloor in front of them.
“Mhm!” Pestilence beamed, turning to wrap his arms around Jenii’s neck.
“And you… you enjoy this?”
“Mhm!” the Force wriggled a little, happily.
Jenii grunted impassively, staring out, that writhing movement nearly sickening. He closed his eyes before that sensation grew any worse.
“Isn’t the music nice?”
“No,” Jenii replied immediately.
Pestilence just giggled, not at all put off by his husband’s grouchy demeanor. He ran his hand over Jenii’s chest, the sheer black fabric clinging to every contour. He found himself shifting in Jenii’s lap, a blush rising across his cheeks.
“Hn, no, you shouldn’t.”
“Are just so sexy in these clothes!” Pestilence squeaked.
“Pants are heavy and constricting and the shirt conceals nothing.”
“Mhm!” Pesti beamed, utterly delighted by those facts.
Jenii opened one eye and regarded Pesti’s demeanor, sighing in defeat. “If you say they are sexy.”
“Hee, my whipped demon,” the Force put his arms around Jenii’s neck and nuzzled.
“Aww ain’t you two the cutest things?” Rox cheered, leaning over the table to pass over drinks to Din.
Jenii growled in the back of his throat, shifting back just subtly into his seat away from her. Pestilence shushed him gently and stroked back his hair. Those dark red eyes tracked the server as she pranced around.
“Here, have drink, relax,” Pesti ignored the glass of ice and just waved the bottle in front of Jenii, capturing that gaze. “Haven’t had drink in long time, right?”
“Hn,” Jenii took a long drink, and then another. Oh yes, it had been a very long time.
“Gracious, want another?” Rox was grinning at him when next he looked up.
“Yes please,” Pestilence giggled, curling up against Jenii’s chest and nuzzling.
“Spose a guy that big can really pack ‘em away.”
“And another beer,” Famine set her empty bottle down on the table.
“All right you two, no drinking matches,” Sabine shook her head.
“I’ll just be bringing you guys all sorts of goodies, how’s that?” Rox beamed and pranced away.
“Are going to run up Sex’s tab really badly,” Pestilence reached for his water, finding a distinct inability to move. He glanced back at Jenii, giggling, “Can’t I even move a little bit to reach my drink?”
Jenii raised an eyebrow, silently questioning. Pesti glanced down to where Jenii’s arms were firmly around his middle
Sabine giggled, “There’s a limit to protectiveness, Jenii, you silly, Pesti isn’t going to get hurt if you let him off your lap.”
“Klutz, very well could,” Famine grunted.
“Am not that bad,” Pesti managed to reach the bottle of water with a little bit of stretching.
“Woo drinks! Good!” Sex flounced up, flopping in a chair, Lane thudding onto his lap a second after.
“I need drink,” Lane sprawled dramatically, mouth open up at Sex.
“Are not a baby, get off me,” Sex nudged and dumped the Koorime on the floor.
“Ha, told you,” Din smirked.
“Oh go back to burrowing into Trouble’s hair… or come dance!”
“Nah, I’m fine here.”
“Come dance,” Lane whined.
“Ack, don’t do that, spoilt mama’s boy.”
“Been so long since you went out, hardly leave your bedroom anymore, can at least dance.”
“I’m content absorbing the atmosphere,” Din muttered, slouching down more in his chair as if to hide behind Trouble.
“You’re being grouchy, as bad as Jenii and Famine here!” Sex interjected. “I’ll give you an orgasm, cheer you up.”
“Bitchy,” Lane whistled.
“Fine then. Trouble, give your husband an orgasm.”
Trouble blushed, eyes going a little wider. The Koorime beneath him shifted his husband slightly, turning him a little so he could nuzzle against reddened cheek. “Can dance… if you want… I don’t… mind,” Trouble murmured.
“Really, good just spending time with you.”
“Are always… with me… must… be boring… by now.”
“Nonsense, ‘telrai, love being with you.”
“Awww, lookie that, they still think they’re on their honeymoon,” Sex cooed.
“They’ll never get over that either, and neither will Pesti and scar-ful,” Lane crawled over and sprawled in Sex’s lap.
“Famine,” the genderchanger smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Hn,” she didn’t even open her eyes.
“You should dance with Sabine.”
“Yes! You should… meep glare,” Lane scooted to hide behind Sex’s leg to avoid the Famine-glare.
Famine turned her glare out to the dance floor and the mass of writhing and bouncing bodies. “I don’t dance like that.”
“There are slow dances, we’ve seen you slow dance,” Sex persisted, with no regard to the looks he was getting. “And especially the last dance, it’s just traditional.”
“Hn?” Famine raised an eyebrow.
“You’ll see,” Sex giggled, petting Lane’s hair without really thinking about it. Then he hopped up, poking at Sabine, “She’ll dance with you hon, c’mon Lane, back to da par-tay!”
“Hee, nuts,” Sabine smiled with a touch of embarrassment.
“Haven’t yet seen any slow dancing.”
“Night is young, Famine, play lots of fast songs to get the club livened up,” Pestilence giggled. “They’ll play something slow eventually.”
“I really couldn’t care less.”
“Come now, Famine, try to relax and have fun?” the blonde suggested.
“I’m not here to have fun, I’m here to monitor males.”
“We don’t need a chap… chaper… supervisor,” Pestilence giggled again.
“Yes you do.”
“Here’s you some more beers!” Rox cut into the conversation with all liveliness and cheer. “And some more of the good stuff for you big guy.”
Jenii shrank back into his seat again until his shoulder-blades hit the wall behind him, a growl building in the back of his throat. Pesti just giggled and caressed Jenii’s face, turning his gaze to look at him.
“My poor Shadow, torturing yourself. Didn’t have to come with.”
“Hn, yes I did.”
“Have Famine and War to protect me.”
“Hnnnn,” Jenii obviously didn’t like that concept.
Pestilence petted back Jenii’s hair, “Jenii, stop being silly, War isn’t out to hurt the baby.”
Famine sideglanced at that comment.
“I know he isn’t… but he might be,” the Shadow demon sulked.
“My paranoid Shadow,” Pestilence smiled and kissed Jenii lovingly. He rested his forehead against the demon’s, purple eye gazing into those deep red orbs peering back at him.
“I’m sorry…”
“Shhh, don’t have to be,” Pesti kissed Jenii again, just a soft little kiss, just enough to hush him. “Are protective, is who you are, don’t need to apologize for that.”
“Hnn,” Jenii grunted, sliding his arms around Pesti and holding him tightly. It had been a rather emotionless grunt, so he wasn’t arguing or feeling guilty, so Pestilence didn’t ask what it meant. He let it alone, cuddling his big moody demon protector.
“There! Slow song!” Sabine hopped up, bouncing and smiling. It was as if she’d been waiting for one just to prove it to Famine, and more than a little excited at the idea of dancing with her.
Famine tilted her head, eyes darting out to the sea of bodies on the dance floor. Some of them left it, returning to dark-enshrouded tables, but some remained, holding together two-by-two and swaying as the gaudy lights dimmed. Her eyes flickered back to Sabine, still standing there, patiently, but expectantly. She was expected to get up, take Sabine out there, and mimic what those humans were doing – she just couldn’t get herself to move.
“Please?” Sabine blinked those bright blue eyes, a flash of blue shimmer streaked on her eyelids highlighting the colour. She’d stopped bouncing. Songs were only so long and the more Famine stalled the less dance there would be, if there was any dancing at all.
Sabine smiled then, slipping back onto Famine’s lap, winding her arms around those strong shoulders. Her delicate little nose pressed against Famine’s cheek, nuzzling a moment before kissing softly.
“Okay, can watch this one and learn, will be another one.”
Famine had a moment’s expression of confusion, but it passed quickly. Sabine wasn’t upset, so all was well – at least this time.
Jenii sat up straight suddenly, only his strong grip around Pestilence keeping the Force from tumbling off his lap. Famine had heard it too, of course, but she wasn’t going to be bothered by it.
“What is it?” Pestilence blinked, finding himself being pushed off Jenii’s lap.
Jenii’s sharp eyes scanned the odd lighting of the club, finding the source of the noise. “Bastian, he’s upset.”
“Fool cat makes a noise like that surrounded by humans… hn,” Famine grunted.
“I’ll be right back,” Jenii prowled off swiftly.
Pestilence slowly sat back down into the chair, watching Jenii move off through the crowd. It wasn’t very difficult to see someone that large, even in the dark. Pesti glanced further off into the club, seeing a disturbance in the crowd. There was a flash of colourful hair, and then the door to the club moved, and then again as Jenii followed the cat demon outside.
“What happened?” the blonde glanced at Famine.
Famine shrugged, drinking her beer. Her eyes were scanning elsewhere, picking War out of the crowd. The purple-haired Force wasn’t very far away, actually, chatting it up with a group of scantily clad girls. His brown eyes met Famine’s red ones, locked for a moment as if exchanging information.
War turned and regarded the door to the club. Jenii had already headed off in that direction, so anyone who knew War would know he was definitely not going in that direction, upset Bastian or not. He gave Famine another glance and returned to his flirting.
“Hn, male,” Famine crushed her can.
Pestilence shifted in his seat, sipping at his water. He felt eyes upon him, had ever since Jenii had left. He wasn’t sure if the guy had been watching him before, but since Jenii had gone the human was openly staring at him. Perhaps he was just being a touch paranoid, but he was fairly certain the guy was watching him. Not that he was scared, it was just unnerving. All right, perhaps it was frightening to think about what would happen to the human should War or Jenii notice.
Pesti’s suspicions were confirmed. The human left his place and swaggered up onto the level of their tables, grinning widely. His hazy eyes regarded Sabine, lips pursing in approval as he looked her up and down.
Sabine shifted much like Pestilence had done, not comfortable being eyed like that. Famine moved subtly, catching the male’s attention. The glare he met with should have sent him running, would have killed him in a world where looks could kill, but alcohol had obviously numbed his senses. Even so, he abandoned questing after Sabine and staggered on, leering over Pestilence.
“Hey pretty thing, don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Because you are bothering me?”
“Just came over for a chat, see if you’d like to spend time with me, might enjoy it more.”
“I’m here with someone,” Pestilence fidgeted his hands together on the table, as if displaying his wedding bands.
“Yep, are here with me now,” the guy turned a chair around and sat in it backwards, grinning at Pestilence.
“I didn’t invite you to sit down, that place is taken by one of my friends.”
“Yeah, me, I’m your new best friend.”
Pestilence’s stomach twitched slightly at the stale breath that wafted over to him. Normally things like that didn’t bother him, his best friend was War after all, so that was a little strange.
“Take the hint, fucker, and shove off,” Famine growled.
“Doubt pretty here is part of your harem, dyke.”
Famine growled in the back of her throat, tensing as if to stand up. Sabine held on tighter, though, keeping her from doing so – for now.
“Just ignore him, he’s drunk. No fighting, please?” Sabine pleaded.
War by this time had noticed the guy, excusing himself from his fangirls and trotting over. His long legs skipped the few steps up the landing easily, with some sort of lanky grace caught between awkward and beautiful. His hand clamped down on the drunk’s shoulder, as if being cordial, but far tighter and more sinister than that, if one cared to notice the subtle difference.
“Hey buddy, you’re in my chair.”
“Doesn’t have your name on it,” the drunk retorted.
“Is that really the best come back you can think of? Honestly, fuckers these days have gotten so un-savvy.”
War clenched his hand into the guy’s shirt and jerked, hard. The human was fairly large, but he came right up out of that chair, hauled easily onto his feet by the Horseman.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” the human roared.
“I said, that’s my seat. And my friend asked you to let him alone, so you’re going to let him alone,” War’s tone was dangerously level compared to the guy’s bellowing.
“You’re going to take your fucking hands off me! Can do whatever the fuck I want!”
“Not when it concerns my main man there,” War nodded to Pestilence.
The scene was drawing attention, there were murmurings of a fight brewing, as if those nearby wanted to see some punches thrown. War seemed about to throw those punches, glaring strongly at the drunk. The human wasn’t backing down either.
Sex scampered up the stairs, nudging War strongly to get his attention, “Hey Warren,” he stressed the name, “This is my favourite club, I’m well known and it’s a nice place. Don’t go causing trouble.”
War glanced over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at the genderchanger, “I didn’t start this.”
“So don’t finish it.”
War returned his attention to the drunk in front of them, “Listen pal, my main man here has told you to piss off. I’ve told you to piss off. I suggest you just go now, before you say something you regret.”
“What’s the matter? Little ugly trannie there gone and told you not to play?”
Sex could ignore him, he was drunk, no big deal. War about the murder the guy was a big deal.
The drunk continued ranting, “I can’t believe they let this group in here! Fucking transvestites, bull dyke over there and the little black-trash whore!”
One moment the human was standing there, and then the next he was crashing through the tables behind him. War shook out his fist, stepping over the crushed remains of table to the floored drunk.
“Oh shit!” Sex exclaimed, glancing around for any bouncers.
War stepped on the drunk’s chest, reaching down and grabbing the neck of his shirt, pulling up as much as he could. He brought his free hand up, palm out and fingers slightly curled – the typical stance to make an energy ball.
“Don’t you dare!” Sex yelled, backtracking from going to stall the bouncers to start back towards War.
Sex was beaten there by Pestilence. The blonde calmly pulled War’s arm back a little and blinked at him, “War… ren, please don’t make any more trouble.”
War glared at his best friend with a fierce intensity in his chocolate eyes, “This fucktard said-”
“I know, doesn’t matter.”
War glared a moment longer. Then he took a breath, removing his foot from the man’s chest and pulling him up with ease. He shifted himself so he supported the man on his shoulder, almost a full ten seconds before the bouncers turned up.
“What’s going on here?” they demanded.
“Well, you see guys-” Sex began, before War interrupted him.
“Can you believe this guy?” War pulled a natural and easy grin, slapping the drunk on the chest almost playfully. “Not even five bevies in him and he’s falling over the furniture! Look, sorry about the mess boys, I’ll take him outside.”
The bouncers hesitated, then just nodded. More perceptive people might have noticed the man’s feet weren’t even touching the floor.
Sex sighed, “Fucking Hells, thought I was in the shit then. Thank the Gods you’ve got him around your finger.”
Pestilence just smiled a little and returned to his seat, watching as the bouncers followed War the way Jenii and Bastian had gone.
“Really guys, I got it from here!” War grinned at the bouncers, carrying the guy down the steps of the club. “Little fresh air will do you good, buddy!” he made sure his voice carried back, keeping up the façade.
He glanced over his shoulder, hauling the drunk around the side of the club where no one could see. There he unceremoniously dropped the human and kicked him, hard.
“Son of a fucking bitch! How dare you!” War clenched his teeth, hands fisting tightly, ready to take over the moment the urge to kick the shit out of the fucker subsided.
The drunk rolled away, coughing, arm over what were no doubt several broken ribs. He staggered up and barreled toward War, slamming into him with his shoulder. War didn’t even bother to move, clasping his hands together and slamming his elbows down onto the guy’s back. And then again, with enough force to send the human sprawling to the tarmac.
“Should haul your worthless ass back in there and make you apologize!” he crouched down and started pummeling away with his fists.
The drunk put his arms up over his face as he attempted to roll away, unable to do much else against War’s fury.
“You don’t-”
War punched, a precise hit that would leave him sightless in that eye.
A few teeth were knocked loose, skittering across the tarmac.
“-to breathe-”
Blood sprayed from the guy’s nose.
“-the same air-”
A jawbone shattered.
“-as him!”
The drunk’s head cracked back against the tarmac, blood seeping out from under there. War wasn’t sure how the guy was still conscious, but he was, barely.
Suddenly, arms wrapped around War, stopping him from grabbing the guy’s shirt again.
“Nicenice War!” Bastian’s telltale wail.
“Let me go, Bast-man,” War seethed, glaring at the guy.
“Nono! Lookie, all bleedy ouchie hurted scared already, let go!” Bastian pleaded, clinging tightly.
The drunk found his senses enough to scramble backwards, staggering up and fleeing as fast as he could with blood-obscured vision.
“Hurted enough!” Bastian put himself into War’s line of sight, those odd eyes rimmed with tears and red as if he’d been crying already. “Hurted enough…”
“Yeah… yeah okay, hurt him enough,” War forced himself to calm down.
Bastian nosed up under War’s jaw, like any needy cat might, “No more… is enough…”
War closed his eyes, gradually winding his arms around the clinging cat demon. “Right… ya right Bast-man. Now, why are you out here all upset?”
The nekojin blinked those impossibly big eyes pitifully, “Female called me retarded… means stupid right? Said was retarded and ugly… know head don’t work right anymore…”
“For now,” War assured him, “only for now, you’re getting it back.”
“Get it back,” Bastian laid his head on War’s chest.
“That’s right. You spend lots of time chasing that tail?”
“Yeah huh, all night… thought was gonna catch too, guess didn’t answer something right… something.”
“Ah, with females could be anything, no big deal.”
“Nicenice War had lots tail were chasing.”
“Hmm, maybe, don’t recall,” War slid his hand down Bastian’s spine, stopping when Bastian’s body shuddered, when his middle finger rubbed the place Bastian’s tail usually was. Vaguely like Pestilence’s sensitive small of the back, but War quickly chased that thought from his mind.
“Ahhh… nice,” Bastian purred, arching his back into the touch.
“Have to be frustrated, all that time, can put you at ease,” War firmly rubbed at that spot.
Bastian gripped at War’s shoulders, arching more, breath already quickening. The cat demon was so easy to get worked up, frustrated or not.
War urged Bastian back until the nekojin met a wall, pinning him there. The cat demon mewled and arched his hips forward, encouraging War to keep working at his back. War grinned, moving his other hand to assist the first, driving the poor nekojin mad.
Bastian writhed, curling his leg around War’s hip. His excitement was more than evident already, straining against his tight jeans. War couldn’t stand to see him suffer like that, abandoning his work to relieve his friend of the garment. He curled his fingers around the cat demon’s arousal, smirking.
“You are too easy, Bast-man,” War gave the length several thorough strokes.
“War,” Bastian stretched out the word, wriggling slowly, “Nice nice War,” he purred, each word drawn out in begging.
“What? What do ya want?” the Force smirked, as if he didn’t know.
“Mew, War,” the cat demon protested the teasing, hands fumbling against War, nails scratching at the Force’s clothing.
“All right, Bast-man, don’t need to get so worked up,” War slicked two fingers of his free hand, sliding it up under the cat demon.
Bastian cried out as the fingers pierced into him, gripping and kneading at War’s shoulders like a kitten softening up a place to sleep. Braced between his shoulders against the wall and his legs around War, Bastian arched his back, moving with the pushes of War’s fingers.
“War,” the nekojin mewled again, desperately begging.
“All right, all right, nag nag nag,” War removed his fingers, making sure to take his time undoing his pants.
Bastian had to try and be helpful of course, hands getting in War’s way. The Force just smirked and let him, it just drew it out a moment longer, tormenting the poor nekojin that much more. Bastian was already mewing those cute little begging noises between ragged breaths, odd eyes blinking pitifully.
“Get you all settled out, then I’ve got some tails we are guaranteed to catch.”
“Guar… anteed?” Bastian tilted his head slightly.
“Mhmm, but I need your help catching them. After all, triplets is a bit much for one Force, even one as good as me.”
“Oooh… three,” the cat demon purred, arching his hips up as War teased his length against him.
“Yep, three exactly alike lovely females, although underaged, but shh, don’t tell anyone that,” War grinned, pushing inside the desperate nekojin.
Bastian gripped harder at his shoulders, arching wildly. War gripped those squirming hips, pushing him harder back against the wall, pinning him there as he worked all the way inside him.
The Force took up a gradually increasing rhythm, moving just a little faster and a little harder with each thrust. Bastian writhed and mewled, so quickly desperate for release, begging War to finish him off.
War braced one hand against the wall, pounding into the hot little cat demon, grunting with each strong thrust. Bastian’s legs tightened around him, the cat demon arching hard, crying out loudly. War didn’t bother to silence him, they were outside a club where the walls were thumping from the music and besides, what more than slightly inebriated couples didn’t sneak out for a bit of refreshing nookie when the club got really hot?
Bastian yowled louder, shuddering hard into orgasm. War finally let himself relax that little bit, succumbing to his own release. Very slowly Bastian uncurled his legs from around War, finding the ground beneath them. War kept the nekojin pinned there against the wall, just leaning there together for a long moment.
“Three tail all same?” Bastian finally blinked up at him.
War grinned, ruffling the tri-coloured hair, “Oh yeah, miracle of nature, Bast-man.”
“Really need me?”
“Oh yeah, definitely need you. Better get cleaned up and back to it, huh?” War straightened his friend up first, then himself.
Bastian leaned up, canting his cheek against War’s, “Nicenice War.”
“Yeah, whatever you say, Bast-man,” War ruffled Bastian’s hair again, finding it just a bit odd he wasn’t rubbing a fuzzy ear with that movement, but shrugging it off. “Let’s get back inside, huh?”
“Yes yes!” Bastian hopped, scampering back toward the club.
War shook his head, swaggering after. He eyed the parking lot, spying the car he’d thought he’d seen earlier. The triplets were definitely inside the club somewhere, and they wouldn’t be too hard to find since they often hung around together on or near the dancefloor. He grabbed hold of Bastian and headed in that direction, deviating towards Pestilence at the last moment.
“Got your corpse back I see.”
“Finally got your end away I see,” Pestilence retorted, curling up more against Jenii’s chest.
“For the first time, only the first time, we’re hunting tails.”
“Three tails! All the same!” Bastian wriggled happily.
“All the same… War, are you-“
“Definitely not, Sunshine,” War grinned, tugging Bastian off into the crowd. “Don’t wait up for us!”
“Weren’t going to anyway! And is my husband!” Pestilence yelled after him.
“What is he not doing?” Jenii grunted.
“Triplets, he’s chasing triplets,” Pestilence rolled his eye. He looked up at a slow song, glancing at Famine. This was the fourth one, and she hadn’t yet moved.
Sabine for her part had stopped hopping up, or even wriggling in expectation. She just sat there, looking more and more despondent as the night went on. Pestilence felt sorry for her, but there really wasn’t anything he could do.
Famine noticed the look, glaring at Pestilence, “What, girl?”
“Think you’re mean.”
“Hn,” the Force went back to chugging at her beer.
“She’s sitting and drinking, what’s mean about that?” Jenii raised an eyebrow.
Pestilence pouted at him, “Should slow dance with Sabine!”
“Hey!” Sex scampered up from the dancefloor as the slow song ended, “Everyone alive?”
“Amazingly, yes,” Jenii grunted, closing his eyes.
“War came back, other guy might not have lived,” Pestilence stroked at Jenii’s hair.
Sex canted his hips as Lane’s arms slipped around him from behind, “Well, he got an orgasm, so probably more relaxed now.”
“I didn’t need to know that,” Famine grunted.
“Him and Bastian,” the genderchanger teased.
“And you, what are you pouting about?” Sex braced his hands on his knees and peered at Sabine.
“Famine won’t slow dance with her,” Pestilence stuck his tongue out at Famine.
“Famine,” Sex took up a scolding tone.
“Never going to get to get her to move,” Din muttered, nosing into Trouble’s hair, content to ignore the rest of the banter.
Trouble uttered a soft, agreeing noise, curling up more against his husband. He was quite content as well since Din wasn’t dancing or forcing him to dance – the thought alone made him blush. Even if he preferred staying where he was, all the others around them were still making him nervous.
That and his head felt strange.
“I miss the pod,” the Koorime sighed, wrapping his arms tighter around Trouble.
Trouble nodded, finishing off the last of his drink just in time for the waitress to come skipping back with refills for everyone. He shied away from her, cuddling against Din.
“Oh well, soon we’ll have our little baby girl,” Din chimed. “October isn’t that far away.”
“Not… at all,” Trouble wasn’t sure his whisper could be heard over the pounding music and loud voices, but Din would carry on either way.
“Here, have some more,” Din snagged his new drink for him, then carried on as expected, “our little blue eyed red-haired girl, daughter of our very own, my little mini-muffin.”
Trouble giggled softly as he sipped at his drink, focusing on Din’s babbling to block out the existence of everyone else nearby, then everyone else in the club, then the whole situation. There was only Din, smiling, chattering away and completely happy just to be there with him.
“She’s impossible!” Sex declared, cutting through Trouble’s self-contained world with his all new volume.
“Let’s get back to dancing, Sexie,” Lane grinned, dragging the genderchanger away.
“I feel… hot…” Trouble murmured, nibbling on the tip of his finger.
“It’s not like we won’t have- … what was that ‘telrai?” Din paused his babbling.
Trouble shifted, satisfied with that for a moment. Then the heat rose up again and he had to move, turning to face Din, straddling him, winding his arms around Din’s shoulders.
“I… feel hot…” the Force breathed, blush burning hotter across his cheeks.
“Well, you are hot, very hot,” Din couldn’t take his eyes off his husband, all talk of the pod completely gone from his mind.
“So… very hot,” Trouble panted, rocking himself in Din’s lap.
“’telrai you’re being-… oh wow,” Din gasped as a shiver played up and down his spine, Trouble’s tongue curling around his earlobe. “Hmm… yeah…”
Din set Trouble’s drink a little further aside, a little smirk on his face. A little lowering of inhibitions never hurt anyone. After all, he’d done this a few times before and the results had always been amazing.
They were back in a dark corner, mostly obscured by their table. Jenii and Pestilence were near, but not very, at the next table over. The fire demon even shifted slightly, turning away from them, no doubt picking up on the scents of arousal and wishing to avoid it.
“Please… Din…” Trouble moaned so very softly, sucking at Din’s ear.
Thoughts of everything beyond Trouble vanished from Din’s lust-hazed mind at that wonderful begging voice. There was no way he could have resisted him even if he hadn’t hoped and planned for this result.
There was just something so insanely thrilling about Trouble wanting to have sex in public, Din was already getting excited. That was perfectly fine as well, Trouble was already rubbing his own tightly confined arousal against Din’s stomach.
The Koorime turned them so that Trouble’s back faced the wall that had been beside them, not wanting anyone to see as he slowly pushed Trouble’s pants down.
Trouble squirmed with every inch of flesh that was revealed, obviously wanting to hurry Din along, but retaining some measure of his reservations. However, he did breathe rather sensuously into Din’s ear. “Yes… please… want you…”
Din couldn’t suppress the growl that rose in his throat, sliding his hands over his husband’s now exposed rear, teasing his fingers against his entrance.
“Need you…” Trouble moaned quietly, sliding down off Din’s lap, kneeling on the floor in front of him.
Before the ice demon could react, Trouble had opened his pants and had his mouth wrapped around Din’s length. All Din could do was lean back and enjoy the pleasure rippling up and down his spine, losing his hands to the softness of Trouble’s hair, surrendering to whatever his hot little husband wanted.
All too soon and not soon enough, the pleasure melted down to nothing. Trouble slid his way back up onto Din’s lap, rubbing those flushed cheeks against Din’s cool skin.
“Damn ‘telrai… you are so good at that…” Din struggled to catch his breath, hands again finding Trouble’s rear, as if of their own accord.
“And you’re… so good at…” Trouble blushed, ducking his head, not quite uninhibited enough to say something of that nature.
“Good at… this?” Din arched his hips up, rubbing his length against Trouble’s rear.
“Ahh… hmmm…” the Force arched his spine, squirming back into the attention, rocking his hips in a desperate attempt to position himself correctly for something more than just that teasing.
“You know… I’d love to just get lost inside you, but you’re just so hot like this,” Din purred.
“Please… Din…”
“Can’t help but wanna watch.”
“Need you…”
“You put on such a good show.”
Trouble strangled out a begging noise, louder than just about anything Din had ever heard from him before. A shard of exhilaration lanced through Din, forcing him to move, to arch up and drive himself up into his little husband.
“Ah… yes… yes there…” the little Force pushed himself up, letting his head fall back as he sank down again.
“You… really are… so very hot,” Din panted, trying to get control of himself.
Trouble gripped at Din’s shoulders, quick breaths releasing near-silent moans as he quickened the pace. The Koorime hushed himself, savouring every little sound. Each one was still quiet, yet ten times louder than Trouble’s usual noises. This was definitely the best part about uninhibited Trouble, the beautiful sounds he uttered.
Din lost himself in his husband, the heat tightening rhythmically around his length, the sounds of pleasure that tumbled from his lips. Even the raucous noise of the club, the pounding bass, it all faded away. All Din could hear were those wonderful noises, each one building upon the last, consuming his husband, allowing him no rest as the pleasure rose high between them.
It peaked all too quickly, shattering brilliantly and leaving the two of them trembling against one another. Din found his breaths laced with growls as he gathered his husband up into his arms, possessively, protectively, hating the thought someone else might have seen that beautiful display. And yet the thought of someone seeing had been so exhilarating before.
“Love you…” Trouble murmured, resting there, lips brushing over Din’s neck.
Din shivered, tightening his hold around his husband, “Love you more.”
“Not… possible…” the Force gave a little breathy giggle.
“Oohh yes it is,” Din finished fixing Trouble’s pants back on him. He sat there for a long moment, just enjoying holding his beautiful treasure, but then restlessness got the better of him. He shifted and fidgeted, finally pushing Trouble up onto his feet. “Let’s go dance!”
“Hmm,” Trouble melded against Din’s side, not even putting up a fight.
“Hee,” Pestilence giggled, “even Trouble’s enjoying himself.”
Jenii grunted, keeping his eyes shut.
“Could relax a little bit,” the blonde wriggled in Jenii’s lap.
“He’s had enough drinks to relax a lot!” Sabine giggled.
“And so have you!” Pestilence teased.
Sabine blinked at the beers she and Famine had drained. Granted, Famine had the majority, but Sabine had still done away with a portion herself.
“I guess I have!” she tipped her head back and finished off another one.
“You’re face is all red.”
“It usually is,” Sabine couldn’t stop herself from giggling. “But... ahem… yes, I’ve had a lot to drink. A lot. I need to use the ladies’ room.”
Sabine stumbled up, tripping over nothing, only Famine’s quick arm keeping her from falling over. The blue-haired Force moved like liquid from her seat.
“I think you need an escort.”
“Oh yes, she does,” Pestilence nodded, “All these crazy drunks in here, should protect her.”
“My Famine protects me really good,” Sabine snuggled against Famine’s side.
“Hn,” Famine grunted. She made sure her arm was secure around Sabine’s waist and led her down the stairs, pushing through the crowd, growling almost the entire way towards the restrooms.
“Umm… Famine?” Sabine tugged on her arm.
“You’re… going into the men’s…”
“And… um… nevermind!” Sabine beamed, giggling, blushing just another shade.
Famine glared at a trio of scantily clad women emerging from the opposite door, hearing an unbearable amount of giggles, powerful sense of smell picking up perfumes and other grooming chemicals and powders. Preening females. She grunted, continuing to lead Sabine into the men’s room.
Famine abandoned Sabine at the door, stalking down the row of stalls, checking each and every one of them. No preening males. She stalked back, making sure to lock the door.
“Ah, so no guy comes… in… huh?” Sabine giggled, leaning there against the door, smiling up at Famine.
“Nhnn,” the Force grunted in response, lowering her head, taking a deep breath of Sabine’s personal, very demure scent. Not overpowering like those horrible perfumes, but gentle, delicate.
“Bring me into… empty restroom… hmmm,” Sabine nearly purred, those delicate little hands sliding over Famine’s abdomen, fingers slipping along the curves of muscle.
Part of Sabine’s scent grew stronger than the other parts, one Famine knew as intimately as all the others. She made an effort, nosing into Sabine’s hair in a motion that could almost be considered affectionate.
Sabine glanced to either side, then past Famine, “Be a little… umm… awkward…”
Famine grunted, dropping down onto her knees, seeking out the source of that heated scent. Her fingers were very adept in working the closure of Sabine’s pants, pushing the garment down. Rather surprisingly, there was no second barrier of soft cotton, but Famine didn’t express any sort of surprise. She merely leaned forward, darting out her tongue.
“Oohh! Ahh… Famine…” Sabine shivered, hand seeking about for something to grab onto.
Her hand found and gripped the handle of the door. She lifted her slender leg, curling it up over Famine’s shoulder, using the Force as support. Famine held into her strongly to be certain she didn’t fall, delving her tongue deeper.
“Oh yes!” the girl cried out, biting her lip to silence herself, ashamed of her outburst.
Famine kept up with the attentions, licking and sucking in those ways she had learned had the greatest effect upon Sabine. Sabine’s body, her scent, compelled Famine, seeking to satisfy the girl who was so strangely attracted to her. She ignored the reservations, those would be gone soon enough.
“Famine… aahh… ah yes…” Sabine panted, moans climbing over one another to reach ever higher.
That slender but strong thigh tightened, conditioned by hours of riding equines each day. Famine squeezed at the muscle, subtly testing it, but also affording Sabine a little pleasure from the tough of calloused hands over silken skin. That skin was so amazingly soft.
Famine growled, canting her head slightly, capturing and sucking at Sabine’s delicate pink flesh. The girl arched harder, her muscles finding a new level of tense, moans rising into desperate cries. Famine added just a little more pressure, sending Sabine into orgasmic shudders, cries of pleasure resounding off the walls.
The Force growled, supporting the girl as he collected her senses. She nosed here and there at Sabine’s soft skin, rising back up onto her feet and holding Sabine against her. Sabine looked almost ethereal, face flushed, eyes nearly closed, leaning there against Famine and uttering quiet little sighs.
“Hn, I owe you a dance.”
“Hm?” Sabine blinked, those sky blue eyes opening, gathering some clarity. “Oh… dance.”
“I’ll give you a moment,” Famine nosed again into her hair, stepping around her and out, waiting there by the door.
She growled under her breath, it was so much louder out here it was nearly unbearable. There was a flood of females pouring out of the opposite door, all primped and smelling of various crap they’d painted themselves with over the last who the hells knew how long. The speakers were booming out the time and how much time remained until the club closed.
“Ready,” Sabine’s quiet voice was nearly lost to the crowd as she emerged, no hours of primping needed, and looking a bit more sober.
Famine wound her arm around the girl, leading her back through the multitudes, and instead this time onto the dance floor as the last slow song of the night began. She left one arm where it was, sliding around in front of Sabine, taking her hand in hers.
“I see Famine dancing!” Pestilence squeaked from somewhere that obviously wasn’t far enough away.
The blue-haired Force growled despite knowing Pestilence couldn’t hear her across the club. She maneuvered the steps of the dance further into the crowd, away from the spying blonde.
“This is the last song?” Jenii grunted.
“Mhm! Soon we’ll be able to go back home, you poor th-ee!” Pestilence squeaked as Jenii picked him up and set him on his feet, wobbling slightly.
Jenii glanced out at the crowd of swaying bodies, surveying a few of the couples. He placed his hands on Pesti’s hips, pulling the blonde close against him.
“Are you… dancing with me?” Pestilence beamed, reaching up to circle his arms as best he could around Jenii’s shoulders.
“Would be rude to come all the way here and not afford you one dance. And it is tradition, correct?”
Pestilence absolutely glowed with his happiness, “Are the sweetest man.”
The blonde laid his head against Jenii’s chest, not moving too much to spare any clumsy incidents. Jenii put his head down, nosing into Pestilence’s sweet-smelling hair. It made the song go much faster despite the embarrassment of acting like this.
“Thank you,” Pestilence stretched up onto his tip-toes to kiss his husband, clinging to his arm. “Can wait here until the crowd goes.”
Jenii flinched as intensely bright – comparatively speaking – lights came on, illuminating a very well-used club with a herd of beings all making for the door at the same time.
“Oh my gods! Look at this tab!” Sex shrieked from the other side of the dance floor.
Pestilence giggled, “Oops,” he tugged Jenii down from the higher level, easily finding the genderchanger among the few that were lingering.
“Tall dark and scarry you SO owe me for this,” Sex waggled a piece of paper at him.
“Here I got it,” Din tried to grab it.
“You have no right to spend your husband’s mon-hey!” Sex protested as Sabine snatched the paper. “It’s very rude to let the lady pay.”
Famine grunted, shrugging. “She does what she wants.”
“Right, this everyone since War and Bastian seem to have left with… certain… girls,” Sex made a face.
“Is a pervert,” Pestilence agreed with the sentiment behind the face.
“I get shotgun!” Lane giggled, scampering toward the doors of the club.
Sex shook his head, grinning, “Nut.”
“Lightbulb!” Lane shot back.
“Are we sure we don’t want to go somewhere for breakfast or something?” the genderchanger asked the group.
“No,” Famine snarled.
“Certainly not,” Jenii spoke at the same moment.
“It’s been a long night, let’s go home, okay?” Pestilence beamed, hugging Jenii’s arm. His poor demon had suffered enough.
“Din? Trouble?” Sex blinked at them.
Din nodded, “Home sounds fine, little rest… get the pod,” he smiled, hugging Trouble, rocking a little from side to side.
“I’m sure it grew so much while you were gone,” Sex stuck out his tongue at them before chasing after Lane. “And you won’t rest! You’ll have me!”
“I can have you?” Lane leaned out the window of the van, lolling his tongue as if he were a dog.
“We did that earlier, ditzy Koorime, did you forget already?” Sex cooed at him like a baby, mussing up his hair.
“Refresh my memory,” the Koorime grinned.
“When we get home,” he pecked a kiss on Lane’s cheek, sliding open the van door. “Everybody in! Again, Jenii, it won’t bite you.”
“Ehnn,” Jenii prowled back and forth a few times before finally putting his head down and slinking into the back seat with Pestilence.
“Be home soon, no more nasty club,” Pestilence cooed, petting his demon’s hair. “Not for a long time anyway.”
“Have- ehnn,” Jenii protested the sudden movement of the van, settling once they were moving at a steady rate, “have baby soon.”
“Mhmm, give you your baby you’ve been dreaming about,” the blonde smiled beautiful, continuing to pet Jenii’s hair as the demon nosed against his stomach.
“Is in there… our baby,” Jenii nuzzled, canting his cheek along Pesti’s skin.
“Want to give you your daughter, will try to give you a perfect daughter, try the best I can.”
“She’ll be beautiful, she’s yours,” Jenii nearly purred, closing his eyes and trying to block out everything else.
“Jenii? Jenii?”
“Ehn?” Jenii grunted, lifting his head.
Pestilence smiled down at him, smoothing back his hair, “We’re home.”
“Already?” Jenii’s spine protested as he turned to slink out of the van.
“The girl’s incessant banter put everyone to sleep,” Famine growled, cradling Sabine in her arms and stalking into the house.
“It did not… just everyone that could fall asleep,” Pestilence squeaked, tripping out of the van and thudding into Jenii.
Sex slid the van door shut, peering at Lane, “Well… so much for refreshing his memory. Wake up!” he tried the technique he’d just used on Din. “No sleepy in my van!”
“Huh wha?” Lane’s eyes opened wide.
“Come to bed, you dork,” Sex giggled, dragging the skinny ice demon out of the van. “Come on, walk, one foot in front of the other.”
“That goes for you too,” Pestilence nudged at Jenii with his hip, stumbling and clinging to his husband, giggling.
“I’m awake now,” Jenii shook his head, clearing the last bits of sleepiness away. “Can’t believe I could fall asleep riding in that horrible vehicle.”
“I heard that!” Sex yelled back, staggering into the house with his Koorime.
“Well I did start going on and on, I suppose, and then singing, and it’s been a long and stressful night for you, probably tired.”
“As I said, I’m quite awake,” Jenii growled, swinging Pestilence up into his arms, carrying him down the hall.
“Oohh, are you now?” the little Force squirmed a bit, as if playing at trying to get away.
“Nhnn,” Jenii held him easily, but enjoyed the wriggling. He shouldered into their room, dropping Pestilence down onto the bed. “I really must get out of these damn clothes.”
“Must you?” Pestilence sighed a very put-upon sigh, eye traveling up and down Jenii’s body.
Jenii regarded the finger Pestilence was nibbling upon, pausing in his task of undressing. He tilted his head, thinking a moment, letting the Force look him over since it was obviously turning him on. His mind hit upon something that had been bothering him.
“Would you explain something to me?” Jenii grunted.
“Hmm?” Pestilence didn’t look up from his inspection of Jenii’s body.
“What exactly was this?” Jenii attempted replicating one of the dances he’d seen War doing.
“Oooohh my… ohh…” Pestilence shivered, and not from the cold of wearing scanty clothes.
“Or was it this?” Jenii tried something slightly different. “Very odd way to move.”
Pestilence tracked Jenii’s every movement, especially those hips, those tight jeans, the way the sheer fabric was pulled taut over the curves of abdomen. A blush rose to his cheeks.
“That’s… dancing… very sexy dancing,” the Force purred.
“War dances sexy?” Jenii growled, jealousy rising.
“No, my Shadow dances sexy,” Pestilence drew out the words, reaching and snagging Jenii’s jeans, tugging him closer. “Dance more?”
“Hn,” the demon soothed his momentary anger, moving his body back into that silent music. “Like this?”
“Oh yes… like that,” the blonde nearly moaned the last word, hands sliding down his body.
“Hnn, the things I do for you,” Jenii smirked, thrusting his hips forward. He’d seen War do plenty of that.
“Wow… where’s a five pound note when I need it?” Pestilence blinked around a little, then gazed right back at Jenii. He reached out, trailing his fingers along Jenii’s back and down over his ass before the demon’s movements took him out of reach. “My man is so sexy.”
“Can I stop yet?” Jenii glanced over his shoulder at his husband, reclining as he was against the pillows. Lust would definitely make him stop soon regardless of the answer.
“Hmm… yes. Come take me, stud,” Pestilence squirmed, looking so very inviting laying there as he was.
Jenii growled, prowling over immediately, sliding up along Pestilence’s body. He nuzzled and licked at every bare inch of skin, taking his time, savouring the taste of his mate.
“Said take me, not tease me,” the Force’s tone was somewhere close to a begging moan that was attempting to be assertive and commanding.
Jenii grunted, amused, sliding his hands down Pesti’s sides and beneath the garment he wore, tossing it aside. There was more skin he had to lick, nibbling now and again, tasting every last part.
“Ahn… Jenii,” the Force panted, burying his fingers into Jenii’s hair as the demon worked over his hard sex. “Please…”
“Please what?” Jenii tried to keep the smirk off his face.
“Just come in me… come in me now…”
“You’re not even prepared yet,” the demon offered his fingers towards the strung out Force.
“Don’t care,” Pestilence moaned, taking the fingers into his mouth and sucking eagerly, as if trying to entice Jenii that way.
“I care,” Jenii growled, stealing his fingers away.
No sooner had he done that, Pestilence sat himself up, curling forward and undoing the closure of Jenii’s jeans. The demon’s length, confined so tightly as it had been in that denim, definitely gave Jenii a thrill to be freed. However, the true thrill came when Pestilence took it into his mouth, as much as he could, sucking as eagerly upon the hard flesh as he had the fingers.
Jenii growled and lustful, close to purring growl. He slid his hand down Pestilence’s bared spine that was laid out in front of him, curling his fingers and piercing into him.
Pestilence moaned, muffling around Jenii’s length, raising his ass up against that invasion. Jenii slid his other hand down Pesti’s sensitive back, purring at every moan that sounded against his flesh. He scored his nails into the Force’s dark skin, shuddering at the cry the blonde made.
“Hnn, enough,” Jenii grabbed his mate’s shoulders roughly, dragging him up.
The Force panted, gripping at Jenii to steady himself as he lowered down, tortuously slow for the both of them. Jenii growled low in his throat, pushing his hips up little by little to meet his partner until finally he was hilted within him.
“Love how you fill me,” Pesti moaned, closing his eye as he lifted all the way up and sank down again, much more quickly and smoothly this time, absolutely gliding.
The demon fought against his lust and lost badly, grabbing his husband by the hips and slamming up into him brutally. The bedside table tumbled over as Pestilence cried out, fingers digging into Jenii’s skin.
“Oh yes! Yes… ooh Jenii… more!”
Jenii withdrew, slamming up again, then again, finding a fierce rhythm that built quickly.
“Ahn… I’m so close…” Pestilence moaned, biting down on his lip.
Suddenly the Force found himself empty, thrown down upon the bed and turned over. However, he wasn’t empty for long, Jenii bearing down atop him and slamming into him again. Pestilence didn’t have time to react, rushing to get hold of the bed to brace himself between the powerful thrusts.
Finally he gripped at the bed, throwing his hips up and back, shuddering with each blow he received, “Ah! Ahh yes! Yes!”
The words, few as they were, dissolved into loud cries, each one louder than the one before, each one thrilling Jenii and pushing him closer to that edge.
Pestilence shuddered into orgasm, all sounds caught in his throat, throwing the room into silence a moment before the shockwave brought everything crashing down. The chaos around them gave Jenii that little bit he needed, collapsing into his own release.
Jenii listened to their panting for a long while, their racing heartbeats. Finally he fought through the lethargy to shift onto his side, gathering Pestilence against him. The little Force nuzzled, then blinked at Jenii’s chest.
“Are still wearing the shirt…” Pestilence giggled breathlessly.
“Nhnn, since you like it.”
“That is so hot,” the Force purred, nuzzling and snuggling into the crook of Jenii’s arm.
“You are hot, been waiting all night for that.”
“Sorry you had to wait my Shadow,” Pestilence sighed such a beautifully content noise, basking in the afterglow, secure in Jenii’s embrace.
“Hn,” Jenii smiled, nuzzling into Pesti’s hair and closing his eyes, “It was worth it.”
“Even the van ride?” the Force asked after a long moment.
Jenii had to drag himself up slightly, having drifted down towards sleep. Honestly, he could only vaguely recall the ride in that horrible vehicle, much preferring the memories of Pestilence’s scent, the sound of that beautiful voice, the feel of his skin. Those things were surrounding him right now, a perfect mix of everything Pestilence, everything he loved absolutely.
“Even the van ride,” Jenii purred, settling completely into that perfection.