FishBowl II
Friday November 21st - Din's birthday
Yaoi smut warning
Trouble and Sex are copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
“Hey what are you doing!? I said stay in the back!” Sex yelled at Din invading the front seat.
Lane squeaked as Din sat on him, turning the rearview mirror, “I’m just fixing my makeup since you wouldn’t let me do it at home.”
“You were taking too bloody long getting dressed,” Sex snapped back. “Back to your husband, go on! Back to the pit from whence you came!”
“And off me!” Lane shoved at the skirt-wearing Koorime.
Din snickered and stumbled back past Tanji, curling back up near enough on Trouble. He couldn’t keep his hands off those hot leather pants, made even hotter by his little husband filling them out so nicely.
“Makeup… was fine… anyway,” Trouble hooked one leg around Din’s so he could fit closer.
Trouble had had just a bit of wine to drink, which didn’t get him drunk per say, but well lowered his inhibitions and shyness. Din wasn’t too keen on the idea of Trouble having his inhibitions lowered when going out to a public place, but he couldn’t really complain either, even if his back was protesting the amount of lovemaking they’d done the night and morning before because of a “bit of wine”. He also couldn’t complain because of the little attentions Trouble was giving him.
Tanji reached over and slapped Din’s hand from going to waist of Trouble’s pants, as if sensing the intent to remove, “No, clothes stay on.”
“Mrr, wasn’t gonna.”
“Yeaaaah right,” Tanji drawled, slouching back into his seat and watching the scenery go by.
“Hey Sex, where we going?”
“You’ll like it,” Sex called back.
“…not what I asked. Where we going?”
“It’s a birthday surprise.”
“I hate surprises.”
“You like your outfit?”
“Then you don’t hate all surprises, nyah.”
Din sulked. He did indeed like the outfit Sex had gotten him for his birthday. The skirt was short, tight and simple, and the shirt was… hard to define at best. The sleeves were a lovely, if strange, design, and it showed more stomach and chest than it covered. It had pants to go with the set in lieu of the skirt, but Din had pushed and gotten his way with his choice of clothing this evening.
Besides that, skirts were easier to work around.
Trouble was making this apparent, having already worked his hand up under the fabric, caressing Din’s thigh, teasing now and again at the edge of the panties underneath.
“Don’t think Trouble hates this one either,” Din smirked, shifting to give Trouble better access.
Sex adjusted the rearview mirror, “Hey! No having me in my van!”
“Yeah sure Sexie,” Din nuzzled against Trouble’s cheek, not having to fight against his hair since Sex had fastened it back.
“Clubs are only open so late, can fornicate all ya want afterwards,” Tanji gave them evil sideways glances. “Are we there yet?”
“Don’t start that,” Sex threw a glare back at him.
“Damael was really upset he couldn’t come out with us… should find a way to get him out or something, not fair to him,” Din tried desperately to get his mind off Trouble, attempting conversation instead.
“Not really much we can do, he gotta be able to look more human than he can. And near havin that baby, he’ll be busy with that anyway,” Tanji shrugged.
“Wish he would’ve had the baby today,” Din pouted.
“You really are more interested in kids lately, Dinner,” Sex giggled.
“Am not,” Din muttered, giving up on conversation. Trouble’s little licks and kisses against his neck were just too much to ignore. He nuzzled and kissed back at what flesh he could, arching his hips up to Trouble’s caresses.
“Tsk, Sexie, think you created a monster with drunk Trouble,” Lane giggled.
“Can I come up there with you guys?” Tanji covered his eyes from the view beside him.
“Just goes to show how much Trouble really wants Dinner,” Sex beamed. “Is a good thing.”
“Are we there yet?”
“I said don’t start that.”
It’s what he really feels, without inhibitions… this is what he really wants to show but usually can’t… it’s not a bad thing Din tried to rationalize to himself.
He really hated the idea of chemical intervention, that Trouble might not be in complete control of himself. Then again, this was a chance to see what Trouble really felt, why was he still so apprehensive about it?
“Didn’t you kids get enough of that last night?” Lane giggled, turned about in his seat to watch them.
“And this morning… and no,” Din reminded, growling a bit because it was Lane teasing and it reminded him he’d lost the bet.
The bet had been for Din to not engage in any sexual activities until his birthday, if he won Lane would have taught him how to drive. Din was a notoriously bad driver, and so Sex had made sure Lane won by getting Trouble just this little bit drunk, and consequentially all over him. And there was no resisting Trouble for Din, none at all, all willpower promptly went out the window to the next country concerning his sexy little husband.
“Are we there yet?”
“Tanji!” Sex fumed.
Din could barely hear the banter. How strange, yelled banter had faded to whispers, and the near-silent words and gasps and moans of Trouble exploded in his ears as loud as anything. Trouble wasn’t anywhere near vocal enough when drunk to be considered loud, but just a little bit more than usual, and that was enough to drive Din wild.
“I hope you realize I’m dragging you into that club even with a hard-on!” Sex glared back in the rearview mirror.
“Try being back here with them, are we there yet?”
“Tanji Hisaki! I’m going to take you home and have Death give you all the birthday spankings instead of Din!”
“Oooh promises promises.”
“Is there any way to threaten you that works?”
“Leave me back here with these two,” Tanji rolled his eyes, thumping his head against the window.
“Is this it?” Lane perked up.
“This is it,” Sex pulled the van into a parking space. Tanji and Lane were already tumbling out of the van excitedly.
Din pushed Trouble off him, slammed the side door shut behind Tanji, darted and pushed Sex out of the van and shut and locked the door. He grinned at Sex through the window, “See ya inside in about ten… twenty minutes.”
“Din Tejin you open this door right now!” Sex jerked on the handle.
“Happy birthday to me,” Din sang, killing the van engine and taking the keys from the ignition, jangling them in front of the window. “This is part of getting you back for losing the bet.”
“Oooh! Evil Koorime!” Sex glared. “Ten minutes, you’d better not get my van dirty! And don’t you DARE try and drive anywhere!”
Din smirked as he watched his three companions head into the club, or actually Lane and Tanji dragging Sex inside, satisfied they were gone before crawling back to Trouble. He knelt there in front of his husband on the seat, wrapping his arms around his waist and nuzzling against his belly.
“Ten minutes?” Trouble giggled breathlessly, gasping and arching up into the attention to his sensitive stomach.
“We can do a lot in ten minutes,” Din nudged under the fabric of Trouble’s shirt and kissed over the soft skin.
Trouble buried his hands in Din’s hair, arching his back even more and moaning, still quiet, but far more than normal. His whole little body radiated heat and excitement. Din had to admit he was about ready to explode himself from all the wanting.
“This is how much you really want me? Really?” Din still couldn’t believe it, had to ask.
“Always… want you… always… get me so… hot… like this,” Trouble gasped, scooting toward the edge of the seat in discrete little movements.
Din hummed a pleased noise at that response, undoing Trouble’s pants and pulling him forward the rest of the way from the seat, shoving his pants down as he did so. He leaned back, Trouble cradled in his lap, Trouble’s hard length pressed hot and heavy between them.
“This hot huh?” Din enclosed his hand around the excitement, thumbing the head.
Trouble let his head fall back, moaning and flushing beautifully. “Please Din… need you…”
“Need you too baby,” Din lifted him just enough to tug his skirt up and unclasp his panties, which were thankfully the ones that could be unhooked at the straps.
When he let Trouble settle back down he arched up, so easily finding the exact position, fitting so perfectly together as they always did. Trouble gripped his shoulders, breathing hot air on his neck as Din’s length moved up into him, filling him so wonderfully he nearly came right there.
Trouble helped the rhythm, matching the pace Din set, meeting him halfway. He lifted his head just slightly, playing his lips against Din’s ear.
“Aahhnn, ‘telrai… gods,” Din gasped, arching up a little harder.
“Need this… completion… together,” Trouble gasped, every thrust hitting just that precise place inside him that made shudder build upon shudder.
“Perfect together,” Din put his head down against Trouble’s shoulder, managing to quiet himself to drink in all those little moans and whimpers that were so rare he didn’t want to miss even one of them.
No doubt it was those little noises that pushed Din to orgasm so very quickly, much more quickly than he usually did, wrapping his arms tightly around Trouble and failing to ward off the wash of pleasure. However this was secondary to knowing his little husband had dissolved into orgasmic shudders as well.
Din collapsed backwards with a laugh, Trouble giggling as he tumbled along with him. They dusted one another with quick, teasing kisses, neither one able to catch the others’ lips. Din finally pushed Trouble back up, making sure he was clean of all evidence of their lovemaking before fixing his clothes back up. Trouble tried and failed miserably to reclasp Din’s panties until finally Din laid back and did it himself.
“Strange… garment,” Trouble murmured.
Din kissed him lovingly, “Don’t start with the dissing of the panties. Come on, been ten minutes, better get inside.”
Din straightened the skirt back out, making sure his hair and make-up were perfect, as any good transvestite had to do, taking Trouble’s hand and hopping out of the van to make their way into the club. It wasn’t hard to find the others, Lane’s hair was unmistakable in the low light.
“Here go,” Din tossed the keys to Sex. “Took him a spin around the block.”
“…Trouble or my van?” Sex raised an eyebrow at him.
“What are you worried about, I fully lubed the engine.”
Trouble would have blushed had he not already been, and not to mention the haze of alcohol. Din managed to find a chair that wasn’t taken and plopped down, Trouble in his lap of course.
“Hey you want separate chairs I’m gonna go dance,” Tanji offered.
Din cuddled Trouble against him, smirking, “Say what?”
“… nevermind,” Tanji sang and scampered off to the dancefloor.
“Hehe,” Din snickered, glancing up at the server who appeared.
“Hi Sam!” the server cheered.
Din wasn’t immediately with it until Sex replied, “Hey Rox, my usual, some waters, a couple white sodas and… what’s Tanji drink again?”
“He gets… ummm, cinnamon something…”
“Well damn him for running off before we ordered, something cinnamon Rox,” Sex laughed.
The server giggled, “How about cinnamon schnapps?”
“That’s it,” Din nodded, “in a bottle, he likes bottles.”
Sex and Lane burst out laughing, confusing the poor Rox into wandering away to get their drinks.
Din smirked, nuzzling Trouble as the Force wriggled against him, mouth playing little motions against his neck. Lane and Sex’s giggling had moved on into sporadic conversation between more giggles and watching Tanji. Din shook his head, sipping at one of the sodas when it came, determined not to get too sick off it, but perhaps just a little more relaxed to better enjoy this frisky treasure in his lap.
A few songs spun by, Din entirely distracted by gentle attentions working towards his ear, fixated on the expectation. He wasn’t sure how’d he handle it, however. He didn’t want to just lay him out on the table… well okay, he did, but that was beside the point.
The point was he couldn’t, or rather shouldn’t. At this point it was the usual that Trouble was the one stalling Din’s advances, not the other way around, and it was really creeping Din out.
“Hey I’m gonna go dance, I like this song,” Lane’s voice broke into Din’s thoughts.
“Yeah me too!” Sex hopped up after him.
Din wriggled under Trouble, managing to squirm enough to dislodge the attentions for a split second, “I’m gonna go dance too, okay ‘telrai?” He wasn’t being avoidant… no really.
Trouble blinked those wide blue eyes, “Oh… okay,” and with that he found himself deposited in the chair and alone at the table.
Trouble watched Din dance, easily finding him, almost instinctively. The few times he did glance away, his eyes came immediately back to Din. The movements were beautiful, often coordinated with one of the others near him, more often Tanji, likely because they knew each others moves from so much practicing, but Din could adapt to Lane or Sex’s style as well.
Now and again one of them would return for a drink, but never Din. Even Tanji who hardly never surfaced from the dancefloor emerged once, and still there was no Din.
The crowd grew more and more thick, Din harder to see through the mass of writhing bodies, until finally Trouble lost him completely. Trouble sighed, idly playing with the soda Din had been sipping at. He would have thought Din would spend more time with him than this, but it was his birthday and all, maybe he was just caught up in having fun, because he knew he wasn’t fun.
“Hey there cutie,” a gruff voice broke into his thoughts, a large man dragging a chair over and thudding down beside him. “What’s a pretty boy like you doing all alone here?”
Trouble blushed and tried to duck his head to hide under his hair, unfortunately it was tied back. He splayed his left hand on the table, pretending to be playing with condensation there, clearly displaying his wedding band in the hopes the guy would get the hint.
“Aahhh a shy one then? I like the shy ones,” he leaned in close, voice dropping suggestively.
Trouble fidgeted, very easily sliding to the next chair over away from the guy, trying to be discrete and non-offensive.
“Oh come on pretty boy, no need to run away, I won’t hurt you… unless you want me to.”
The little Force stiffened, memories flooding back even through the haze of alcohol. No amount of drinking could wash away feelings that strong. He had to get away from this guy, had to find Din. Din was his saviour, he would protect him. Even if Din was somewhere in that crowd of people, Trouble had to find him.
Trouble stood up, taking only two steps before he was jerked back. He blinked wide blue eyes at the guy’s meaty hand enclosing his wrist.
“Come on little boy, I can do things to you that you never dreamed possible.”
Trouble dug his heels into the floor, the tension on his arm trying to draw him toward this stranger’s bulk, feeling the tears springing up in his eyes. He had to get to Din, he was starting to panic, trembling all over.
“Tears? Well… I like the ones who cry too, we can make it work.”
“No you fucking can’t,” Din appeared from nowhere, snarling, grabbing the guy’s wrist and twisting it at an absurd angle until he let go of Trouble’s wrist. “That’s MY husband,” Din glared.
The guy broke the hold Din had on his arm, drawing back his fists as if to punch. Din wasn’t intimidated, he didn’t back off. Probably not expecting that, the guy was set off-balance, recovering with a verbal punch instead.
“Well Mrs. Shy-Boy, I didn’t want your ugly little slut anyway.”
Din growled deep in his throat, damn near tackling the guy before he was drug backwards by Sex and Tanji.
“Din no fighting!” Sex pleaded.
“Let it go, he’s just a jerk-off,” Tanji tightened his hold.
Din wriggled loose anyway, swinging and punching hard. The guy tumbled backwards, clattering a table and several chairs over. Din delivered several swift kicks into his side, sending him sprawling further.
“Din!” Trouble pleaded, trembling in Lane’s arms.
Sex turned and held his hands out to the approaching security, “Whoa whoa, it’s okay guys! It’s me Sam, he’s my friend, we’ll calm him down I promise.”
Tanji scampered after the brawl, wrapping his arms around Din and locking his hands together, pulling Din back from being able to kick.
“What’s going on here?!”
“Oh Mac~” Sex cooed, “this guy here was assaulting my friend,” he motioned to Trouble, crying there in Lane’s arms, “Din was just trying to protect him.”
“No fighting in my club, Sam, you know that.”
“I know, but come on,” Sex stepped a little closer and whispered, “they’re married, and he’s over-protective… oh! And this is the one I called you about.”
“Ah… him,” the Mac fellow eyed Din, settling gradually as he was restrained by Tanji. He waved his arm toward the assailant, still down on the floor, “Get him out of here. I’m letting you off, consider it a birthday present.”
“Oh thank you Mac,” Sex beamed. “And about the surprise?”
“Give him some time to get cleaned up, the DJ will announce it.”
“Announce what?” Tanji blinked at the retreating Mac, then over at Sex.
Sex calmly righted the table and chairs, “Well… I arranged a little… ummm… mic time for the two of you.”
Din exhaled a great deal of the rage, managing to find something coherent in that mess of adrenaline and emotion, “Sexie…”
Sex smiled, “Happy birthday Dinnerplate. Mac said three songs, but you never know, crowd could want more if you do really good. So settle down, get yourself fixed up and, well, do what you love to do!”
Tanji set Din down in a chair, bouncing to hug Sex. Trouble scampered over to Din, perching on his lap and hugging him, streaking tears against Din’s neck.
“Hey baby it’s okay… sorry about that jerk, that I wasn’t-“
“It’s… okay,” Trouble kissed him silent, then pulled back and arranged Din’s hair that had escaped from the braiding. “Going… to sing… live… uh… performance.”
“I’ll be singing to you, no matter what… always sing to you,” Din tilted his face up for a make-up retouching, smiling lovingly.
“You gonna wanna sing that love song, aren’t you?” Tanji scowled at him.
“Not the Koorime one, the one in human, I know, and yes.”
“Okay, then we do one I wrote, and then a cover of something really popular to really grab them.”
“Tanji the strategic song arranger,” Din snickered.
“I arrange like I fight,” Tanji shrugged.
“And fuck.”
Din cackled, looking at the cleared off table and sulking a bit because all the drinks had been knocked over and spilled on the floor. “Sexie, find the waitress bimbo.”
“Rox is not a bimbo, be nice Dinner,” Sex finished cleaning up the mess, peering off into the club and waving to someone.
Within moments their drinks were replaced, and only a minute after that the DJ announced over the music at a “guest performance”.
“That’s us, ‘telrai,” Din kissed Trouble deeply, slipping out from under him, “Be right back,” he tossed back a swallow of soda and trotted off after Tanji.
Trouble smiled a little, settling down in the chair, watching as the dance floor was gradually cleared off and made into an impromptu stage. He giggled breathily at Din flaunting around, being his usual attention whore self.
“Such a hussy… two bit skirt wearing hussy at that,” Sex huffed.
“And poor Tanji stuck up there with him,” Lane giggled.
“His own choice.”
“You’re wearing… a skirt,” Trouble remarked quietly.
Sex looked down at himself, “Oh… so I am!” he beamed, turning to watch the performance.
Trouble couldn’t help but smile as they sang. Din was singing to him, and even though Din motioned and looked at the entire crowd, now and again his eyes would find Trouble and there’d be just a little bit more of a “push” into his performance, a little more emotion. Even when he sang back-up for Tanji’s song Trouble could just feel the meaning directed at him.
Trouble jumped at the crowd suddenly coming alive, blinking around in surprise. Tanji and Din had finished the third song and everyone in the club was up on their feet clapping and screaming.
“You want some more!?” the DJ attempted to yell over the noise.
“YEAH!!” came the resounding response from the club.
“Well then you’re gonna get it!!”
The roar was deafening and it took a long time to get the crowd to settle down, but it gave Din and Tanji some time to murmur to one another, nodding, more than likely coming up with another plan of songs.
“Wow, that’s some response,” Sex leaned back, shaking his head. “They really are good.”
“Well, we knew that,” Lane giggled, nudging through the drinks, “Why is this water in such a small glass?” he shrugged and took a drink, immediately choking, dropping the glass.
“Whoa Laney,” Sex sat up straight, grabbing hold of him and patting his back, “You okay hon?”
“That…” Lane coughed, flushing bright red, “was not… water.”
Trouble bent and retrieved the glass, sniffing at it, “Vodka…”
“Shit,” Sex cuddled Lane, rubbing his back. “And you Koorime get drunk enough off just soda, that stuff will tear you up.”
Lane was really believing that at the moment, trying just to catch his breath, feeling as if he were on fire and absolutely spinning. “Okay… gonna… fall over.”
“Eee, whoa Laney,” Sex caught him, scooting back between the chairs and settling on the floor against the wall, “Easy hon, easy.”
Lane collapsed down onto the floor, head thudding in Sex’s lap, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. Sex gently tugged the white leather coat off him, alternately petting his hair and rubbing his back, cooing to him.
Lane rubbed at his eyes when most of the dizziness had passed, however long that had been he had no clue, he’d lost count of the songs that had skimmed by. He felt more than a little tipsy, slowing turning to blink up at Sex.
“Feel better?” the genderchanger asked gently.
Lane nodded a little bit, closing his eyes as Sex pushed the hair back out of his face.
“I’ll remember to scold Rox for that one.”
“It’s okay…”
“Laney hon, you’re going to get really sick.”
Lane forced himself to sit up, lounging against Sex and smiling, “I’ll be fine.”
Sex found his mouth suddenly filled with the taste of vodka and Lane’s tongue, and the vodka was definitely a sweeter taste by that medium. He accepted it, sliding his tongue against Lane’s, wrapping his arms around him.
Lane giggled a little when the kiss broke, shifting against Sex and tangling their legs together in an odd-seated position where groins met hips. Sex was amazing at how Lane made this work and work well, especially to his advantage, driving his hip against Sex with just enough force and rhythm to make Sex moan and arch up against it for more.
“Laney…” Sex tried to catch his breath, clinging to the Koorime, “you’re… drunk…”
“I do this when I’m sober too,” Lane made a soft little noise of pleasure, stroking himself against Sex as if the barriers of clothing would just vanish.
“Yes but… we’re in public.”
“Behind the tables in the shadows, no one’s watching,” the Koorime didn’t have to really say it to convince Sex, the hand working beneath Sex’s skirt was enough.
Sex let his head fall back against the wall, shivering as Lane’s mouth played over his neck. He brought his hand up to cradle Lane’s jaw, not sure himself if he was encouraging or attempting to discourage the amorous Koorime. Lane stopped his attentions to Sex’s neck, instead turning his head and nuzzling and kissing Sex’s hand.
The Force cried out, perhaps a little too loudly, unable to hold himself back as he bucked into Lane’s hand, coming hard. When he managed to settle again, he returned the favor by grasping the Koorime by the hips, arching himself against the hard knot in Lane’s jeans, ending up with an orgasmic-shuddering Lane curled up against him.
Sex lounged there, taking his time composing himself. He could peer through the tables and chairs and now and again catch a glimpse of the performance. He had no doubt Trouble had heard everything and was now blushing beyond control, but hey he felt more relaxed, no harm done.
“No, no really, this is a dance club, don’t you wanna get up and dance?” Tanji tried appealing to the crowd.
“Not lot of time left in the night, let’s go!” the DJ rescued them, turning on some really upbeat music that had everyone on the dancefloor in a minute.
Working through the crowd, it took Din and Tanji a moment to work their way back to the table.
“Phew, shit,” Din collapsed on the floor in front of Trouble, laying his head in his lap.
Trouble ran his fingers over Din’s hair, “That was… very good.”
“More workout than having me huh?” Sex giggled, “Have a drink Dinner, you’re sweating.”
“Ugh, am I?” Din forced himself to kneel up and find a glass of water to drain that Tanji hadn’t attacked already. “What are you doing on the floor Sexie?”
“Err… well Lane drank something not-water by accident and, well less far to fall down here.”
“Not water like what?”
“Vodka…” Trouble answered quietly.
“Shiaaat,” Din rubbed his head. “Oh he’ll be hella sick pretty soon.”
“Should get him some coffee, sober him up, club’s almost closed anyway.”
“Aww but I wanted to dance with ‘telrai.”
“Or fuck under a table?”
“Yeah or that.”
Tanji tugged on Din’s hair, “C’mon no more your birthday boy, better to get outta here before the crowd does.”
Din burrowed into Trouble’s lap, “No, stay, tired.”
“Yes tired, me too, so we should get going.”
“Oh go dance a few more songs, I’m going to the bathroom,” Din staggered up, taking Trouble’s hand and dragging him up too.
“So you’re taking Trouble?”
“…yes, go dance Tanji.”
Tanji nodded, “Right… spose not something you can wait until we get HOME for, like you NEVER do that there.”
Din stuck out his tongue at him, prancing away with Trouble in tow. As soon as that door was shut behind them Trouble was pressed right up against him, kissing and rubbing. Din laid his hand over the door latch, freezing it shut to be sure they weren’t interrupted.
The Koorime lifted Trouble up, setting him on the sink, kissing and sucking at his neck. “Spent… damn near all night… away from you, isn’t fair,” Din panted, nuzzling against Trouble’s cheek. “Need more of you… just isn’t a special night without time with you.”
Trouble bit his lip, kneading his little hands into Din’s shoulders, arching his hips as if seeking. Din pressed up tighter against him, encouraging Trouble’s legs to wrap around him and sliding a hand between them to rub harshly at the leather covering their joining. The little Force arched even more, stroking his quickly hardening length against Din’s caresses.
“Need… you too…” Trouble gasped, arms shaking from the exertion of being so tense and at the same time trying not to fall backwards. “Ahn… Din please… please…” he begged, wanting the barrier of leather to just go away.
“These pants are awful tight aren’t they?” Din smirked
“Yes…” Trouble closed his eyes and moaned.
“So very tight,” Din pressed harder against Trouble’s concealed excitement, eliciting the louder moan he’d been seeking for.
As a reward for that delightful sound, Din relieved Trouble of that leather barrier. Immediately when it was cast aside, Trouble was right up against him, stroking himself almost desperately.
Din wrapped his hand around the length and guided it against his stomach, other hand working himself loose from his skirt and undergarment. Trouble managed to cling tightly enough not to fall without the support.
Icy blue eyes met deep sapphire. It was nothing more than a glance really, not more than a minute long, if anywhere near that. And yet for them it stretched on for an eternity, a thousand different things rushing upon each one of them, the other able to read exactly what those thoughts were.
Din could see Trouble’s totalitarian giving of himself, the gratitude that Din could love him and accept him, the needing to belong to him. And Trouble could see in those nearly pupil-less ice blue orbs a matching need to possess, to claim him and keep him forever, to protect him, worship him, and save him, even if he didn’t deserve it.
It was perfect.
Din moved himself into Trouble, matching them together effortlessly, nearly losing his control at Trouble’s pleasured cry. Just as their thoughts fit to one another, needing to belong and the need to possess, their bodies fit as well, Din inside his Trouble, their arms wrapped around one another, entire bodies pressed close and leaving not a bit of space between them.
Nightclub bathroom, back of the van, it didn’t matter if they had each other. Time and place were irrelevant, lost somewhere to the perfection and bliss and pure love they had for each other.
Release rushed upon them both far too quickly, as it tended to do, shattering the moment in the most pleasurable way possible. It lingered a bit before slowly draining away, leaving them breathless and trembling in each others’ embrace.
They kissed lazily, caressing one another, fingers over hair, skin to skin, tongue to just a hint of sweat, lips to a gradually slowing pulse, whispered words against ears.
Trouble cuddled against Din’s chest, enjoying the sound of his breathing and heartbeat, his arms around him, echoes of sensation within him. He didn’t want to say it, but he had to, “Closing soon… should go… back to the others.”
“Just another minute,” Din nuzzled into Trouble’s hair, taking a deep breath.
“Spare me… from the last… dance anyway…”
“This was our dance,” Din adjusted his grip just a little tighter.
“Good… like this better… than… dancing out there.”
Din chuckled, forcing himself away from his lover just a bit, adjusting Trouble’s position on the sink to gently wash him.
“Ooh, so this… is why you… like sink counters?”
The Koorime thoroughly cleansed and dried him, mess and wetness wasn’t conducive to the wearing of leather, “Hmm, well, it has an advantage I’ll admit. There you are, back into these most delicious little pants… almost as much a shame to put them on as to take them off.”
Trouble giggled breathily and wrapped his arms around Din’s neck, holding on as Din lifted him from the sink. The ice demon twirled him around a little, kissing his face all over. He lifted his head at the DJ announcing the last song had finished and the club was closing.
“Damn, have to go now,” Din leaned back against Trouble as he wriggled to fix his skirt, then removing the icy lock from the door.
They lingered near the wall, Din scanning the crowd for the others, who were taking their time with leaving until the rest of the crowd filtered out. Tanji folded his arms over his chest and pissily regarded Din, “Done yet?”
“Well we coulda gone longer, but didn’t want to keep you waiting,” Din smiled back.
“So where are we going, back home?” Tanji glanced to Sex.
“I thought we could go out again, like we did last time, get some breakfast, maybe sober the tipsy ones up,” Sex giggled, trying to support Lane from falling. “I’ve got a place in mind, down by the docks.”
“Sounds great, I could go for breakfast,” Din took Trouble’s hand and led the way through what remained of the exiting crowd.
Lane was really staggering, not so much drunk anymore by the time they reached the van, but looking exceptionally ill. Sex helped him up into the seat, brushing back his hair. Sex blinked at his hand, noticing the glow there. He glanced around the parking lot, hiding a bit behind the van door as his body shifted to female form with the sunrise.
Din was leaning against the side of the van cuddling Trouble, watching the lightening sky. It wasn’t a spectacular sunrise, just a gradual lightening of grey, but there was still something about it even if it wasn’t colorfully breathtaking.
“Lovebirds, c’mon, into the van,” Sex grinned, scampering over to the driver’s side and making sure all her passengers were loaded in before heading off.
“That was an excellent time, Sexie, thank you,” Tanji slouched down in the seat.
“You’re welcome!” Sex chimed brightly. “You two really performed great, even without warning.”
“We’re spur of the moment kinda guys,” Din winked.
“Even spur of the moment about having me, I noticed!”
Din nuzzled Trouble’s blush, cuddling him tighter and watching the scenery go by. He loved it down by the docks. There was something about it that reminded him just enough of Koorime, and yet not enough for it to be painful. Certainly Koorime didn’t have this amount of water in non-frozen form, but the wind with just a bit of chill, or something, Din wasn’t entirely sure what.
Tanji opening the van door broke him out of his thoughts. The little fire demon staggered for effect and clung to the door dramatically, “I need coffee,” he drawled.
“Of course you do,” Sex ruffled his hair, reversing the process of getting Lane into the van, practically carrying the poor Koorime, “Get some for Troubs and Laney too,” she giggled.
“… Din?” Trouble’s soft little voice made Din turn, realizing he’d been staring out over the water. “Are you… okay?”
Din quirked a grin, “Yeah, of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?”
“He’s getting senile in his old age,” Tanji smirked and scampered into the restaurant.
“We don’t know him,” Sex giggled, wandering after Tanji a bit more slowly, supporting a very shaky Lane.
Din and Trouble trailed after them, standing with arms around each other until they figured out a way to sit at the booth meant for four. Tanji snagged a nearby chair and drug it to the end of the table so Din and Trouble could sit together. There was probably enough room for him on the bench seat after they’d snuggled, but he really didn’t want to.
“Need coffee, lotta coffee,” Tanji begged the waitress, taking the menu and glancing over it.
“Orange juice for me, Laney needs like half a cup of coffee with lots of ice cubes,” Sex tried to steal the menu from Tanji.
“No mine!” Tanji snarled playfully.
The waitress blinked at this apparently feral little black and fishnet clad person, discretely handing Sex a different menu, keeping a close eye on him as she passed another one over to Din.
“We need potato boats, why don’t they have… oh right Brit menu,” Tanji twitched his head, “Switching to Brit mode.”
“You have a Brit mode?” Din gave him a funny look.
“He had it pounded into him rather poshly by someone,” Sex drawled playfully.
“Annnnyway, coffee for Troubs, water for me, oh we need fries.”
“So you can have a battle again?”
“Hey you were part of that battle to,” Din narrowed his eyes at Sex.
The waitress went to retrieve drinks and give them time to decide food, or was just fleeing the insanity, returning quickly.
“Here you go Laney,” Sex added a few more ice cubes from Din’s glass of water to Lane’s cup, hugging him around the shoulders.
Lane sipped at it, wincing, “Ugh, bitter.”
“It’ll clear your head, might not help with feeling sick I’m afraid, but hopefully not that strong. Probably be hungover either way, can come crash at my place and I’ll coddle you today.”
“Aww, so sweet to me,” Lane smiled, laying his head on her shoulder.
“I want fries,” Din whined.
“Then… get fries?” Trouble blinked at him, sipping at his coffee.
“Okie, I want fries, cheesy chips annnndd curly fries, I’m hungry.”
“I’ll share those,” Lane smiled, already looking a little better.
“Here this is easier,” Sex held up the menu and pointed at the appetizer section, “We’ll have all of this.”
Tanji lifted up his own menu, “Double this and this please, thanks.”
“Er… what about main course, something from the breakfast menu?” the waitress looked completely in shock.
“Nah we’ll have battled and made a mess and left by then,” Sex beamed.
“But we’ll leave a big tip for psychologically traumatizing you,” Tanji smiled, which was probably the last straw snapping the waitress’ brain and she took that opportunity to escape again.
“Feeling better?” Sex smoothed back Lane’s hair.
Lane nodded a little, setting the coffee down and just leaning on her. “Think my head is finally clear.”
“Good, you’ve achieved more with half a cup of coffee than Din will in a lifetime.”
“Heeyy,” Din glared.
“Well it’s true,” Sex blinked innocently, running fingers through Lane’s hair comfortingly.
“Mrr,” Din grunted, sulking back into his corner pissily.
“Attack of the killer cheesy potato!” Tanji declared and launched one at Din’s head.
“Why you little… French fry of DOOM!” Din stabbed Tanji in the side.
Trouble leaned as far back in the seat as he could to avoid all this passing over him, actually trying to wriggle around and behind Din as he was sprawled across his lap to wage his war. Oh yes, the waitress was seeing what they’d meant now.
“I’m sorry you have an insane husband,” Sex gave Trouble a sympathetic look.
”Eh… Din…” Trouble attempted, but the coffee had sobered him up enough to return to his usually quiet self, who at the moment wanted to hide under his hair… or under the table. He managed to scoot a little more, getting Din to shift over him and switch him places so he could battle Tanji uninhibited.
“Oooh, bad idea having them next to each other,” Sex leaned back, sipping her orange juice and watching the fight.
Lane nibbled carefully at fries, as if testing the limits of his hungover-induced nausea. He was happily surprised to find that the food settled his stomach down. “We’re attracting attention.”
“Aahhh let ‘em look, the boys are having fun,” Sex giggled.
Trouble leaned his elbows on the table, one hand shielding his face from everyone and the entire restaurant – he hoped – and picked at the plate in front of him. He felt so very bad for the way he’d behaved all night, entirely self-conscious for the way he was dressed, and now for Din acting like this. Of course it wasn’t his place to stop Din from having fun with his friends.
“Hey hey, keep it on your side,” Sex removed something that had plastered itself to her cheek, tossing it back at the warring boys. “Trouble I see you tugging off that armwarmer, best just keep it on young Force.”
Trouble blushed and ducked his head, but had to obey. He glanced at Din thudding back against him, panting between laughing, nuzzling his hot cheek against the pleasantly cool hair.
“Wee, that was fun,” Din picked at the food, with intent to eat this time, sprawling to lay across the entire bench.
Tanji surveyed all the food that had ended up… places other than plates, “Hehe, yeah… oops we made a mess.”
“Earning their tip that way,” Sex giggled.
Trouble nuzzled his way down to Din’s ear, whispering, “Din…?”
“Hmm ‘telrai?” Din blinked back at him.
“I… uhh… if you… don’t mind… could you… walk with me… get some… uhh… air?”
“Sure honey,” Din stood up, taking Trouble’s hand and pulling him up and against his side.
“More likely find the nearest bathroom and fuck senseless,” Tanji snickered.
Trouble ducked his head against Din’s shoulder to hide, blushing madly, letting Din lead him out of the restaurant.
“Morning’s kinda cold,” Din remarked, closing his eyes as a breeze struck his face, blowing back hair that had escaped the intricate braidings.
Trouble looked at him, gazing entranced. Din was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous, standing there doing something as simple as enjoying a breeze. He looked so peaceful, so proud and elegant, the stance of one who knew he was beautiful and didn’t have to prove it, a radiating confidence. Trouble really admired that, that strength he lacked.
Then Din smiled at him, a smile brighter than any sunrise Trouble had ever witnessed in his immortal lifetime. He couldn’t help but smile timidly back. When Din smiled, some of those fears about Din leaving him were chased away. If Din was happy, then he’d stay.
“It’s… no wonder I… like to draw… and paint you… you’re beautiful,” Trouble whispered, almost quiet enough to be swept away by the wind.
“And I’m all yours,” Din began wandering in a random direction that took them nearer to the water.
“Yeah… lucky me,” Trouble cuddled against his side.
They walked out to the water, just holding one another and looking out across it. Trouble laid his head on Din’s chest, eventually turning more against him and closing his eyes. Din’s arms around him were so comforting, so wonderfully secure.
“I… have to apologize…”
“Hmm?” Din prompted gently.
“The way… I behaved tonight… it… it was… I’m sorry,” he prepared to be pushed away, maybe punished, even though there was a little voice inside him that said he wouldn’t be, that this was Din, and Din wasn’t him.
The Koorime kissed into his hair, nuzzling from his forehead down to his cheek, seeking out his lips to kiss him lovingly, “It’s all right.”
All the tension rushed out of Trouble’s little body at those words, winding his arms around Din’s shoulders and kissing him back. They smiled at one another when the need to breathe separated them.
“Happy birthday…” Trouble murmured.
“Hmm… yeah, really happy, had you with me, and I hope you’re here for all my birthdays after this one.”
Trouble giggled breathily, “Of course… I’ll be here… unless you ever… want me to go.”
“Never, never ever never,” Din wrapped his arms around Trouble’s waist and lifted him up, spinning them around.
“Eeehhh… Din,” Trouble probably would have fallen over if not for Din’s support when he was set back down, dizzy and disoriented.
“And then… never,” Din kissed the tip of his nose playfully.
“Insane… Koorime for… a husband,” Trouble nuzzled into Din’s chest, seeking shelter.
“That’s me, and forgot insatiable… rar at you in these pants,” Din wriggled suggestively.
Trouble naturally blushed, unsure if that had been Din’s main motivator for saying that or not. “Should… get back… maybe.”
“Hmm, yeah,” there was a slight plotting tone in Din’s reply, but he took Trouble’s hand and drifted lazily back toward the restaurant, so Trouble dismissed it.
Trouble realized that had been a bad dismissal the first step Din took that wasn’t heading toward the restaurant, but rather, beside it. An obscure, out of sight little niche where Din drug him, giggling and pinning him against the wall.
Din put his forehead against Trouble’s, “And did I mention… rar to these pants?”
“I… think you did…” Trouble blushed another shade, trying to ignore the hand that were working up under his shirt.
“Shame I have this insatiable urge to remove you from them,” Din’s other hand was already working on that.
Trouble bit back a noise as cool air hit flesh that had previously been concealed, a moment before Din’s hand moved over that flesh and elicited an entirely different sound. He glanced to the side, barely able to see out past the buildings that concealed them, but it was still a public place and he was still embarrassed.
He couldn’t help but moan out loud as Din pushed into him, entirely distracted from the entire pants removing process by all the pleasurable sensations. Trouble held tightly to Din even though he was held securely there against the wall, feet barely touching the ground. He brought one leg up over Din’s hip, moaning at the extreme pleasure of the shifted angle.
“That’s it… right there… that’s the spot,” Din purred, sucking at Trouble’s neck and thrilling at the shivers he was causing. “Gods baby… thousands of years of this… I could never get enough, never… poor you got that to look forward to.”
“Poor… me… ahnn,” Trouble let his head fall back as Din’s thumb encircled the head of his arousal, playing with a bead of moisture that had crowned there. “Din…”
“Morning… noon… night… wouldn’t care… want this all the time… being inside you, this deep, this hot, matched perfect, fitting together just right…”
Trouble had completely lost his voice at this point, whimpering and gasping quietly. Each of Din’s fingers was like a cold brand against his hard flesh, the contrast so stark it was pleasure bordering on pain. Din was keeping a slow, gentle pace, but the pleasure built upon itself quickly.
“Don’t want it to end…” Din breathed against Trouble’s neck.
Trouble agreed with him, and yet didn’t. His body was screaming at him for release, tense and shivering down to every nerve. He put his head down against Din’s shoulder, clinging to him desperately as the shivers built upon one another, driving him quickly to orgasm.
Din came only a moment after him, thrusting a few more times into his husband’s tense little body, letting the heat and pleasure overwhelm him as he released.
They stayed there against one another for a long while, just feeling one another resting against them. Just as the bite of cold air was starting to intrude upon the heat the activity had built up, Din began lazily fixing them back up into their clothes, caressing Trouble everywhere as he did so.
“Such a lovely little body, soft skin…”
Trouble managed to find another level of blush, ducking his head against his shoulder, nimble hands fixing Din’s skirt to distract himself from the compliment.
“I have the most wonderful husband in all the worlds in all the Realms,” Din smiled, tipping Trouble’s face up to look at him.
“You can’t…” Trouble smiled just a little.
“No?” Din tilted his head.
Trouble smiles more, “No… you can’t have… the most wonderful… husband… because I’ve got him.”
“Aww, sweetie,” Din closed the distance between them and kissed him lovingly, cradling his face in his hands. They took their time, letting the kiss linger, playing their lips against one another’s in gentle caresses.
“Too… good to… me,” Trouble breathed softly, closing his eyes and resting his head on Din’s shoulder.
Din held him tightly, drawing him back away from the wall, “Not possible, you deserve every bit of it.”
They stood in silence for a long while, neither one willing to leave the embrace. Then they both heard familiar voices from around the front of the restaurant. Din grinned and checked them both over once more, taking Trouble’s hand and leading him out of their little hideaway.
“There you are!” Sex shook her head.
“Lookie how Trouble’s blushin, toldja they were screwing,” Tanji snickered.
“Ah but Trouble always blushes, c’mon Dinner, we figure it’s time to head home, Laney needs rest and you non-Forces have to sleep sometime.”
“But sleep is so overrated. You paid already? I was going to chip in.”
“It’s your birthday, Dindin, no paying for you!” Sex scolded, helping Lane off to the van.
“Well since you insist, I won’t argue,” Din held the van door open for Trouble.
“That and you’re broke,” Tanji scampered in just after Trouble, making Din scowl and shove his way past him to get to the seat by his husband.
“Settle down back there boys, geesh, such children,” Sex giggled, making sure all her passengers were settled before pulling out and heading toward home.
“Yes we are children!” Tanji giggled, curling up in his spot and obviously trying not to yawn.
“Tired children up way past your bedtimes,” Sex reached over and petted Lane’s hair, the poor Koorime looked miserably sick.
“Bed sounds really good… was a great night though,” Tanji lost the battle with the yawn, rubbing his eyes.
“A most excellent night. So Trouble, second time out clubbing and you’re still alive,” Sex grinned back in the rearview mirror.
“Mmhmm,” Trouble responded, nuzzling and hiding against Din’s chest. All he wanted was to retreat to the safety of his room, it had been a good night, but more than enough socializing to last him years.
Din held him lovingly, nuzzling against his face, breathing in the scent of him, murmuring loving words now and again to comfort and praise him. Trouble focused on every little thing, Din’s voice, his touches, especially his heartbeat, drowning out the rest of existence to cope until they arrived at home.
Tanji drug himself from the van, barely awake, “I am so going to sleep all damn day… or not,” he snickered, “depends if someone wants me or not.”
“You’re the irresistible mortal, you’re always wanted,” Din kicked Tanji in the ass to get him to move out of the way.
“Boys, boys, be nice,” Sex gave Din a short hug, “Happy birthday Dinnerplate,” she helped Lane out of the van, “Come on you, can crash in my bed.”
“Death bed and Sex bed, and I get to go get into Trouble, gods I love Forces,” Din grinned, cuddling Trouble into his side and wandering to their room with absolutely no hurry.
Trouble blushed and discarded the armwarmers first as Din grumbled evil things about shoes and flung them somewhere into the clutter. Then he found himself pinned pleasantly between the door and Din’s body and seeking a higher shade of red for his skin tone.
“Eh… Din…”
“We need a shower, nice… long… hot shower,” Din purred sensuously, stripping the leather from Trouble’s body.
“Eeehhh… insatiable pest,” Trouble bit his lip, then smiled shyly, slowly stripping his shirt off, “Okay.”
“Raarr, Trouble out of leather pants,” Din grinned, cackling as he chased his little husband into the shower.