
Wednesday July 16th
Mild yaoi smut warning

Trouble and Sex are copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


No matter how many times Din repeated it, Trouble just couldn't believe it. That and he couldn't stop blushing.

Din had him cornered in the backseat of Lane's '64 Thunderbird, Sex on Din's other side, and seemingly sex in mind as well. The thought made Trouble blush even more, which only encouraged Din of course with his insane love of Trouble's blushing cheeks.

"Such a pretty 'telrai you are," Din was kissing his cheeks, repeating that insane compliment. Perverted pest of an insane Koorime he had as a husband.

"Din, you had better not be doing perverted things in my car," Lane called back over the wind, glancing back in the rearview mirror after adjusting it to fix on the pair.

Din grinned, "Aww Laney, would I do that?"

"Yes," the other Koorime pelted back.

"Don't go undressing him, I worked hard to get him to look like that," Sex pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

Din nuzzled Trouble's cheek and back into his hair, taking a deep breath that Trouble knew was him settling himself down. The Koorime made sure his lover's hip-hugging jeans were fixed properly, smoothing down the semi-translucent shirt covering that little form. Trouble blushed fiercely and caught his hand when it was wandering near his stomach, doing his best attempt at a glare.

Trouble glanced up at the front seat where Tanji had turned the radio down, blinking at the suddenly somber fire demon. Tanji pointed to some skid marks in the roadway as Lane slowed down.

"Can still see where he realized I was there, right before he hit me... right before we went over the edge."

Din glanced, even though he knew the spot Tanji had said the wreck had occurred, seeing it just made it more real. "Yeah, that is a fuck-off drop right there, drunk idiots."

"And... we're... going into the... club that... produces these... idiots?" Trouble murmured.

"Nah they're idiots before they go in," Din hugged Trouble against him.

“I’m in a car full of persons that prove that,” Sex giggled.

Trouble took advantage of that hug, burrowing into his lover's chest and shutting out the rest of existence for a relaxing moment. The thought of going into the club had really rattled his whole people phobia thing. In fact, he'd been vaguely wondering why he'd agreed to this before Din had hugged him. Din was his answer, he would go anywhere to be with him, even out of the comfort and safety of his natural environment. Anything Din asked, Trouble would gladly do.

Lane had pulled up to the front stairway of the club where a crowd had already gathered waiting for the doors to be unlocked.

"Not quite open yet, find a parkin’ spot Laney," Tanji encouraged, obviously trying very hard not to grin.

"No way, Tanji, I'm here as delivery service, I'm not going inside."

"Been a long time since you partied and Soren is safe with Zeph. Come on, take a night, please?" Tanji begged.

Lane glanced behind them at a car honking, sulking and continuing on past the drop-off spot.

"Yes!" Tanji was definitely grinning now.

Lane glared sideways at him, "Yes nothing. I'm circling around to give you another chance to get out of the damn car before I take you all home."

Sex leaned forward, putting her arms on the front seat just behind Lane, "Aw come on, you seem like a nice person, don't leave me alone with these lunatics. Besides it’s nearly sunset and I’d much rather change genders out here since I’m sure not many are that drunk yet to not notice."

Tanji’s crimson eyes narrowed mischievously, “Yeah huh… lunatics. Show you lunatic.”

Tanji shifted himself across the front seat, wriggling his way onto Lane’s lap.

“Tanji what are you doing!!??” Lane tried to fend him off and not crash into a parked car. Luckily they were down on the near-empty end of the parking lot by this time.

Tanji growl-laughed and grabbed the steering wheel, tromping his foot down onto Lane’s atop the brake as they slid into a parking spot. With extreme speed he had the car in park and the keys out of the ignition and himself hopping over the driver’s side door. Lane practically tumbled out of the door as he opened it, scampering after the little fire demon.

“Give those back!” Lane protested.

Trouble turned and watched the two of them pass behind the car, Tanji feinting and dodging back the other way. Lane skidded to a stop and turned gracefully, long white hair trailing out freely behind him. Din was snickering, Sex was cheering Tanji on, and Trouble was silently hoping Lane would catch his keys and take them all home.

Lane was as fast as Din had proclaimed, but Tanji was the quintessential speed demon for a reason, even if he couldn’t use his powers out in public.

“Come on Laney, you know you wanna stay!” Tanji cheered, hopping up onto the hood of the car to avoid Lane.

“Get off my car,” Lane made a swipe at his legs, going for one of those strategically and purposefully placed rips in the jeans.

Tanji yelped and leapt back, a few threads of denim coming off in Lane’s hand. He perched on the far edge of the hood for a moment, then scampered off into the parking lot again as Lane bolted around the front of the car.

Trouble blinked at a few of the cars passing by on the road, blushing when he saw some of them turn their heads, glancing sideways around Din as a minor glow from Sex marked the switch from female to male. If they were going to make this much of a scene outside the club, who knew what would happen inside the club? The Immortal shrunk down in the seat and curled up against Din at the very thought.

“What is the matter with you!?” Trouble could hear Lane’s melodic voice not far off.

“I miss going out with you. Before Din and Kai came and you hooked up with Victor, you remember those times? It was me and you, we’d go out every weekend, we’d go shopping, everywhere, the two of us. Laney I really miss that and I want you to get out and have some fun again like ya used to.”

That was severely pushing the limit of the maximum Trouble had ever heard out of Tanji. He shuffled back up in the seat and peeked. Tanji was standing at a distance from Lane, but neither one of them were tense as if they were about to bolt. Lane stood there blinking at nothing, hair waving around him in response to a breeze of warm air.

“Fine, I’ll stay.”

“Woohoo! Come on they’re opening the doors,” Tanji bolted off towards the club.

“Bitch! Give me my keys back!” Lane gave chase.

Sex chuckled and shook his head, wriggling past the front seat and out the driver’s side door Lane had left open. Din hugged Trouble tightly and took his hand, gently encouraging him to follow as he mimed Sex’s motions. Trouble wanted badly to stall, to somehow convince Din to stay out in the car, the entire night if necessary, but the glint in Din’s icy blue eyes told him his lover was so excited about this not only would that be nearly impossible, but Trouble couldn’t argue anything that made Din happy.

“Got your ID ‘telrai?” Din flashed his. “You know they’ll card you if no one else.”

Trouble ducked his head and cuddled to Din’s side as they traversed the parking lot.

It was almost like a foreign landscape. Just barely dark, the streetlights flickering in their sensor operated way of attempting to decide whether it was time to turn on or not, each one of the lights along the parking lot orbited by a hundred little bugs. The heat was oppressive and smothering, you could see it now and again rising off the cars or the street. The soft thumping of music that had been heard from the far end of the lot grew outrageously loud as they neared the club.

Tanji had wriggled his way into the door, speaking with an extremely large guy in a black muscle tee, pointing back at each one of his companions and offering the guy some money to cover each one of them. He didn’t have to display his ID before scampering into the club, he was known here.

They passed over Lane and Sex and Din, but as Din had predicted, the bouncer stopped Trouble and brusquely demanded to see his ID. Trouble fidgeted and attempted to hide behind his hair, which was fruitless because Sex had tied it back from his face.

Din reached and tipped up Trouble’s chin for the bouncer to better inspect, afraid the big guy might get a little more snappish and scare his lover. He also made it very damn clear that they were a couple, glaring threateningly despite the guy being at least a foot taller than himself and three times as wide. Din didn’t care, as far as he was concerned if the guy fucked with his husband, anything went, and the human had better realize even if he was big and tough, Din would lay him out faster than he could flex.

The bouncer was about to say something, then met Din’s intense gaze, actually taking a step back. Quickly he handed Trouble his ID back and called to the next person in line. Din gave him one last murderous glare and tugged his Immortal lover into the club.

Trouble could have swore the actual floor was vibrating from the bass of the speakers. Din pranced past all the tables in the center of the club, toward the dance floor. He waved casually to the DJ who probably greeted him by name, but couldn’t be heard over the music. Trouble blushed at looks from several people sitting around.

Din was dressed fairly conservatively for him. Black leather pants with blue mesh belt that shimmered and sparkled. Underneath the dark blue vest that only went halfway down his torso and buttoned once was a sheer iridescent blouse. Then there was a decent amount of jewelry and well-done makeup, his hair pulled back, interspersed with little braids and streaked with glitter.

Trouble was not liking the amount of attention they were getting, and they were just walking. All right, so Din was more prancing, but most of the time the Koorime moved because that was how he’d been trained to move, always attractive, and usually without realizing it.

The Immortal pressed closer to his lover’s back, tightening his grip on Din’s hand. Din was dressed conservatively, but he was always beautiful, and there were so many beautiful people in here anyone of them could steal Din away from him with a look.

Din trotted up a couple stairs to another level that looked down on the dance floor. Tanji was there raping chairs from other tables so there’d be enough for all five of them. A very scantily clad waitress was there before any of them had sat down.

“What would you all like to drink?” she surveyed this – more than likely to her – rather odd group of guys.

“Cinnamon schnapps, bottle,” Tanji piqued first.

“Bacardi breezer if you have one, please,” Sex eyed her as she did the same to him.

“You bet darling,” she turned her sultry gaze on Trouble and the Koorime.

“Water,” Din and Lane answered together, casting each other amused glances.

“And a sprite,” Din added, pulling Trouble around to his front and sitting with his arms around Trouble’s waist so securely the Immortal had to follow and land in his lap.

“Wow, drinking heavy,” the waitress sniffed and sauntered off.

“Bitch,” Din growled.

“Eh…” Trouble nuzzled back against him, really not wanting a scene in the first five minutes.

Tanji fidgeted, then bounced, then slapped some money down onto the table by Sex’s hand, “For the drinks, c’mon Laney,” he grabbed the Koorime’s hand and drug him off.

Trouble, already blushing from the way Din had made him sit, blushed even more at the sight of Tanji and Lane scampering out onto the nearly empty dance floor. Din could get a notion like that, he knew, it had happened before, and then he’d be out there for all the eyes in the club to see.

He turned and curled against Din’s chest, fitting perfectly against him, trying to hide. Din wrapped his arms around his lover’s shoulders, nuzzling into his hair and casting the returning waitress a glare mostly hidden from that location. Sex was flirting with her anyway, she didn’t notice.

Trouble blinked, glancing from Sex to the waitress as she turned to saunter off. The woman gasped and shuddered suddenly, violently, going down to her knees and moaning.

“Snap,” Sex grinned, sipping his Bacardi and turning his eyes to Tanji and Lane on the dance floor.

Din snickered quietly against Trouble’s neck, watching the dance floor as well from behind his lover.

“You two want one?” Sex offered, grinning.

Trouble blushed to the root of his hair, “Eh… eh…”

“No thanks, working on our own,” Din purred lustfully, licking at Trouble’s cheek.

Trouble felt like his cheeks were on fire, “Eh… Din… we’re in… public…”

“Yeah… we are,” it wasn’t the sarcastic agreeing tone Din sometimes took when not obeying the underlying meaning, but taking Trouble literally. This was actually listening for once, leaning back and content to just hold his lover against him.

Trouble had a feeling like it was one battle won, but it was still very early in the war.

Lane danced similarly to the way Trouble had often seen Din dance, except his movements were almost more… demure. Perhaps it was easier to say that Din’s way of moving was more bold, rash, and extremely determined. Lane had the same energy and beautiful motion, but it was more calculated and tentative.

Somewhere close, someone moaned rather loudly and there was a bit of laughing. Trouble didn’t even have to look to know Sex had given someone else his little “service”. The redhead blushed and pressed his face against Din’s neck.

“Tired?” Sex was snickering.

“Just a little,” Lane’s voice, breathless, “Been so long since I’ve danced like this.”

“You and Tanji used to do this often?”

“Oh yes, nearly every Friday and Saturday night, before I had my son.”

Trouble turned his head just enough to see Lane collapsing into a chair on the other side of Sex, draining nearly all of his water. The club was surprisingly cold, extremely well air-conditioned, so it only took a moment for the sweat on Lane’s skin to vanish. Trouble knew that trick, freezing the moisture and gathering it, a Koorime way of boosting their energy.

“So you’re another one of those strange males that can have kids?” Sex was teasing Lane.

Lane blushed a little, “Not quite, no. My boyfriend is a mage, and I wanted a child so badly because I’m the only child of my mother and the last of my family, sort of a legacy thing.”

“Ahh, I suppose that would be a concern when you’re mortal.”

“And it made my mother quite happy,” Lane giggled. “But no, I pushed my luck just having Soren and I died in the process, so I won’t be doing that again.”

“Am I talking to a ghost?” Sex chuckled.

“Din’s fault, he and Kai brought me back.”

“Oooohh I see, a zombie then.”

“Vampire lover, he’s got a ticket to longer life on top of him most every night,” Din quipped from beneath Trouble.

Lane blushed a rather nice shade of crimson, “Oh Din, stop that.”

Sex was laughing, most amused, “Well so much for being concerned about mortality.”

Trouble noticed the subtle tensing of Din’s body beneath him, leaning back and blinking those huge blue eyes at his husband. Din had his head turned away from the others and the dance floor, icy blue eyes gazing off at the wall beside them and narrowed to harsh slivers.

“Hon…?” Trouble whispered, working his hands into the tense muscle of Din’s shoulders.

Din blinked a few times, the lights of the club dancing and catching off a few of the sparkles in his eye-shadow. Trouble brushed a few strands of hair away, caressing the far side of his face in an attempt to get him to turn his head.

When he finally did turn the harshness of his eyes had vanished, leaving only that intense gaze. The Koorime said nothing, but gently brushed his lips against Trouble’s, tightening his arms around his waist.

Trouble closed the minor space between their lips and kissed him lovingly, sweetly, hoping it would help in calming him down from whatever had just upset him. That was his job, making Din happy and keeping him from being upset. The Koorime relaxed even more beneath him, all previous tenseness slipping away.

The Immortal rested his forehead against Din’s, blinking into his eyes, “Thought… you’d be happy… coming here? You don’t… seem very… happy.”

“Always worried about me being happy,” Din spared one hand from Trouble’s waist and ran it up his back to play in his hair.

Trouble tensed just slightly, he was much better about his back with Din than with anyone else, but there was still that minor reaction. He kissed Din once more, this time distracting himself from the echo of that touch.

“It’s… my job,” Trouble whispered in response to Din’s comment. “You just… don’t look like… you’re having fun.”

Din glanced over to where Lane and Sex were chatting up a storm, confident they were being wholly ignored. He shifted Trouble tighter against him, his eyes smiling even if his mouth did not, “How can any moment with you not be perfect?”

The Immortal blushed, more than likely Din’s predicted and wanted reaction. He ducked his head, a movement of trying to get under his hair to hide, impossible since it was tied back. Din intercepted the movement anyway and nuzzled against Trouble’s cheek, kissing tenderly.

“Eh… pest… can’t you… behave better… out of… the house?”

“I am behaving better,” Din nuzzled his way to Trouble’s ear, licking along the shell of it before drawing the earlobe into his mouth for a gentle sucking.

Trouble bit his lip and squirmed slightly, “Can… do this… at home.”

“There’s something more… thrilling about doing this here.”

Trouble blushed another shade, close to matching his crimson hair. “Don’t like… ehh…”

“Public, I know ‘telrai,” it wasn’t dissuading Din however as he moved down along Trouble’s neck and sucked less than gently.

Trouble squeezed his eyes shut, nuzzling against Din’s cool hair to help against the rampant blushing that was burning him up. Trouble swore he had just won this battle.

“You’re just so beautiful… irresistible…tight clothes showing off your perfect little body,” Din murmured against his lover’s neck, lips caressing the flesh.

All right Trouble was definitely matching his hair now, wriggling in an attempt to get away from Din, but the Koorime had a tight hold on him and wasn’t about to let him go. Trouble gave up trying to get away and pressed closer instead, attempting to hide and forget about the existence of the rest of the club.

“Table’s high enough we’re mostly hidden under it, it’s really dark here in the corner…”

“Din~…” Trouble whimpered, pleading him not to pursue that course of thinking.

“Be easier if you turn around though,” Din shifted Trouble in his grasp so the Immortal’s back pressed against his chest, pulling them together very tightly.

Trouble bit his lip to make sure he was totally silent, wriggling a little as Din’s hands slid across his stomach beneath the iridescent over-shirt. He leaned back against his lover, losing a great deal of his control at the attention to that sensitive flesh.

“No one will notice ‘telrai,” Din kissed and licked at Trouble’s neck.

“Why… do you… aahhh Din,” Trouble ducked his head against his shoulder as the Koorime’s fingers played in intricate patterns over his stomach, causing excited shudders to ripple up and down his spine. “Shouldn’t…”

“That’s what makes it exciting,” Din growled lustfully, sparing one hand to expertly open Trouble’s pants to get them loose enough to shift down out of his way.

Trouble sighed at the feeling of cool flesh against him, shifting his hands to grip the sides of the chair beneath them and nuzzling against Din to put on the act they were nothing more than just cuddling there. Din rested his head against Trouble’s neck as he pushed into his lover, sliding easily, perfectly.

The Koorime could only move a little or they would definitely be seen, but it was just enough. He slid his hand back to Trouble’s stomach, fingers playing in tandem, driving his little lover further along through the ecstasy of the moment.

“Din… I… I can’t…” Trouble whimpered almost silently.

“My love… my heart and soul… my perfect husband,” Din’s cool breath moved across his flesh, making him shiver from both the sensation and the words.

A strobe light caught Trouble’s half-lidded eyes, the bass vibrating the both of them as Din moved in time with it, just those slight little movements, but so powerful. Din’s slender fingers of one hand slipped down, sliding across Trouble’s arousal, finding instinctively all the most sensitive places and drawing out every ecstatic sensation.

The music changed, a faster techno beat, the strobes going dizzyingly mad. Trouble squeezed his eyes shut, the sensations of him and Din were dizzying enough.

“Mesmerized in every way, you keep me in a state of daze, your kisses make my skin feel weak, always melting in your heat… then I soar~ like a bird in the wind,” Din sang softly, arching up and holding where the notes of the words lingered and stretched, moaning near silently as orgasm overcame him.

Several thoughts flickered through Trouble’s mind, but one shot past the rest and drowned them out as he fought to control the orgasmic shudders wracking his body. He came hard into Din’s hand, pushing back and tightening around the Koorime as if eagerly accepting his lover’s offering.

They sat, still and quiet against one another for a moment, then Din lovingly made sure his Immortal was fixed up right once more, not a trace of what they had done visible. Trouble turned back around as soon as he could get his body to respond to him, curling against Din’s chest and trying to hide. Din held him securely, comforting those likely irrational fears.

He glanced over to see Sex and Lane still chatting amiably, Tanji still dancing out on the now busier floor, and no one in the club staring that he could see. He exhaled a little sigh of relief and nuzzled against Din, resting there lethargically.

Well he’d most certainly lost that particular battle.

When he found his voice and the strength to speak, he murmured against Din’s neck, “Eh… pest.”

“That’s me lover,” Din smirked and nuzzled, kissing Trouble’s forehead. “Pest and Trouble Tejin.”

Trouble gave a breathy little giggle, twining a strand of Din’s hair around his finger.

Tanji had scampered up from the dancefloor, panting and beaming and looking like he was having an excellent time. He snagged one of Din’s hands and tugged gently.

“C’mon~ Dindin, thought you came to dance,” Tanji wiggled.

“In a minute,” Din mockingly whined back at him, stalling for time until he felt a little less shaky. “Bug Sex and Laney.”

“Right!” Tanji bounced in that direction, tugging on Lane instead.

“Eh… good save,” Trouble kissed Din’s cheek.

“Oh be assured I’ll drag you out there eventually, just not right now,” Din slouched more in the chair, smiling at him lazily.

Trouble shivered at the mere thought, but he knew it would happen, Din had done it before.

Lane and Sex conceded to Tanji’s urges and followed him back out onto the dancefloor. Trouble shifted a little to watch them, curled and fitting perfectly against Din, listening to his heartbeat mimic the bass from the nearby speakers.

“You can… dance better… than all of them… and much better… without me… tripping you up.”

“Flatterer,” Din smirked, nuzzling into Trouble’s hair. “But can’t dance at all right now, you sucked the energy outta me.”

Trouble blushed a little at that insinuating tone.

“Well not literally, maybe later?”

“Eh… Din!” Trouble protested, kissing him just to get the Koorime to stop talking.

Trouble and Din sat bolt upright at Tanji’s voice suddenly coming over the speaker, “All right you two now you gotta dance! Here’s your song!”

Their song, or the techno-dance equivalent, was indeed set on, and Trouble blinked at Din grinning at him.

“Oh no… no… ehh,” Trouble found himself being dragged out onto the floor, blushing and hiding against Din’s chest as the Koorime led him around.

Yet another battle lost, and lost without even much of a fight.

Trouble made sure to stay buried against Din’s chest, doing his best not to trip. From his peripheral vision he could tell the floor was embarrassingly empty. That had to be the longest five odd minutes of Trouble’s immortal existence.

Din nuzzled his cheek, “Go sit down baby, I’ll get the dance urge outta me.”

Trouble took the hint and scampered back to the corner table, huddling back there in the shadows. He hugged his knees to his chest and watched his four companions move to the music. Din moved between Tanji and Lane, melding his own movements to compliment their particular styles, always perfect. Trouble stayed with his opinion, Din was the best dancer among them.

The little red-headed Immortal sat there for a long time by himself, through many songs. Lane or Sex would now and again return for a quick drink, but Tanji and Din were completely engrossed in the music.

When a slow song played, as the DJ did now and again to give the couples a chance, Din leaned against the railing lining the dancefloor and tried to get Trouble to come over to him. Trouble blushed badly and shook his head.

Din smiled fondly at him through the entire song, not even bothering to beckon a second time. Tanji however, joined him and attempted it for him. Trouble shook his head more adamantly and curled up tighter.

Din smirked and tugged Tanji back onto the dancefloor at the beginning of the next song. Trouble relaxed a little and went back to watching them. He was only vaguely aware when the DJ called out something about it being the last song of the night, blinking, the hope in him just beginning to rise before falling at the sudden presence of Din in front of him.

“Sorry ‘telrai, required,” Din smirked and tugged him up.

Trouble stumbled a little, managing to somehow find his feet to keep up with the insane Koorime that was his husband. Din kept hold of his hand, but the song was much too fast for Trouble to cuddled against him despite how desperately he tried. The pesky Koorime kept moving, making the poor Immortal chase him seeking refuge.

“Hey! It’s a Troubs!” Sex cheered. “Way to go Dinner!”

Trouble blushed crimson, trying very hard to keep up with Din. Okay the previous longest moment of his existence had just been replaced, and he was sure the song was actually longer than five minutes. Din finally let Trouble burrow against him moments before the song ended, cuddling his little lover on the outskirts of the dancefloor.

“You’re amazing baby,” Din purred.

Tanji stumbled free from the crowd of bodies now milling about without music, “I don’t wanna go home yet. Hey how about we go somewhere and get a drink or nibble to eat.”

“I could definitely use a drink,” Lane exhaled, slouching against the wall.

“And I could use some food,” Tanji grinned, handing the keys to Lane as the club quickly cleared out.

“Restaurant up the road open twenty-four hours,” Din offered.

“Perfect, let’s go,” Lane trailed after the last of the crowd being herded by the bouncers, Tanji and Sex following right after.

Din gently took Trouble’s hand, glancing back at the table to make sure they’d gotten everything, waiting just another moment for more people to vacate the door area. Trouble hid against his side, blinking at the shocking change from air conditioned cold to humid night air as they were urged outside as well.

The parking lot was insane for lack of a better word. Most of the mortals were so drunk they could barely walk straight, and Sex targeted a few more with his little orgasm trick as they crossed the lot to the car.

Trouble scurried back into his place in the seat, curling up there and huddling against Din. Tanji was eyeing the crowd between them and the club worriedly.

“Let’s get moving Laney before those guys get going.”

Lane blinked the way Tanji was looking, giving a soft, sympathetic smile and starting the car. “Come on Sex,” he giggled.

“Ahhh… just one… more… snap!” Sex beamed and hopped into the back seat. “All set.”

Lane backed the car up and accelerated for the nearest exit at a speed that had his passengers pressed back against their seats. Tanji was actually gripping the dashboard and didn’t let go until they were pulling into the restaurant parking lot.

“Eh… can we just… wait… out here?” Trouble whispered to Din as the others were getting out of the car.

“No because that’ll lead to sex and not in my car,” Lane stood with hands on hips, glaring at Din and Trouble.

“No me in your car?” Sex giggled.

“Oh tch,” Lane swiped at Sex’s flyaway bit of hair. “Come on Din.”

“I’ll buy breakfast,” Tanji was already halfway across the lot to the restaurant.

“Oooh he’ll buy breakfast, I’m so there,” Sex scampered after.

“Come on ‘telrai, free food,” Din tugged gently on Trouble’s hand, trailing after the others. “Make sure they get a corner booth and let you sit on the inside.”

“Three?” the waitress was asking as they pushed through the doors.

Lane motioned over his shoulder, “Nope, five. They’re slow.”

“Corner booth please,” Din flashed a pretty smile.

Trouble surveyed the restaurant nervously, but was pleased to find it wasn’t very occupied. They virtually had their choice of seating, picking out a nice corner booth that easily sat six, but Tanji pulled over a chair and settled at the end of the table anyway. They ordered a variety of little appetizers just to nibble on, some breakfast and some not, waiting nearly no time at all before it arrived.

Sex sipped on his drink, smiling at Trouble, “Aww Troubs, aren’t you having fun?”

“I’m… with Din… so I’m… happy,” Trouble answered, eyes down.

“Haven’t broke him out of that habit yet huh?” Sex blinked at Din.

Din shrugged, hugging Trouble against him with one arm while nibbling on fries with the other, “I’m happy with him the way he is.”

“Uh huh, that’s why you drag him out into public,” Tanji winked, poking Lane with a stir stick.

Lane glared sideways at Tanji, reaching across Sex and grabbing another stir stick, poking back.

“All right children,” Sex grabbed his own stick and joined the fray, leaning against Lane to battle Tanji properly.

Trouble blinked at the display, then at Din. The Koorime shrugged helplessly and offered him a fry. Trouble giggled softly and accepted it from Din’s hand with his mouth, leaning against his husband.


“You would say that, it’s not melt your mouth First Realm kind of food.”

“Are you dissing our food?” Sex turned on Din, “En guarde!”

Din put up his hand that wasn’t around Trouble, “Hey! I don’t have a weapon, this isn’t fair. Oh wait, fry of doom!”

Trouble blinked at the slapping of fry against stir stick, then shook his head and sampled something else from the table nearer to Sex that he’d seen him eat. Tanji and Lane had gone back to battling one another, and Trouble was more than content to sit and let the four of them be as insane as they wanted to be. The restaurant was empty on this side, they weren’t bothering anyone.

The little Immortal rubbed his blushing cheek idly between bites, blinking at a sudden thought. He reached back to where his hair was tied, intent on letting it loose.

“No no no, you’ll stand out! Must blend in!” Sex declared.

Trouble froze, blue eyes huge and blinking poutily.

Din nuzzled against his cheek, “Leave it baby, such a beautiful face… and don’t wanna be noticed.”

Trouble dropped his hand immediately, pouting, but definitely not wanting to stand out by looking normal in this crowd of insanely dressed fashion freaks.

“Here, you can eat my fry of doom,” Din attempted to apologize.

“Eh… that’s okay… even… if doomy, it’s… still bland.”

“My fry of doom has been insulted! Oh the horror!” Din fell over onto his side dramatically, sprawling across the bench.

“Ehhhh,” Trouble rubbed his cheek again, sure it was on fire, “Drama… queen.”

Din looked up from where he was laying, “I could spontaneously orgasm.”

“No!” Trouble jumped, having surprised himself at his own volume. He pouted at Din, reaching for his hand to try and get him to sit back up, “Please… no?”

“As you command my husband,” Din struggled back and leaned against Trouble’s shoulder, nuzzling and humming contently, eating his own fry of doom.

“I could make you spontaneously orgasm,” Sex grinned.

“I’ve turned down that offer once already.”

“Well yeah, but had to offer again just in case.”

“He’ll make me orgasm later,” Din nudged the very blushing Trouble.

“Eeehhh… pest,” Trouble whimpered, nuzzling against Din’s cool hair to settle down.

Din knew that point and shut up, retrieving another fry of doom to surprise Lane with an attack.

“You caught a weird one, Troubs,” Sex giggled.

“Ehh… tell me…about it.”

“Aww, you love me,” Din feigned a pout, really pouting when Lane took advantage and broke his fry weapon in half. “Oooh bitch, unfair.”

“Not my fault you were distracted,” Lane stuck out his tongue.

“And I had to put up with this my whole life,” Din pointed at Lane, grinning at Sex.

“I don’t know how you ever managed,” Sex nudged Lane gently.

“Hey I don’t have to sit here and take this, I have the keys,” Lane pouted.

“Yeah you can go home and get scolded by Kesu,” Tanji rolled his eyes.

“He’s not that bad…”

“Let’s not have this conversation, please,” Din begged.

Trouble and Sex blinked at the dragging silence that followed, noticing the severe change in mood.

“Had to open your mouth and kill the atmosphere with your ANGST!” Din picked an icecube from his glass and flung it at Tanji.

“Gack! Bitch!!” Tanji threw a potato boat back at him.

Din squeaked and tugged Trouble onto his lap, using him as a shield.

“No fair! No Force-fields!” Tanji cackled.

“Ooh, bad pun,” Sex sniggered.

Tanji shrugged, “It’s five am, best I could come up with.”

Sex blinked at the big glass windows that faced the highway. “It’s nearly dawn.”

Din hugged his Immortal shield of a husband, “Breakfast crowd’s going to be in here soon then, think the night’s over Tanchan.”

“It was an excellent night,” Tanji smiled, finishing off the last of the potato boats.

“Hopefully we could all do this again some time. It was great getting out-“

“And making many people come in their pants,” Din quipped.

“Like you did with Trouble.”

Din blinked, taken aback for a moment. Trouble had never felt quite that embarrassed before in his life.

Din cleared his throat, “Okay time to go!”

“We’ll have to do this again some time,” Lane offered.

“So Din can do it again? Nah he’ll just go home and do that,” Sex just wasn’t going to let up.

Lane giggled, “Well I’m well aware of Din’s insatiability, so no surprise there.”

“Time to go,” Din insisted, standing and tugging on Tanji.

“You realize they’ll be doing that all the way back home?” Tanji blinked, staggering up and leaving a really good tip to make up for the mess.

“Yeah but the sooner we go the sooner it’s over with,” Din was already halfway back to the front doors with Trouble in tow.

“And you’re back inside Trouble,” Sex giggled.

“Ahh my Din, loves getting into Trouble,” Lane quipped back.

“Hey Trouble, it’s Dinnertime.”

“He… causes Trouble to rise?”

Din tugged Trouble out the door and made a run for the car.


“Well ‘telrai… was that really so bad?” Din shut the door behind him, stepping carefully around the canvases in Trouble’s room.

“Before… or after… Lane and Sex started… their jokes?”

“Eh, point. But before.”

“It was… perfect… just like… every time… I spend with… you,” Trouble blushed, biting gently on his lip and reaching up to hopefully get his hair loose this time.

Din intercepted his hand, kissing that little disappointed look and reaching up to undo his hair for him. Trouble cuddled against his chest.

“Perfect but… can we maybe… not… ever do that… again?”

Din laughed and wrapped Trouble up tightly in his arms, burying his face in that crimson hair and taking a deep breath. The Koorime dropped them down onto the bed, tucking his Immortal between himself and the mattress so he could hide and gather his composure back.

After enough time Din slowly undressed the both of them, making sure to caress every single part of his lover, as if to thank him for going out with him and putting up with everything. Then he began the same all encompassing caress with his lips.

Trouble squirmed beneath him, nuzzling his blushing cheek against his own shoulder.

Din paused and blinked at him, eyes unusually tender. Trouble was pretty sure he was the only one to ever see Din’s eyes looking quite like that, and he didn’t want to ever lose that. But he’d made it through an entire night of Din out in public, where it was a danger that someone else might steal him away. He had still come home with Trouble, and Trouble felt very deeply he had to thank Din for that.

The Immortal reached down to caress Din’s cheeks, nothing more than that. Din, however, took the nearly nonexistent hint and settled back eye to eye with his lover, kissing him deeply. Trouble shifted a little beneath him, caressing Din’s body with his own.

Din rested his forehead against Trouble’s, smiling sweetly, “Love you ‘telrai.”

“Leyin rin… my saviour,” Trouble murmured, tracing his fingers over the shell of Din’s ear.

The Koorime shuddered, eyes closing in bliss. He buried his hands in Trouble’s hair, tangling his fingers as he played with the silky crimson strands. Trouble blushed another little bit, just the smallest motion of his fingers against Din’s ear and he could feel his lover growing excited against him. Granted Din was usually quick to get going, but not quite this quick.

“Eh… Din,” Trouble shifted.

Din slowly grinned, cracking those icy blue eyes open, “Oh don’t tell me you didn’t go for the ear on purpose.”

“Eehhh,” Trouble blushed yet again, tugging Din down so he could burrow his face against his neck. “Would… never…”

“Liar,” Din whispered, husky and lustful.

Trouble tried to keep his hold secure, but Din broke it, the rushing of cold air penetrating between them as Din sat up. The Immortal blinked up at his husband, wriggling between those cool touches up and down his sides.

The little red-head attempted to bring his leg up to hide his nakedness, but Din nudged it away and settled himself between Trouble’s legs. The Koorime bent himself to hover just over Trouble, his tongue flickering out to teasingly lick along the arc of Trouble’s ribcage.

Trouble squirmed expectantly as Din moved downward, his breath catching in little gasps. He arched up as Din kissed a slow line down along his stomach, hands gripping lightly at his hips with thumbs playing towards the center, giving him wonderful little thrills. Din knew how to hit all those sensitive little bundles of nerve just right.

Din breathed on the sensitive skin of Trouble’s stomach, “Have I mentioned… how sexy you… looked tonight?”

Trouble shivered and played his hands in Din’s hair, canting his head and rubbing his cheek against his shoulder again, “Eh.. think you… have… repeatedly.”

“Mmm,” Din mused, licking Trouble’s skin in intricate patterns.

He moved a little further down, licking Trouble’s hardening sex before taking it gently into his mouth, sucking at the soft flesh now and again, but mostly just enjoying the feel of it growing and firming up in his mouth. He worked his hands lovingly against Trouble’s hips and sides, playing over his stomach tenderly.

Trouble gasped, barely silencing a moan as Din’s tongue slid up his entire length, now fully aroused and laying against his belly hard and heavy. Din brought a hand over, cupping his lover’s sex gently and squeezing just a little, pumping it with a slow stroke. The Immortal arched up into it, wordlessly begging, Din responding by playing his lips over the sensitive head as his hand gradually increased the stroke.

His little body shuddered as he let his head fall back against the bed, trying to rock his hips to match Din’s stroke. He barely felt through the haze of pleasure as Din’s other hand moved down over his thigh to caress the inner flesh and then beneath him to fondle his rear.

Trouble forced his eyes open when he felt a different sensation there, Din’s cool and slick length brushing teasingly near his entrance. He blushed furiously and blinked, trying very hard not to squirm, attempting to study Din’s apparently concentrating expression. The Koorime’s arousal was ready, slick with the natural lubrication that came with his kind, but Din was only caressing Trouble’s flesh, wetting it.

The Immortal swallowed hard and tried to find his voice, but that dissolved quickly into a moan when two of Din’s fingers slipped through the moisture and moved up into him. This was something Din hadn’t done before, with the natural lubrication he possessed there was no need for stretching the passage like this, but Trouble had to admit it felt good.

It wasn’t as filling as Din’s sex, but those long and delicate fingers were talented and exploited nerves within him just as good as they usually did elsewhere.

Trouble arched up hard, his back clear up off the bed, strung out on the very edge of orgasm and held there by the barest reigning back of Din’s caresses. The Koorime was just that good, shoving his lover immediately to the very edge of release and then denying it, not by something so drastic as stopping, but slowing the attentions just enough.

Din pulled his fingers almost all the way out, then moved them back in, bringing the hand stroking Trouble’s length into concert. Then he bent his head, dragging his tongue up Trouble’s stomach, diverting to one side to tug at his lover’s nipple-ring.

Trouble cried out softly, then silenced himself by biting his lip, forcing his vice-like grip on the sheets to release, burying his hands in Din’s hair.

By the Gods, Din’s hair was everywhere. It flowed down and around him, spilling over his shoulders and back and down across his lover, spilling again and down onto the bed. And yet, with the smallest movement it would all flow aside and out of the way, almost as light as the air itself. Trouble loved his hair, the way it moved, the way it fell, the way it caressed him like hundreds of strands of silk.

Trouble’s little hands worked their way to Din’s jaw, cupping it and using all his willpower to make Din lift his head.

All the attentions stopped when Din’s eyes locked with his.

Then Din pulled back, sitting up again. Trouble stretched his arms, trying to keep hold, but losing him again to the chill rush of air. With a flick of his head, Din’s hair was settling behind him like a curtain, framing him ethereally.

Trouble closed his eyes when he felt Din pushing into him, moving so easily, fitting as perfectly as ever. Then Din’s cool body settled down atop him, his arms sliding beneath him, his hair to either side so he was surrounded and consumed entirely by Din. It was perfect.

He reached up, caressing the cheek not pressed against his, the other hand at the back of Din’s head and tangling once again in his hair. The little Immortal held on, gasping to try and bring his heart down from racing as Din began slowly thrusting up into him.

Din growled low in his throat, lustfully, sparing one arm from beneath Trouble and cradling him entirely with the other. He sought out Trouble’s hand and laced their fingers together, kissing Trouble’s hand before pressing it down onto the bed for a bit of leverage. Trouble nuzzled against his cheek, kissing between breathless moans as the pleasure built and doubled.

Din’s eyelashes brushed against his cheek, making Trouble open his eyes again, blinking dreamily at his lover. Din smiled softly, nuzzling Trouble’s cheek again, barely open eyes locked on his lover’s.

“Thank you, for going out,” Din breathed, the cool rush of air caressing Trouble’s face.

“Thank… you for… coming back… with me,” Trouble blushed, chewing at his lip.

“Oh ila aitelrai, I’ll always come back with you,” Din nuzzled more firmly this time, holding Trouble securely close and thrusting just a little deeper as if to make his point.

The Immortal silenced his constant fears and held onto his lover, ducking his head to Din’s shoulder, rubbing his burning cheek against the cool skin, smiling when he felt the cascade of hair fall across his face.

Din brought up Trouble’s hand from beside them, putting the ring against his cheek, “My husband, always staying with you, always wanna feel this wanted, this loved. Had it now, probably spoiled, can’t live without it now that I’ve had it.”

“And this warmth, being this deep inside you, feeling you against me… it’s heaven… don’t know how you stand a chilled being like me…”

Trouble started to answer, but was choked by Din striking against that most sensitive place deep inside him. He squeezed Din’s hand tighter, pressing a little harder against him to try and hold off the rising shudders. He didn’t want it to end yet.

“On a cold day, surely can’t be the best thing to cuddle up next to a Koorime…”

Trouble sought out Din’s lips and kissed him to get him to be quiet since he couldn’t find his voice to answer him, trying to put expression into the kiss that he always loved having Din close, that it was just as heavenly for him to feel the Koorime against him.

“Hmmm,” Din moaned against Trouble’s mouth as the little Immortal drew his tongue into his mouth and sucked gently.

The Koorime sped his thrusts just slightly, quickened by that small attention, his needing suddenly pushed over the limits of waiting. Trouble hadn’t wanted it to end, but it felt so good, that slow building just before orgasm, once it started he couldn’t resist either, sucking a little harder to encourage his lover.

Din held onto his little Immortal tightly, putting all his strength behind one more thrust, holding there as his body shuddered. Trouble pulled back from the kiss, letting his head fall back, his moans barely above audible but still making him blush so furiously his head spun.

Trouble was still shivering, caught up in the haze of orgasm, as he felt Din kissing his hand and then against his cheek and jaw, already gathering his senses from his own climax. The Immortal panted and kept his eyes shut, not trusting the room to stop spinning quite yet, wrapping his free arm around Din’s shoulders.

Din murmured wordless little things, sounding quiet content, settling down atop his husband and cuddling him, burying his face in that gorgeous red hair, their fingers still intertwined.

“You’re the best ‘telrai, love you,” Din sighed.

Trouble mirrored that content sigh, trying to find his voice. By the time he opened his eyes, Din had already gone still and quiet, his breathing paced, mouth slightly slack but smiling. Trouble smiled fondly at that blissful expression, knowing it had been a very long night for the Koorime who required sleep.

The Immortal studied his sleeping husband for a long while, drinking in every minute detail of that expression.

“So beautiful… love you… my husband.”

Trouble kissed those smiling lips very lightly, then rested their foreheads together. He closed his eyes in his way of mimicking sleep, content to lay right there in his husband’s embrace for as long as Din slept, fitting together so perfectly, as perfectly as every time previous and every moment yet to come.

