Missed You
June 17th
Evil is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Evil had skidded into the room, full cartoon-esque style, but far differently than he'd looked the last two weeks. Of course Obsidian couldn't see it, he'd given up his sight a long while ago to spare energy while Evil had been in his Worse Half form and unwilling to do more than barely touch his lover.
However, Obsidian had other senses he'd relied on his whole life.
As soon as Evil thudded down onto the couch beside him, he could sense the difference. The scent was lighter, less musky and animalistic. Even the sounds were different, the heartbeat, the rushing of his blood through his veins. Everything so very subtle, but Obsidian had memorized all these, and he'd missed them.
Evil nuzzled against him, his voice quiet but extremely happy, "My prettybus, can touch again. Not unclean, nasty fucked-up body no more," his fingers played in Obsidian's hair, "So sorry..."
Obsidian scooted a little closer, then roused his energy enough to get himself onto Evil's lap, curling up comfortably and resting there a moment, almost panting from that small exertion alone. "My 'toshii," he couldn't help but smile, tired or not, he was so happy to have Evil back against him.
The Immortal hugged him, probably way too tightly, but unable to stop himself, "My incubus... missed you... so fucking sorry." He nuzzled again, his tongue flickering out for a little taste of Obsidian's skin, still as soft and as sweet as it had been before, even sweeter in fact.
Obsidian didn't mind the hug at all, too tired to get his arms to move around his lover. He barely managed to get himself to nuzzle back, the smallest of motions, barely perceptible. "Not your fault 'toshii... hmmm... missed this."
"Me too dude, soooo fucking much."
The incubus cuddled to his immortal lover. If there were motions, they were slow and lazy, more just laying there than anything else. Evil settled for shutting up and holding him tightly, nuzzling and licking and kissing instead of babbling what was probably incoherent and over-emotional anyway.
Along with his sight, Obsidian had shut down the need to energy feed, going entirely human as it were considered. At the moment he couldn't feel his lover's energy, and he desperately needed it to restore his sight and his general health. Everything felt so dull without that energy sense, and he knew Evil's gentle attentions had a very particular taste that he loved and craved.
Evil pulled his hand back when it ran over Obsidian's back, every vertebrae of the spine distinctly felt beneath his touch. He peered down at the once fit and nicely muscled incubus, now no more than a skin-sack of bones. His hair even looked frighteningly lifeless, dull.
"Stupid... unique... devoted Ob-kun," Evil kissed the diamond at the center of Obsidian's forehead.
"No, I'm sorry," Evil hugged him tightly, running his hand down Obsidian's thighs and getting him to stretch his legs a little. Then he slipped his arm beneath his knees and cradled him against his chest, staggering to his feet. "C'mon, gotta feed my 'bus."
"I dunno... if I..."
Evil cut him off again, "Ya gotta, Ob-kun, you're..." he couldn't bring himself to say it, but Obsidian was far worse this time than he'd ever seen before, and he felt really guilty about it. Sure he'd told Obsidian to go have sex with someone else to feed, and he could have very well gone and done that, but Obsidian was committed to this monogamy thing.
Evil shouldered his way into his room, kicking the door closed behind them. He traversed his floor, wherever it was beneath all that homely mess, and laid Obsidian down gently upon the bed. He wasted no time, stripping out of his own pants and sitting down on the bed naked, sliding his hands beneath the waistband of the incubus' loose silk pants. Obsidian's hair usually felt like that, like silk... usually.
His deep brown eyes were both loving and worried as he took his time pulling down the black silk, revealing the colourless skin beneath. He tossed the pants towards a certain pile where the other few pairs of Obsidian's pants were, and the few shirts he owned. He ran his hands over Obsidian's thighs and up to his hips, fingers tracing over the larger marking that came around from his back.
Obsidian's sightless, ebony eyes seemed in a battle to keep themselves open. His slender hands moved, sliding atop Evil's and squeezing gently, trying to get them to move upwards. Evil took the hint and let himself be led, leaning further and further over Obsidian until his hands cupped the incubus' jaw, his lover's hands falling tiredly away.
The Immortal shifted his way between Obsidian's legs, laying down so very gently atop him, almost afraid to crush the terribly frail-looking form. He bent his head and kissed him deeply, tongue making a slow tour of that sweet mouth. He moaned into the kiss, even that bare touch of Obsidian's body against his exciting him.
Obsidian blinked his useless eyes as he pulled back from the kiss, taking deep breaths. "Okay... I have... have to."
"Yeah ya do," Evil nuzzled, watching him worriedly.
The incubus exhaled and closed his eyes, face drawing slightly in concentration. Evil blinked as a small flare of energy emitted from the diamond marking, a little ripple of energy moving downward along a few more marks before fading. He peered hopefully into those eyes when they opened, but could tell immediately they were still sightless. Of course, one shot for turning his feeding back on, he would need another, stronger feed to start his eyes back up again.
Obsidian shifted beneath him, making a content sighing noise. "Aahh, there... can feel you 'toshii... oh that's so good..."
Evil grinned, envying the incubus slightly that he could feel and literally taste the emotions he had for him. For that he tried to tone down the worry a little bit and just pelt out good, old-fashioned love-type feelings. He brushed his lips against his lover's, whispering tenderly, "There ya go... love my Ob-kun."
Obsidian made another noise, almost near a purr, wrapping his arms around Evil's neck, hands playing in his hair and pulling him closer. Evil let himself be pulled, kissing the incubus deeply once more, their tongues curling and mating, sliding hot against one another. Evil let him go to breathe, watching him admiringly as his head fell back against the pillows. Already his features seemed a little fuller, a little more than just the skin hanging off bones look, as if Obsidian was taking that energy and literally storing it beneath his flesh.
The Immortal pressed his mouth against the diamond forehead mark once more, feeling a slight hum of energy against his lips. Obsidian shivered beneath him, hands tightening at the back of his head. It was working, but Obsidian needed more before he'd be able to do this.
Evil pulled himself back, reluctant, but willing to do anything to make his incubus better. Obsidian whimpered slightly, but Evil forced himself all the way up, breaking his lover's hold upon him easily. He knelt to one side, taking Obsidian by the slender hips and massaging as he gently turned him. The incubus understood the silent command and turned over onto his stomach, displaying that intricate pattern of energy markings upon his back. Evil lovingly brushed all his hair to the side, exposing the entirety of his back and shoulders, surveying it all with a little thrill.
Obsidian was gorgeous, he had no doubts about that. He had the sexiest lover in all the realms.
Evil laid his hands at the unmarked spots on Obsidian's shoulderblades, where the wings emerged. Even unmarked, it was sensitive there because of that. He splayed his fingers outward to the crescents and their three claw-like marks, running the pads of his fingers over those, massaging as he moved upward, following the trail of the shoulder markings.
The incubus moaned, shifting beneath his touches, nuzzling into the pillow and holding onto it. Shivers quickly built upon one another, racing up and down his spine as he gathered more and more energy from his Immortal lover. When Evil's touches reached the diamond at the base of his neck, the markings were flaring red beneath his touches in a slight wake, as if he were touching red-tinged water upon that ivory skin.
Evil was always fascinated how that energy moved, like water, bright crimson water. He watched the energy ripple as he moved his fingers down along Obsidian's spine, going more for the nerves beneath than the marks at the moment. He paused when his fingers hit the topmost part of Obsidian's scar, laying right there against the spine.
He bit his lip slightly, wishing he could take away that experience that had hurt his Ob-kun, leaning and kissing there.
Obsidian really hadn't expected that, shuddering and gripping the pillow tighter. All the touches seemed so heightened because he couldn't tell where next his lover was going to caress, every one was such a pleasant surprise. The incubus couldn't help but moan at every touch, each one sending a thrill through him, culminating in his hardening arousal which was rather uncomfortably trapped beneath him against the bed.
Evil lifted his hands off completely, one finger tracing along the two rows of seven circles lying to either side of the incubus' spine, in a pattern only he knew. Then the touches left again. The Immortal quickly wetted two of his fingers, cupping his lover's rear for a moment before insinuating the slick fingers between them and inside his incubus. He pushed gently, curling his fingers, stretching the passage at the same time looking for that one spot.
He gave into Obsidian's wordless demands, pushing in a third finger and thrusting deeper, forcing himself to try and control his ragged breathing. This was almost too much for him to handle. He pulled his fingers free of his lover, making sure he wasn't touching him anywhere.
"Back over," Evil managed to choke out between panting.
He inhaled sharply at the sight of Obsidian's hard length laying across his belly, huge and magnificent, the delicate markings contrasting so beautifully upon the hard flesh. Evil couldn't resist, reaching with a featherlight touch and tracing them. Obsidian shuddered and cried out, gripping the bedsheets. A bead of moisture crowned on the engorged head, also so inviting. The Immortal bent his head and took the head into his mouth, caressing it with his tongue and lips.
He felt Obsidian's hand in his hair, fingers tangling, encouraging with a gentle push. Evil took as much into his mouth as he could, letting his hands wander up his lover's sides, enticing without looking marks he knew were there. He laid down between Obsidian's legs, wincing as he did, his excitement pressed viciously into the bed by his own weight and even that was too much.
Evil groaned, nuzzling and licking Obsidian's hip, working his way upwards, prowling up along the incubus' pale form. Now and again he dipped his head and nuzzled or licked or kissed, Obsidian never expecting any of them, unable to predict them.
The Immortal sucked upon one of the incubus' nipples, his fingers pinching and rolling the other. Obsidian was going wild beneath him, arching his hips to afford him some sensation, trying to hook his slender leg around Evil to pull him closer. Evil let himself be pulled after a moment, settling down, his stomach pressing against Obsidian's hard length. Obsidian arched against the sensation, rubbing himself against his lover's skin, moaning at the sweet friction.
"Itoshii... ahh... love you," Obsidian panted, propping up his other leg and stroking his thigh against Evil's side.
Evil moved his way up his lover's chest, regarding the rune pendant resting against Obsidian's neck, unable to stop himself from smiling a very big and somewhat goofy smile. He nuzzled against Obsidian's neck and gave the skin a hard suck before licking and nibbling. Obsidian moaned and slipped his hands from Evil's hair, caressing his face.
The Immortal moved his lips across the intricate red cheek marking, tongue flickering out now and again to caress. Obsidian shivered in pleasure, his hips having found a rhythm, stroking himself against his lover's body. Evil groaned long and loud, closing his eyes and resting his cheek against Obsidian's. He let his hand wander down his lover's side to his hip, gripping it firmly, kneading the soft flesh upon the protruding bone.
Evil reached beneath the pillow, the little space between the mattress and headboard where he knew there was a tube of lubricant. Obsidian whimpered softly, wriggling as his lover lifted up off him, leaving a rush of cold air in his place. Evil smirked at that response before concentrating on smearing a little lube onto his arousal, tensing against the pleasure to try and ignore it, needing to please Obsidian before him. It was the incubus that needed this, needed the attention and the love so he could get up from this and get healthy again.
Obsidian had hooked his leg around the Immortal, trying to draw him back once more. Evil set the lubricant aside, gripping the incubus' hip once against and nudging the head of his length teasingly at the entrance of that hot passage. The incubus whimpered the cutest little begging noises, tensing his leg in an attempt to draw Evil closer, arching his hips, writhing in expectation.
Evil bent over him, sealing their lips together as he gently pushed in, the lubricant causing him slide so wonderfully they both had to break the kiss to moan. Obsidian wrapped his arms around his Immortal, the grip strong and tight, his body clenching tightly down upon Evil's invading member. Evil groaned and buried his face against Obsidian's neck, nibbling and sucking as he found a slow thrusting rhythm.
The Immortal knew he wasn't going to last long after all that he'd put himself through, but he tensed and begged just a few minutes out of himself, for his incubus. He took a deep breath and exhaled, making the skin he'd wetted with his sucklings shiver. Evil pulled back, caressing Obsidian's face with both hands as the incubus did the same. They brushed their lips together, moved their joined bodies as if one.
Evil stared intently into those black glass orbs that served as his lover's eyes, waiting for some sign of life, as well as trying to stem off his threatening orgasm for as long as he could.
"Itoshii," Obsidian purred, arching his back, slender body trembling with a faint hum of energy.
Evil gasped, unable to hold off a shudder in response, snapping his hips just a little harder, striking deeper and holding there as orgasm overtook him. His lover shuddered as well, thrusting back against the deep invasion almost desperately, tightening hard down upon him.
The previously pitch-black room turned to gray, and then colours fell into place as his own climax spread through him. The first thing he noticed were those big brown eyes, Evil's deep, expressionful eyes, full of bliss and love.
"Hey," Evil panted, his eyes going heavy-lidded as the after-orgasm lethargy settled in, "prettybus can see me."
"Oh yes I can," Obsidian smiled, those black orbs twinkling with excitement and life.
"Guess I did an okay job then, huh?"
Obsidian purred, closing his eyes and nuzzling against his lover's jaw, licking the cheek marking, "Sweetest energy in all the realms, my 'toshii."
Evil shuddered, wrapping Obsidian tightly in his arms. They laid there for a long, content moment, just holding one another and basking in the aftereffects of their lovemaking. Then Evil roused himself and kissed his incubus, with passion and love, but still tender, trying to express himself in that one kiss.
He pulled back, gazing into those deep black eyes of glass, smiling a genuine smile. "I really missed you, Ob-kun."
"Really missed you too," Obsidian smiled back so prettily.
Evil laid there gazing at him for a long while, then rocked his hips, still buried to the hilt inside his incubus, "Want summore?"
Obsidian's smile spread into an impish grin, his arms tightening around Evil's neck and pulling him close, "I couldn't resist if I wanted to, and I definitely don't want to. Love you my 'toshii."
"Love ya Ob-kun," the Immortal sighed, completely happy to let feeding his incubus consume all his thoughts for the entire night to come.