June 26th
Evil is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Eros sat beside Ecstasy’s little bed, watching her sleep beneath her pillow, her chosen spot. Obsidian had fallen asleep not long ago, and of course Evil didn’t sleep, but he was cuddled up against Obsidian and watching him sleep.
Eros didn’t feel a bit like sleeping. As far as he was concerned, this past month or so down had been like a big, long sleep. Granted he was physically tired and achy, but not the sleep sort of tired.
He shifted, wincing a little. His Worse Half had done a considerable amount of damage to his body while he’d been under.
Worse Half… there was a term Eros had been comfortable with before, but now he wasn’t so sure.
While he’d been down, his Worse Half had been in control, apparently been fairly good about behaving, and had been named Echo.
Eros had seen the proof. In the short time they’d been in separate bodies, Echo had left obsessively watching over his Other Half in favor of cuddling up against Evil. And he’d referred to Evil as “dad” and not “dads” as it was the Other Half’s habit to say.
And Eros had to admit, there had definitely been some sort of affectionate connection there, and he’d definitely been jealous of it.
Eros sighed and looked inward, trying to seek out that other presence in his head. Echo was there, very distant and unusually quiet, but there. That was a small comfort.
Before they had bickered almost constantly, despite attempting to share power due to something Echo had told him. There had been severe animosity. Seemed like Eros’ long silence had really rattled a lot of people, including his Other Half.
Echo was now really much too quiet for too long for Eros’ liking.
“Are you there?”
No answer. The presence was there, He was just ignoring him.
“C’mon Echo, dad said no fighting, he didn’t say no talking.”
Eros sighed out loud, shifting his attention to Ecstasy. He blessed every higher power he knew that she didn’t have to go through this crap of being a Split. He reached and tugged the blanket up over the pillow, creating her preferred little tent to hide under, but just enough so he could still watch her sleep.
“Echo, please answer me,” Eros whispered out loud, then repeated it as a more focused thought, a little more forceful.
This was so strange. Echo had always come up with schemes and notions and either sweet-talked and bribed or threatened Eros into them. Now the Other Half seemed almost… depressed.
Eros scoffed aloud, shaking his head. It was preposterous, his Worse Half being complacent and morose. He had no idea what Echo could be upset about either. Perhaps he was doing a reversal to get back at Eros for being silent so long and no doubt driving him mad with so much quiet.
Neither one of them were well-equipped to handle long silence from each other, for as much as they hated one another and tended to not get along at all. Eros had even felt a little twitchy when Echo had been in that other body and out of his head. It just wasn’t right, they had to share the same body, they were meant to be like that.
“Come ON Echo, something, anything!” Eros mentally yelled.
There was nothing for a long moment, then the other presence shifted a little, actually moving away.
Leave me alone.
Eros blinked, really not believing he’d heard that. “Oh no you don’t, all those times I screamed at you to go away and you never did.”
Try something new. I’ll leave you alone if you do the same.
“How hard did Death hit you!?”
I believe you can tell that for yourself. As you said, I really fucked up this body.
“Yeah you did. What was the shit about cutting yourself up, huh? How stupid is that?”
I believe I asked you to leave me alone.
“No fucking way dude, something’s wrong with you. You aren’t acting like you anymore. C’mon, aren’t you spose to tell me how much of a fuck up I am? Not going to try and convince me to hurt someone or get enough power so we can be stronger than dad?”
“Why not?
I made a promise.
“Yeah I heard that. What’s in it for you? You wouldn’t make a promise like that unless you were getting something. Now I’m really fucking jealous, got some kinda deal with dad that I don’t know about.” Eros waited for some sort of response, didn’t get one. “What, did he promise to fuck you if you didn’t kill anyone?”
Eros regretted the thought immediately, it was too harsh a thing to say, even to his Other Half. He took a moment to calm his temper, trying to shoo away the jealousy. Echo had been in control a long time, he’d gotten attention, and that really grated Eros’ nerves for some reason.
“Why aren’t we linked up to anyone in the house?” Eros tried a slightly different topic.
The mother has limited range, we have further range, therefore we only feed beyond the house.
“So you like mom now too, huh?”
He is the mother.
“Oh that answers a fucking lot, will you make some gods damned sense please?!”
The sister also requires feeding within the house, there isn’t enough energy to support all of us.
“Oh… well…” Eros’ glassy black eyes looked at Ecstasy sleeping there. Now that made sense. “She isn’t linked up to mom anymore either.”
For a time she was linked to us, but when the Reaper hit us she was burned through the links and terminated them. She feeds on her own now.
Eros grinned, proud of his little sister. “Don’t know if I woulda trusted you to take her links, but I guess you took care of her or dad would’ve had something to say.”
Echo didn’t reply to the slightly biting remark. Eros sighed outwardly and moved his own presence just a little closer, going a little deeper to try and goad him out.
“C’mon, we were actually talking there for a bit. We can still talk and not fight,” Eros tried to sound a little kinder, but really he was getting rather annoyed, and still jealous.
Leave me alone.
“Dude, what’s up with you? I’m getting seriously depressed vibes here.”
Should trust that sense.
“Why the fuck are you depressed? Here I am, not quiet anymore, which I’m sure drove you totally nuts, so I don’t see why the fuck you behaved if you were that stressed. Damn, dad must’ve bribed you with like a horde of fucks to get that obedience out of you.”
Leave me alone.
The Other Half’s presence shifted even further away, at the edge of where distance became uncomfortable. Eros felt a surge of panic rush through him at the thought of Echo going that deep and ignoring him.
If he followed him and tried to work this out, Echo would either go deeper, or royally kick his ass. Eros knew he wasn’t up for an ass-kicking, not yet, he wasn’t anywhere near healed enough to take on his Worse Half, so he had to just leave him alone.
Yeah, Worse Half… according to everyone else.
Eros was really wondering who was the Worse Half anymore.