Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Jenii wasn’t exactly sure how this had started. He knew he had been teasing Pestilence, which had somehow lead to a flip in situations and Pestilence sitting on his back and spanking him whenever he did something that was deemed ‘bad’.
Of course, Jenii was trying to do everything bad he could think of now, but he’d apparently underestimated how into the role Pestilence was today.
Pestilence’s hand connected sharply against the Shadow’s ass after Jenii dared enter the conversation with Damael and Calm again. “Bad Shadow!” Pestilence lifted himself off Jenii, removing what pressure his added weight had given to Jenii’s crotch against the floor. “Go and sit in the corner,” Pestilence ordered firmly, sitting on the couch airily.
Jenii grunted an unhappy sound, but he obediently dragged himself over to rest in the corner of the room. He hung his head down low, but watched Pestilence reading a fashion magazine on the couch, feeling very dejected – and very horny.
Pestilence knew Jenii was watching him, and he knew Jenii wanted him; but he wanted to punish him. That much was obvious from the way he blatantly ignored Jenii while shifting his long, smooth legs against each other in the sexiest of movements. The Demon could all too vividly imagine what those chocolatey calves and thighs would feel like against his skin, shifting against his legs.
The Force’s full lips parted as he gazed at the magazine in his hands, full, soft and inviting. Jenii could hear Pestilence’s breath get just that slightest amount deeper, the quietest but most sexual sounds pouring from those deeply Tuscan lips. Jenii knew it was all just to work him up – and Gods, did it ever work him up.
The Demon growled unhappy sounds and whimpered in his throat, trying to not squirm against the floor too much. He hadn’t known he’d had a limit, he hadn’t known Pestilence had really wanted to be cruel to him today. Gods, all he knew was he desperately wanted to fuck Pestilence.
That was where it was a little strange. He could easily overpower Pestilence, pin the blonde to the wall or floor and take him, as roughly as he wanted; that much both he and Pestilence knew. However, for some reason he couldn’t fathom, he couldn’t bring himself to do that today. Something about Pestilence today was speaking to some deep rooted part of himself, making him stay, making him want to be treated this way, making him crave more punishment just as much as he craved Pestilence’s body.
Pestilence finally put the magazine down, walking over and standing in front of Jenii. He had a soft smile on his lips, but there was something so powerful in it. “Are going to obey now?” He purred at his husband.
Jenii stayed quiet, it had been talking that had gotten him into this mess in the first place. He pushed himself off the floor through, staying on all fours like the bad dog he felt like, holding his head down and nuzzling at Pestilence’s leg guiltily.
Pestilence’s hand slipped through Jenii’s hair. “There’s a good boy,” Pestilence cooed, as if to a child, but with that subtle power behind the saccharine tones. His fingers slipped from the fine black strands of hair to Jenii’s cheek, tracing near scars but never over them.
“Do you want me to use you?” Pestilence purred.
Jenii couldn’t contain his growl-come-purr at the mere thought of it. Those fingers were far too tempting to him, making him have to turn his face and try to catch them in his mouth.
Pestilence moved his hand away from Jenii’s face without a verbal reprimand, but that was more than enough. The Demon pitifully returned to nuzzling against the Force’s thighs.
“Is what you want, isn't it?” Pestilence asked in a deep, velvet voice. “To be treated like the bad man you are. You want me to spank you. You want me to tie you down. You want me ride you hard, for all my own pleasure, don't you?” The blonde’s voice lifted from those forcefully dark, sexual tones, back to that pretty, purring sound, “Answer me.”
“Yes, please, sir,” Jenii growled. Gods, he was almost surprised by how much he actually meant it.
Pestilence hummed a pleased sound, “Good boy. But…” The Force reached over and his hand connected sharply with Jenii’s buttocks again, making the Demon grunt with undisguised animal lusts. Pestilence looked at him, frowning a little, looking so incredibly sexual, “Are still a bad man who needs to be humiliated.”
The Force turned on his heel, managing not to throw himself off balance. “Follow,” He ordered, his hips rolling in an even more sensual manner than usual as he moved out of the room.
Jenii would have had no hope of not following those hips, even if he’d been told to stay. He slunk along behind Pestilence, prowling and growling like a heat crazed tiger, fighting with himself to behave and not grab that tempting ass as he followed it.
Pestilence led them through the halls before pushing into their room. It was cluttered and messy, but not as much as a bomb-site as it could have been. Jenii was sure that problem would soon be solved.
The Force pointed towards the bed. “Strip, and don’t be cute about it. Want you naked and standing in front of that bed as soon as possible.” Pestilence then turned to the wardrobe, digging through it and ignoring Jenii.
Jenii growled, prowling over to the bed. Somehow Pestilence ordering him around and then ignoring him sent white hot fire through his veins today. It was like he was nothing but a toy while Pestilence was so dominant, and that made him feel so deliciously good. They sometimes role-reversed but it had never been to this degree.
The Shadow stripped his clothes off, throwing them aside in a careless heap before standing beside the bed. He had no room for modesty, not even as aroused as he was.
Pestilence turned around from the wardrobe, something tucked in his arms, and barely glanced at Jenii to check he had obeyed. It was as if Jenii meant nothing to him, and although Jenii knew it was otherwise – or perhaps because of it – it made him feel… bad. Definitely very bad.
Jenii loved feeling bad.
“Now turn around and bend over,” Pestilence told him.
Jenii obeyed, bracing his hands on the bed. Without warning Pestilence’s hand smacked hard against his backside, making the Demon grunt and then growl a long lusty sound. If none of the previous spankings had left a mark, that first skin-to-skin contact one would have.
“When I ask you a question, will answer me,” Pestilence informed Jenii. His voice sounded like he’d moved a fair distance away from the bed, but the Shadow didn’t turn to look. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” Jenii grunted. He could still feel that somehow wonderful heated stinging, almost in the shape of Pestilence’s hand, on his ass. He longed for more, and yet couldn’t disobey to bring more.
There were some other sounds now, softer sounds but easily picked up by Jenii’s ears. Like Pestilence was moving, maybe stripping. “And are going to call me ‘kitten’ whenever you refer to me; understand?”
“Yes, kitten,” Jenii corrected himself obediently.
“Good boy,” Pestilence purred and some kind of pleasure surged through Jenii at the praise and tone. “Now, you do not speak until I tell you to. Do not touch, unless I tell you to. Can not come, until I allow you to.”
There were a few more soft noises, and then the sound of Pestilence’s feet moving back towards him. Pestilence seemed to stop behind him, but didn’t touch him except for some slender digits that slipped around Jenii’s thighs and traced across Jenii’s already hard sex.
The Demon had no hope of stopping himself growling and bucking his hips into that sensation. He was only rewarded with that hand being removed and another sharp slap across his behind. “This is about my pleasure, Jenii. Not yours. Understand?”
“Yes, kitten,” Jenii growled.
“You are a very bad man, and are going to be used. Are going to be my fuck-toy, and am going to do whatever I want to you.”
Jenii forced his breaths, which were half mingled with grunts like some kind of wild animal straining at a gate. Yes, that’s exactly what he felt like, and he was damned if he didn’t like it as much as he hated it.
“Now lie on your back,” Pestilence’s tone had shifted back to that sweet yet powerful voice.
Jenii moved over the bed, stretching out before rolling onto his back, with his head against the pillows. Now he could see his lover again, and that was a small mercy.
Pestilence had changed out of his jeans and shirt, wearing what was definitely the most revealing outfit Jenii had seen Pestilence wearing in several months. It was just two long, flimsy silken lines of fabric that fell over his behind and crotch, sliding silkily over his thighs and calves to his ankles. It was caught up in a golden twisted belt-like object that curled and twisted over his hips and stomach like long caressing fingers. The Shadow had to growl his approval, although he would have preferred him to be naked. It wasn’t about what he wanted though.
“Want me, don’t you?” Pestilence asked, his voice rolling from between his pouty lips. He was moving closer to the bed as he spoke, hips rolling.
“Gods yes,” Jenii growled before he corrected himself. “Yes, kitten.”
Pestilence leant over the bed, his hand on the blankets and not physically touching Jenii. The Demon could feel Pestilence’s heat battling with the heat rising off Jenii.
“Want to take me?” Pestilence asked him in a breathy voice. “Want to grab me hard and force me against the bed?”
“Yes,” Jenii managed to force between his continuous growls and hard animalistic breaths.
“Can see in your eyes,” Pestilence purred. The Force brought his face closer to Jenii’s face, breathing his words over the Shadow’s face. “Want to claw your nails into my hips, bite hard into my neck. Want to taste my blood, feel it against your fingers, hear it pulsing against your ears and smell it on the air, don’t you?”
Jenii dug his nails into the bed-sheets, fighting with the urge in his arms to grab Pestilence. He had been told only to touch Pestilence when ordered to. As tempting as that beautiful body was, so tantalisingly close, he could not give in. He was sure he was being tested, or just enticed to disobey. “Gods yes, kitten.”
“Yes, know that. Want to be surrounded by that hidden taste of me. You want to claw, bite and tear my skin. Mark me as your own in the most animal of ways.” Pestilence’s voice was getting lost beneath his breathlessness. “Want to slam into me, hard, relentless… getting deeper into me than any other man ever has, don’t you? Want to make me scream, drive me to my very limits and beyond, hm?”
Jenii’s growls peaked into a loud angry-come-lusty sound, his hands gripping sharply at Pestilence’s hips. It was the mention of other men that did it; he simply could not hold out and obey against such a threat – even a long passed one. He snapped his hands back with a short whimper as Pestilence smacked them, straightening up so not even his body heat touched Jenii any more.
“Bad man,” Pestilence chided. The dark-skinned Force reached behind himself, unhooking something from the back part of outfit. There was the sound of metal gliding off metal.
“Thought you would be able to behave without these,” Pestilence said, bringing a set of strong, silver handcuffs around to show the Demon. “But seems was wrong.”
Jenii’s eyes moved over the metal object. Ropes he could have burnt through had he needed to – had be been driven truly insane with desire. With those he would be completely at Pestilence’s mercy – however little of that Pestilence seemed to have today.
The thought was extremely thrilling, particularly in his current state of severe arousal.
“Arms over your head,” Pestilence ordered his voice firm and dark again. Like some kind of delicious strong wine Jenii simply couldn’t get enough of – and couldn’t disobey.
The Demon meekly raised his arms over his head, sliding them between the slats in the headboard. He had so many hopes that Pestilence would sit on him, lean over his face while working the handcuffs; he needed to feel the Force against him, needed to feel his skin, smell it, maybe dare and lick it – he could handle whatever punishment that wrought.
His hopes were dashed however. Pestilence only moved behind the bed to slap on the handcuffs, barely touching Jenii at all while restraining him. The Force slipped back around the bed, looking at his lover now trapped on the bed.
Jenii could swear he could physically feel Pestilence’s gaze sliding across every plane and line of muscle Jenii had. The Demon twisted his arms slightly, flexing the muscles in his arms, smirking with pride at the soft pleased noise that brought out of Pestilence.
“Very nice,” Pestilence murmured. The blonde reached and drew his fingernail firmly and slowly down the curve of one of Jenii’s biceps, making the Demon’s growls start up again. “Particularly here,” Pestilence drew all his nails down Jenii’s body pausing over his belly before he held his dark hand just an inch above Jenii’s hard length, as if feeling the heat pulsing from it.
Jenii made himself stay still, much as he longed to force contact between himself and Pestilence’s hand.
The Force carefully bent down, reaching under the bed and retrieving a familiar glass bottle. Pestilence pulled the cork out with his lips, tilting the long purple bottle over Jenii’s stomach. Cool, clear and spicy smelling liquid trickled from the bottle’s mouth, pooling and trailing across Jenii’s abs, his belly button, then across his thighs and that hard length of flesh. That liquid was cool – cold even, compared to the heat of the fire Demon’s body – enough so that he had to hiss at the feeling of it gliding over his skin. It was like liquid silk, barely tangible on his skin – somewhat soothing to those pale, shallow rents where Pestilence’s nails had travelled.
“Open your legs,” Pestilence ordered.
Jenii hesitated. Only because he was distracted by the feel of the oil, but a hesitation was a hesitation.
“Open your legs,” Pestilence repeated, more firmly in that dark voice again. The flat of his palm struck against Jenii’s thigh harshly, aiming mostly over the deep rented scar in that right thigh. That was a whole new sensation in itself – entirely pleasurable burning pain that spread through his nerves from that point like ice cold needles.
Jenii’s growls peaked a moment, then evened out again as he bent his knees, resting his feet on the bed and obediently obeying his blonde lover.
The Force settled between Jenii’s legs, close enough to Jenii’s body and thighs that the Demon could again feel his body-heat without actually feeling the smooth skin he craved. Jenii lifted his head enough that he could still see Pestilence from his new position, captivated by the Force who had him totally vulnerable.
Pestilence glanced along the trails of oil that ran across Jenii’s sex, before he lowered his face, blowing agonisingly cool air across that hard flesh, making it twitch. The Force’s amethyst eye gazed back up Jenii’s body, indescribably sultry and commanding. Jenii could swear Pestilence was the embodiment of sexiness.
“Do you want me to touch you gently?” Pestilence purred in a whisper.
Jenii was unsure how to answer that, but he craved Pestilence touching him any way at the moment. “Yes, kitten.”
Pestilence hummed a little sound, blowing cold air across the head of Jenii’s length, making him growl deeply in his throat. “Then will not touch you gently at all,” Pestilence informed the Shadow.
Pestilence’s fingers and palm pressed hard and flat suddenly against the underside of Jenii’s length, dragging up along its entirety, pinning the Demon’s shaft against his stomach in a move somewhere between intense pain and insane pleasure. Jenii’s growls deepened, interspersed with almost snorting animal-like breaths.
Pestilence’s hand reached the end of Jenii’s length, continuing to press hard against Jenii’s stomach, slicking up his palm and fingers in the oil there, before dragging his nails back down those oily abs, across Jenii’s hips and thigh. One of those coolly slicked fingers pressed without warning against Jenii’s entrance, pressing within that heated passage to the first joint, sliding so very easily with the added lubrication.
Normally Jenii would have needed warning Pestilence was about to do something like that and a moment to relax himself. Not today though. Today that part of it barely flickered across his mind; all he wanted today was more of it. The Demon’s growls pitched to a hungry snarl as he took advantage of his legs positions to lift his hips.
Pestilence looked from what he was doing to Jenii’s face, smiling with an unusual kind of playfulness – almost a smirk. He began sliding the rest of that single finger into Jenii, with glacial slowness. “Would almost think you like being violated like this.”
Jenii couldn’t find words, not even sure if he should use them anyway, just growling long sounds that were a twisted cross between begging and demanding.
Pestilence slipped another finger into Jenii, but refused to add anymore. The slickness of the oil made the penetration almost instantly smooth. It wasn’t long before the blonde was thrusting his fingers in just short of harshly and down to their knuckles. Pestilence’s gaze shifted between his hand and Jenii’s face, smiling with such false innocence. “Are a filthy man-whore, aren’t you General?”
Jenii could only growl in response to the name, or maybe he was growling in response to Pestilence’s teeth suddenly roughly grazing over Jenii’s excitement. Pestilence bit at the sensitive flesh with just a notch more pressure than a gentle bite should have been. He pulled back just as suddenly as he’d bent down, curling his dark fingers inside Jenii, rubbing against a sensitive area.
The fire Demon snarled loudly, a sudden hard shudder taking over him, white ice-cold fire burning through his veins as that place inside him was manipulated. He tried to hold off that malicious pleasure, but failed somewhat, his arms straining at the handcuffs that held back his hands and his hips bucking desperately upwards as his length jerked, spilling a small amount of his pleasure against his stomach.
Those fingers leaving him empty and another sharp slap, against his inner thigh this time, brought him back enough from that pleasure that he didn’t orgasm at least.
“Bad boy!” Pestilence scolded, slipping off the bed, not even his heat touching Jenii now. The Shadow tried to follow but was quickly stopped by the metal ensnaring his wrists. Damn things, he’d almost forgotten them for a minute. His irritated growl quickly melded into a whimper as he realised how far away from the bed Pestilence had moved.
Pestilence had his hands on his dark, femininely curved hips. “If you cannot obey, why should I use you? Don’t you want to please me?”
By the Gods, Jenii wanted nothing more than to do that. “I want to please you, kitten,” He husked.
“Could use something else for my pleasure,” Pestilence informed Jenii, such a hard and sultry tone; addictive in its own way; he almost wanted to make Pestilence annoyed so he could hear it.
“Your sword’s handle, maybe,” The dark-skinned male continued, thoughtfully.
Jenii growled aggressively, before he reigned himself back.
“Does that make you jealous?” Pestilence purred; move closer to the bed slowly, his hips rocking from side-to-side hypnotically. “The thought of me, using something to give myself ultimate pleasure… right here, in front of you, while you can’t do anything about it?”
“Yes,” Jenii snarled.
“Don’t you deserve that, though?” Pestilence asked softly. He reached over to where Jenii’s newest sword was propped up, running his finger over the long handle, gasping a soft sexual sound at the sensation.
Jenii growled and then lowered his head submissively, remembering his place once again. “Yes, kitten.”
Pestilence stopped by the bed, reaching down and gripping Jenii’s excitement firmly once more. He squeezed the firm length tightly, pumping the flesh for just a moment, fully mingling spent fluid and oil over it. He let go far too soon and too quickly.
Pestilence braced his arms either side of Jenii, leaning towards his face, not bringing his lips close enough that the Demon might catch them. “It would be a shame though,” He breathed, pushing his words across Jenii’s lips, like a caress, “to waste something I worked so… hard for.”
Jenii growled, so deeply it was silent, nothing more than a vibration. His dusky red eyes watched intently as Pestilence stood back up and pulled the silken, blue fabric from his body, leaving only the golden metal belting – like some kind of golden tattoo pressed against his skin. Just the sight of his lover’s excitement and naked body was almost enough to make Jenii lose his restraint, maybe just come right then and there, but somehow he held himself in control.
“But you have no hands,” Pestilence whispered softly, every word getting more lost under breath. “And have been a very, very bad boy; so can not allow you the pleasure of prepping me for my ride.”
Pestilence climbed onto the bed, straddling over Jenii’s chest. He shifted back slightly, spreading his legs more, giving Jenii a perfect, unabashed view of his ass. His scent, mixed with that so personal sexual musk, and his heat curled around and caressed across Jenii’s face like unseen fingers.
There was a loud clank, as Jenii’s hands strained once again at the metal holding him back, desperate to grab Pestilence and see to him.
Pestilence ignored the noise, serene all of sudden. The Force casually checked his fingers were still slick from the oil and juices before he traced his finger around the swollen tip of his dark shaft. Jenii’s eyes were drawn to that finger and that finger alone, watching fixedly as it ran down the underside of Pestilence’s length, curling beneath the Force to that tight entrance before piercing suddenly within.
Pestilence’s loud moan was the only thing that made Jenii want to drag his attention away from that finger, his eyes flicking up hungrily to Pestilence’s face. Pestilence really knew how to put on a show, and today was no exception, the Force working, with what seemed to Jenii to be excruciating slowness, to stretch himself.
“Yes… oh yes!” The little Force rolled his head to his shoulder, then threw his head back, moaning and gasping with every sensation his fingers caused. The blonde gasped breathy and wordless encouragements and exclamations to himself, rolling his hips and speeding and slowing the sensations to tease himself. If his aim was to make Jenii jealous of his fingers, he completely succeeded.
Pestilence moans peaked suddenly, the Force curling himself forward slightly, resting his chin against his chest and panting hard, withdrawing his fingers from himself. He looked up at Jenii through his hair, his face flushed darker than usual, golden strands of hair sticking to his cheeks in a beautiful frame. Jenii growls subsided for a mere moment’s purr of approval.
“Do you want to see my face while I fuck you?” Pestilence purred.
The Shadow’s growling started up again, as loudly and lustily as it had been during that show, if not moreso. “Yes, please kitten.”
Pestilence smiled beautifully, leaning so close that Jenii thought he might actually be allowed to taste those sweet full lips. Pestilence paused before he could catch them though. “Then are not allowed to,” He whispered, pushing himself up and turning himself around, presenting Jenii with his buttocks and back.
Once again Jenii strained at the handcuffs, but he had no way of getting free and turning his lover back around. Pestilence braced his hands against Jenii’s thighs and wriggling his hips to position his heat against Jenii’s shaft.
Jenii had been teased more than enough and he couldn’t resist trying to slam his hips up, desperate for that incredible heat. Pestilence anticipated his move though, lifting his hips and preventing Jenii from entering him.
The blonde looked over his shoulder firmly. “Are my toy, are going to stay still, or will go use something else. Understand?”
Jenii couldn’t speak, lowering his head submissively. He gripped at the headboard, steeling himself as Pestilence once again lowered his behind against Jenii’s sex. The Force was being unmistakably cruel to him, rubbing himself against that swollen head, moaning deep and beautiful sounds, but barely taking the Shadow into himself. Jenii gritted his teeth together so strongly he thought they might break with the pressure.
Then suddenly Pestilence eased himself down Jenii’s length, not slowly but gently, and hilting himself with that first movement; so much easier than their usual sex, aided by all the oil and fluid.
Jenii growled a satisfied, long sound, but he was unable to enjoy that sensation of tight, slick heat around him for long. Pestilence didn’t want to wait or tease himself any longer. The blonde gripped at Jenii’s thighs, sliding himself up and down Jenii’s length, building himself quickly to a deep, hard rhythm, moaning absorbed, wanton sounds and crying out as he drove himself down onto Jenii fiercely. He was using every inch of the Shadow Demon to drive himself wild – just that thought drove Jenii wild himself, growling and grunting sounds that might have become moans given half the chance.
Pestilence cries all too quickly built to a peak, Jenii not wanting it to end, and yet desperate to be allowed his release and to bring pleasure to his mate. Pestilence slammed himself down onto Jenii, throwing his head back and all but screaming with pleasure before suddenly and unexpectedly pushing himself up and off Jenii.
The Demon snarled, his hips slamming up into the air, but Pestilence was already stretching out against his side.
Pestilence bit hard at one of Jenii’s nipples, making the Shadow hiss with that jolt of pain before the Force’s tongue circled around the nub of flesh. Pestilence slowly rubbed his heated length against Jenii’s side. “You wouldn’t be happy if I came like this, would you?”
“No,” Jenii growled.
“How about if I saw to myself again?” Pestilence purred, his accent rolling off tones that were nothing but dirty. “If sat on your chest again and made myself come over you. That would humiliate you, wouldn’t it?”
Jenii’s lusty sounds rose, “Yes”
“But you want to be inside me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” the world dissolved into another hiss as Pestilence attended to Jenii’s other nipple. It felt good, but he needed more, he needed release.
Pestilence slid his leg over Jenii’s stomach, straddling the demon again and thrusting his length against the ripples of Jenii’s muscles. The Force moaned and gasped, “Ah! Oh, Gods… So good… Mmmn!”
Jenii growled, trying to find some friction himself, or even better back inside Pestilence. “Kitten, please.”
“Please what?” Pestilence gasped between moaning, rubbing himself firmer against Jenii’s stomach.
“Please, let me back inside you,” Jenii forced the words between his growls. “I need your heat, need to fuck you. Need to feel you come around me.”
Pestilence moaned softly, smiling and lifting himself up again. He positioned himself over Jenii’s sex again. “You can fuck me, but don’t you dare come before me, you bad boy,” He purred.
Jenii was never more grateful of being given permission to move, thrusting his hips up violently and without any warning but a deep throaty growl. Pestilence arched his back, throwing his head back and crying out obscenely noisily.
The blonde pistoned back down hard onto Jenii’s length as the Shadow slammed up deep and high into him, moaning loudly, begging for more that the Shadow was only too glad to give him. It barely took more than a minute before Pestilence’s cries peaked to an actual scream of satisfaction, his slender body tightening and shuddering hard as he fell into a hard orgasm.
Jenii didn’t need anything more than that; even the strong explosion that rocketed from Pestilence’s body meant little to him except that he was finally allowed to come. He thrust one last time into Pestilence’s tight heat, hitting his own brutal orgasm deep inside his lover, snarling with the indescribable satisfaction, his vision actually fading for a moment into a sudden bright light.
Pestilence collapsed against Jenii’s chest, and for a long while it was just their mutual gasps, moans and heartbeats. Finally though they both calmed down from that intense euphoria, Pestilence scooting along Jenii’s tired body and kissing him softly. Jenii was only to happy to capture those lips, tasting them and that deep, hot mouth beyond, only then realising how much he’d longed to do that.
Pestilence hummed a pleased sound when they finally broke off the kiss, “Mmm… might have to use and humiliate you again one day.”
Jenii could only grin, “When?”
“Mm, when aren’t expecting me to be a bitch.”
Jenii purred, and then tugged against the handcuffs again. “Have I been punished enough now?”
“Mhmm… although,” Pestilence looked around the messy post-explosion room thoughtfully, “now have to wonder where that handcuff key went.”