
Tipol is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


Ash scented something foul in the air. The General had also inclined his head slightly, indicating he smelled it as well. Force Calm also shifted his posture, a moment later his children all gathering into his lap. There was just something wrong with the air. The taunting stopped, the giggling of the children, and the air was heavy and silent.

The Kouryou murmured to his husband, Calm scanning the room as he answered.

When Calm’s gaze shifted to Tipol, Ash did the same. The Felinoid looked bored as he often did, a moody look, but there was something just a little more tense about it, as if he were waiting for something.

“What is it?” the Force asked.

“That would be Dannanko,” Tipol replied.

Ash tensed, scanning the air around Tipol. The air seemed wrong even before the True Demon’s mist form appeared there for all to see. The mist hardened, the bulk surrounding Tipol. Ash had to restrain himself from getting up, though he really had no idea what he would do once he was up.

The Demon found something resembling a humanoid body, but parts of it continued to shift into other things, monstrous and nightmarish things. Ash didn’t care what form it took. It didn’t feel right, not at all, and he wanted it away from Tipol, now.

“If you’re done feeding and whatever you do,” Tipol was saying, “then just get back inside me and get it over with.”

Ash stifled the growl that rose from his throat. Growling at a True Demon did not seem like a very intelligent thing to do. That was confirmed when said Demon grinned impossibly wide, stretching the physical possibilities of that face, displaying rows of teeth.

“Already begging for it?”

Tipol rolled his eyes, “Just do it.”

“Oh, you miss people watching you get what you deserve, is that it? That’s why you’re so desperate for it here and now?”

Ash had endured a great deal of torture at the hands of that cat, but seeing him be put through something similar made Ash twitch. He so wanted to move, to at least try and challenge the Demon. It would likely get him killed, he kept repeating to himself, and for the moment that was enough to keep him from moving.

“Is that why you’ve been so social all this time? Secret desires to annoy everyone so much, that they gang-rape you, just like you used to love. Just like you begged for. Just like you lie awake wishing for,” the Demon was continuing to bother Tipol.

“Okay, I know you’re a Demon, but where the fuck do you get off trying to lie about me to mysel-”

“Sleep,” the Demon interrupted, Tipol’s body suddenly going limp.

Ash had to tense every muscle in his body so he wouldn’t leap up from that chair. Seeing Tipol slouched like that, his tail limp, his eyes vacant, it sent a shudder through him.

“He’s more interesting this way, don’t you think?”

“Demon bad!” the General’s offspring growled, trying to escape her parents.

Ash was wishing for someone to hold him back, it was terribly difficult for him to do it himself. He was glaring at the Demon, but the impressive and nightmarish creature barely seemed to notice him. Truly demons as Ash knew them, from his world, were insignificant compared to this thing.

“I can’t shoot him,” Calm was explaining to Damael, “There’s no soul to die.”

“Oh, you still want to kill me,” The Demon’s voice was now far beyond human. “If you wish for my death so much, I could always take a piece of my vessel’s soul.”

“No!” Pestilence protested.

Ash grunted, he certainly wanted the Demon dead and gone, but taking part of Tipol’s soul just did not seem like a good thing to do. He had half a mind to offer the Demon his soul so Calm could kill it, just to get it away from Tipol. He had no idea where that urge came from or why, and he didn’t much want to think about it right now.

“If give someone part of your soul willingly, it's okay,” Pestilence was explaining. “If are not willing, you die. Really painfully. Do not think Tipol would willingly give you a piece of his soul.”

“Oh my, you are far too smart for your own good, Force,” The Demon smirked, showing off those rows of teeth again.

“Step off and get over yourself,” the General’s mate glared, “We like Tipol, so you telling - or twisting - his past, thoughts and feelings is not going to change that. We aren’t going to let him get upset or embarrassed about it or let you try and torture him about it.”

“Far, far too smart. I will have to gracefully take my leave,” the creature misted, swirling around Tipol before vanishing into him.

“I hate True Demons,” Calm muttered. “You okay there, Tipol?”

Ash watched Tipol carefully, concerned that the demon had injured him. The Felinoid, however, stood up as gracefully as ever, completely ignoring the question. He moved with all the usual grace across the room, but something was just… different.

The Shadow demon couldn’t quite tell exactly what Tipol was doing, but there was a definite purpose to it as the Felinoid moved towards him. His eyes were narrowed, not in anger, Ash would have recognized that. This was something he’d not seen before. And the way his body moved, hips shifting from side to side, it seemed almost… predatory.

Tipol gripped the arms of the chair on either side of Ash, leaning down, his scent curling around and intoxicating Ash.

“Ash,” Tipol purred in an almost begging tone, “Why haven’t you just pinned me to the wall and fucked me, yet?”

Ash had barely heard, let alone comprehended, anything that had followed the shock of hearing Tipol actually say his name. All he could manage was a surprised and confused grunt.

“Oh for- that’s the bloody Demon!” Calm snapped.

“My S’adow!” Cocoa wailed from somewhere hidden among his siblings, always so jealous of Tipol when it concerned HIS Ash.

Ash had to drag himself back from that shock, trying desperately to recover from it. “Well, clearly it isn’t fucking him!” he shouted back at Calm, using the argument to try and distract himself from Tipol.

It failed miserably. The Felinoid slipped his way onto Ash’s lap, the heat of his body alone almost more than Ash could handle. Then there was the scent, the sounds of Tipol’s heavy breathing, his long tail snaking around Ash’s thigh. Ash’s vision literally spun.

“Every day I torment and tease you, and you never get angry enough just to pin me to the wall and rape me?” Tipol seemed to almost be moaning now, his hands all over Ash’s chest and stomach. “Don’t you want to prove yourself to me? Don’t you want me?”

Tipol leaned in closer, his hot breaths moving against Ash’s skin. Ash couldn’t stop staring at him no matter how shocked he was, or perhaps because of it. He had to tilt his head up as the Felinoid leaned up onto his knees, but he would do anything to keep him in sight, no more than that small space apart.

“Why don’t you want me? I want you.”

Ash growled, somewhat surprised to hear himself. He couldn’t help but try and shift his hips, wanting Tipol to touch him there as he had before, to relieve him now of that ache as he had before. His hands moved to grab hold of that slender body to keep it still and against him.

“Ash! Hands down!” Jenii ordered sharply, breaking into Ash’s hazy awareness.

The younger Shadow stilled his hands from moving any closer, but he so much wanted to touch Tipol, to hold him, to push him down hard against his lap to ease that burning desire for attention and friction.

“I need you, Ash,” Tipol moaned, pressing harder against Ash’s chest. His arms slid over Ash’s shoulders and around his neck, bringing him just a little bit closer.

“Now!” Jenii growled louder.

Ash slammed his hands back against the arms of the chair, his need to obey his General outweighing his desire. But he had to dig his claws in to keep them there.

“For fuck’s sake, it’s not even him,” Jenii growled.

“I know that!” Ash snapped, immediately regretting it. Fuck, he’d yelled at a commanding officer, a General no less. The shame of that hitting his warrior pride made him look away, which thankfully took Tipol out of his field of vision.

Tipol continued to rub himself against Ash’s chest. Ash paced his breathing down to nearly nothing, desperate to not smell that alluring scent. He kept his gazed fixed, knuckles cracking as Tipol licked up his cheek. That tongue was so hot, and his voice so mesmerizing as he whispered against Ash’s ear.

“Just keep ignoring him, solider,” Calm encouraged.

Just that little bit, that reminder that he was a warrior, it kept Ash fighting. He continued to ignore Tipol despite the sensations, despite his raging desire.

Eventually, Tipol blinked, shaking his head suddenly. He leapt back as if startled, tripping and struggling to get away. “Oh what the… ugh! I hate random fucking possession!”

“Oh good, that sounds like you,” Calm slouched just the slightest bit, relaxing.

“Oh just… what the fuck…” Tipol stood there, back mostly to Ash, rubbing his temples with his hands. “What the hell was he making me say?”

“Nothing,” Damael answered.

Ash closed his eyes, bringing his breathing back up to normal. Nothing at all, it had been nothing except a Demon possession. That had not been Tipol. Tipol was disgusted just at having found himself seated on Ash’s lap.

“Thanks for lying there,” Tipol saw through Damael’s lie. He composed himself, gathering his pride until he looked like the usual bitchy Tipol. “Okay, you’re all unsettled, so I’ll just go somewhere else until the Demon is... yeah.” And then he strode out of the room.

“We’re unsettled? I’m more disturbed. By Ash,” the General grunted.

Ash could feel the glare resting upon him, but he couldn’t bring himself to raise his head. He focused instead on trying to dig his fingers out of the arms of the chair. He’d yelled at his General. Warriors had died for less.

And it had happened because of Tipol, because of Ash’s desire for Tipol. That was the most disturbing thing.

