Returning Nightmare
Calm is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Damael inspected his hands, the aqua glint of his eyes reflecting from the same of his claws. The rest was utter darkness.
But he wasn't alone. His keen ears could hear soft footfalls approaching, quiet breathing, a faint heartbeat even from a distance.
There was no scent though, which confused him.
"Who's there?" he whispered timidly.
It had to be a dream. In reality he was two months pregnant with Calm's baby and looking more like seven months along. Yet when his hands had drifted down there was no swollen belly, and the aches that plagued him daily were gone.
The footsteps had stopped a safe distance away. Damael had to quiet his own heart by pacing his breathing in order to pinpoint the others location in the darkness.
"I think you know who it is."
Damael gasped, rushing his hands to cover his mouth. He did indeed know that voice.
"What do you want?"
"There again, asking questions to which you know the answer."
Damael trembled, having heard the same answer for nearly a year now, of course he knew it.
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" he could feel the tears burning his cheeks, a feeling so vibrant he could have sworn he was awake.
"I have to remind you. You're trying to forget me."
Damael shook his head, the sounds of his earrings jangling together cut the air so realistically. "I could never..."
"You want to, don't deny it. Sometimes you catch yourself believing that dream you created, that my son is reallyhis."
"He is his son, he is. You're the one who's a dream, a bad dream. Calm'll be there when I wake up!"
"He can't protect you from me."
"Yes he can, he is my knight... you're just a dream."
"Not listening again. That is a fabricated dream. The reality is you and Mizumi are mine."
Damael shook his head again. "We belong... to Calm."
"A lie! A dream! Nothing but a construct!" The footsteps moved in a circle around Damael, but not drawing closer. "The collar is around your neck, you are MINE!"
Damael's hands went to his neck, claws striking the metal. More tears burned down his cheeks, "No..."
"Oh yes. It will never come off, you will always be mine. I will never let you go or let you alone to your fantasy life."
"Quit haunting me! Leave me alone!"
"You are alone, the very last Kouryou alive. The rest, your tribe, your family, they're all with me. You know Makai aren't allowed into Reikai, they go down, through the levels of Makai when they die."
Damael's legs collapsed, sinking him down to his knees. "Stop it, leave me alone..."
"And soon, very soon, I'll bring my son to come join me."
"No! He's my son!"
"He is mine and you very well know it."
"He's mine and Calm's! You go away!"
"It's a dream you created, it isn't real. Nothing good or comforting lasts in your life, you know that."
Damael choked on a sob, tugging uselessly at the collar around his neck. "Forever... with Calm... forever..."
"There is no forever. You promised me your life, I will see that promise made good. You are mine."
Damael trembled violently, shaking his head, "No... no... Calm's..."
"I will bring you to join me..."
"No... he'll... protect me..."
"He can't save you from me, you're mine."
"His... only..."
"You can feel the collar, it is your reality. You promised me."
"No... no..."
Damael jerked his head up, ears lifting. He tried desperately to catch his breath, turning every way he could trying to find the source of the voice. "Liamashiel..."
"Yes Moonlight... it's me."
Damael could feel fingers moving through his hair. He closed his eyes and focused on that, and when he opened them again there was no darkness, only Calm peering worriedly at him.
"It was a nightmare my lovely, just a nightmare. You got so upset I had to wake you."
Damael scooted, wincing against the pain, but moving to cling to Calm anyway. "Here... stay here... promised."
"Yes I did, so I'm here, right here," Calm held him securely, stroking down his hair. "Man of my word."
Damael bit back a sob, burrowing deeper against him, forcing out words despite the emotions, "Th... thank you."
"Of course, Moonlight, I'm your idiot knight afterall."
"Liamashiel... my... peacebringer."
"Yeah," Calm smirked, kissing his forehead. "So try and go back to sleep, okay? You're exhausted... maybe the nightmare has had enough and will stay away this time, hmm?"
"Maybe..." Damael closed his eyes, afraid of the darkness, and knowing the nightmare would return. It always returned.