Training 2
Trouble is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Din knocked lightly on Love's door, "Love~?"
The personification opened the door, looking his usual perky midget self "Good afternoon Din."
Din fidgeted, "Kitairin... busy?"
"Tch, not particularly... Something wrong dear?"
"Just... need little advice I guess."
"Well I can try my best there," Love opened the door wider, "Come, sit."
Din slipped inside, looking for a place to sit that wasn't the bed.
Love smiled and gestured to two comfy chairs, "What's bothering you?"
Din sat, absently tucking hair behind his ear, "Well I want to talk to Trouble... but I'm not sure... how to bring it up, how to say it, or what precisely I want to convey."
"Oh tch? And what would you want to talk to him about?"
Din sighed, "I just... last night was wonderfu.l.. the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I felt it almost spiritually... but physically.. I failed..."
"Hm..." the immortal pressed his finger thoughtfully against his face, "He left you unsatisfied?"
Din shook his head, "That makes it sound bad, I really didn't mind... but he knows and it upsets him and... I dunno," he rubbed his temple.
"You want to talk to him, but you don't know what you want to say, right?"
Din sighed, "Right... just... maybe if I could understand what he did and help myself more... I dunno."
"Tch, you could have Trouble help get you started, hm? Or finish... Or just be there at every stage," Love shrugged, smiling.
Din sighed again, "That would be... reaaally nice."
"So ask him to help you?"
Din closed his eyes, "That sounds easy enough.. hn."
"Trouble... near enough forgot everything he's expected to do as a lover. Tch, he was treated as just," Love paused before saying the next words with distaste, "just a hole... for too long. But if you talk to him... remind him of things he forgets... ask him to help you... I'm sure he'll do his best and maybe you won't feel so unfufilled, hm?"
The Koorime bit his lip, "I'm afraid to bring back painful things... I'm always afraid, every time... don't want him to hurt."
"So long as you avoid his back, I very much doubt you could upset or hurt him in any way dear."
Din pushed his hair back with both hands, "Yeah... his back... remind myself constantly about that... pure luck I haven't slipped yet."
"He trusts you," Love smiled, "I'm sure if you ever slipped up his reaction wouldn't be quite so panicked as it usually is."
Din smiled and huddled into the chair a little bit, glancing toward the bed, "How's the kou?"
Love sighed, "Seems around the same mentally at least... Tch, sometimes I wonder if I've lost my touch."
Din smirked, "Don't tell me you fixed aitelrai in a matter of weeks."
The immortal laughed, "Try centuries... but I was hoping I could move on a faster time scale this time."
Din nodded, "Considering he's got a much shorter lifespan..." Din stopped like that made him think of something very painful.
Love blinked, but didn't ask, "Hm, I'll keep trying. Maybe I'll hit upon something that helps soon."
Din glanced toward the hall, "I should... go... before I lose my nerve entirely."
Love smiled, "Tch, just remember, he's not so naive... he's just forgetful."
Din laughed shortly, nervously, "And I'm not a perfect sex slave... fentir Love."
"You're welcome. Good luck dear."
Din got up slowly, tensely giving Love a hug. Then he leaned across the bed to stroke Damael's hair down, quietly slipping out the door and ducking back into Trouble's room. Trouble was at his desk as usual, looked to be sketching something.
Din didn't want to bother him, just curled up quietly and stared off at nothing, running things through his mind about how to bring this up to Trouble. He knew he had plenty of time, the immortal could sit at that desk for days and never notice him.
Unless there was something deemed fairly important bothering Din, the Koorime didn't mind not being noticed. He'd been trained to sit and wait for commands, and as much as he hated that old life, he slipped back into the habits easily. He had things to do, books to read, ningen language to study, except in times like these when he just couldn't focus because of some issue flitting around in his mind.
Din sighed, obviously too loudly because it caught the immortal's attention. Din blinked in surprise at those sapphire blue eyes blinking back at him. Normally a little sigh wasn't enough to catch his attention.
Trouble's eyes were full of inner torment, worry... he was just as bothered by this issue as Din was.
The immortal put his head back down, chewing at his lip. He tried to return his pencil to the sketchpad, lose himself in the work, but it just wouldn't move. Rather like Din with his studies, this was interfering now. He put his pencil down and padded over to the bed, settling down on the edge of it, hiding his face beneath his mantle of crimson hair.
It was barely audible, "I'm.. sorry..."
Din tried to give Trouble his full attention, dragging himself up out of his reservations and his avoidance, brushing back strands of that red hair, "Nothing to be sorry for aitelrai."
Trouble nodded, keeping his head down, "I... last night... I mean... didn't think..."
Din pressed his lips against Trouble's forehead, "I wouldn't have changed anything."
The immortal lifted his eyes to look at Din as if he wanted to believe that but somehow couldn't.
Din smiled softly, "Last night... was the first part of the lesson... there's another part."
Bright blue eyes blinked, "Another... part?"
Din slid his cheek against Trouble's, lips brushing his ear, "Teach it to me..."
Trouble blushed a little, "I..." he could think of too many ways to finish that sentence, so he didn't. Instead he nuzzled against Din's cheek, "... I'll try..."
Din kissed at his ear, "Curse my society for never letting me, tey?"
He gave a breathy laugh, "Yeah... but only... because you... missed out," Trouble took a deep breath, kissing Din's neck.
Din sighed happily, massaging Trouble's neck with one hand, "We'll call it saving something just for you."
The immortal smiled a little embarrassed smile against Din's skin, then hesitantly continued kissing a slow line along the flesh - as if searching for some special spot. One of his hands slowly moved to slide featherlight touches across Din's hips. Din shivered, making a please little noise, running his hand down Trouble's arm and shadowing the touches to his hips He shifted a little beneath him, almost as if afraid to move.
Trouble hesitated a moment and then started caressing Din's hip with stronger pressure, moving across gradually to his stomach and then chest. He whispered softly against his ear, "If... anywhere feels... really good... tell me..."
Din nodded shakily, voice thready and faltering, "And if... god.s.. want to... to punish me for this... let them do it later... much later," he closed his eyes, focusing on the touches.
Trouble took another steadying breath before continuing, leading his lips lethargically along Din's shoulder and then collarbone. His hand worked under Din's scanty clothing barriers to work up slowly from the base of Din's hip, up across the stomach, along his sides before finally across his chest - fingers lightly circling a nipple.
Din's hands grasped at Trouble, steadying himself, trying hard not to move, "Th... there... and... sides... that... that was," he released a shuddering breath, unable to force anything more out.
The immortal shifted carefully, hand moving back to caress Din's sides again as he moved to rest his hot cheeks against Din's chest a moment. Then he circled the hard little nub of flesh with his tongue, drawing it into his mouth for a careful suck. The Koorime moaned long and loud, grasping the back of Trouble's head. His other hand curled against his chest, fingers moving near his other nipple timidly, unsure.
Trouble licked languidly across the nipple, then glanced across at Din's hand. His voice was barely above a whisper, but encouraging, "It's... okay..."
Din's entire body tensed slightly, inhaling and holding his breath, eyes slitting open to watch his fingers move lightly, then more firmly in a slow circular motion. Trouble seemed to nod a little, but it could have just been him ducking his head. He trailed his lips across to Din's side, where his hand had never let up attention, kissing, licking and very softly sucking on the flesh, his other free hand just barely darting over Din's thigh.
Din writhed a little before getting himself to be still again, gasping, propping his leg up slightly, wordlessly begging for more of that. His immortal lover stalled a moment, then took another deep breath before continuing to stroke along Din's thigh, from the outside to the inside and back again slowly, slowly sliding up towards the hip.
The ice demon arched at the touch to his inner thigh, crying out. He was fiercely caressing his own nipple now, tormenting himself, other hand moving down over his side. Trouble brought his other hand down from Din's side to help with the caressing of his thigh, his head resting against Din's stomach, unsurely. He bit his bottom lip, closing his eyes, eventually grazing across Din's confined length with the back of his knuckles, very slowly.
Din laid back, taking deep breaths to calm down slightly, shivering, moaning breathlessly, "Aitelrai... ila aitelrai... jey... dein jey."
Trouble blushed, letting up the attentions for a moment to work both hands beneath Din, sliding his tight pants off him. He blushed even more as he settled back down against Din's smooth, cool flesh uninhibited. He closed his eyes lightly, resuming the attention to Din's thigh as he gripped his sex, squeezing and stroking with a slowly building rhythm.
Din grasped at the flesh of his own chest, digging in the nails of both hands, trying desperately to stay subtle as he moved to easily match the rhythm, closing his eyes, lost entirely in the sensations. The immortal whimpered just slightly, turning his head so he could gaze at Din. His hand sliding from Din's thigh to his side again, a firmer caress playing across the skin and muscles, nail sometimes just lightly scraping across the pale skin.
The Koorime arched his back, turning his head to one side. His hair slid in wisps across his face that he didn't even notice, little moans escaping his slightly parted lips.
Trouble closed his eyes again, still able to see Din's face in his mind. He increased the rhythms he was using, sliding up higher and licking around Din's nipple strongly. Din bit at his lip, barely stifling a loud cry. He almost lost control, thrusting his hips harder into the touches, hands reaching to blindly caress Trouble's shoulders, trying to center himself and not lose control entirely.
The immortal paused just a split-second at the touch to his shoulders and then continued with a steady speed, his tongue dragging across the nipple before he again drew it into his mouth and sucked hard, teeth just grazing against it.
Din squeezed his eyes tightly shut, skin flushing, body tensing to ward off the shudders that were trying to overtake him, "Ah.. aitelrai... Trouble~"
Trouble didn't break his stroke, but brought his face closer to Din's - so badly blushing, nuzzling against Din's cheek and neck. His voice was quiet and unsure, "S... stop?"
Din shook from the exertion of keeping control, whispering breathlessly, "Don't... know what... what to do..."
Trouble thought a moment, then nuzzled against his cheek again, replying very softly, "Just... lose... yourself... to it..."
Din nodded very subtly, nuzzling in return, breathing hard over his skin, against his ear, "Leyin rin..."
The immortal smiled a little, "Love... you too..." he closed his eyes again, nuzzling softly and then licking along Din's earlobe, what he knew to be extremely sensitive.
Din threw his head back and yelled something that might have been a word, but was lost quickly in the passion, entire body shuddering beneath Trouble as a powerful orgasm overtook him. Trouble kept at him, steadily working out every shudder, nestling his head against Din's neck. He kissed tenderly, half lidding his eyes to look at Din again as the Koorime came down from the extreme pleasure. Din panted, staring up at nothing for awhile, then looked back at Trouble, smiling in a sort of daze.
Trouble curled up against Din, listening to his breaths a while, "... learn... anything?"
Din laughed shakily, "Ooooh yes... ki'al jey."
The immortal released that breathy laugh of his, "Yeah... and that's about... as dominant... as I... get," he nuzzled against his chest.
"Lemme say again... ki'al ... that... was... wow..."
Trouble pulled at his hair as if arranging it over his face, "See... were missing... out."
Din growled and toppled Trouble onto his back quickly, settling down on top of him and pushing his hair back with both hands, "Mmhhmmm."
Trouble blinked up surprised... then smiled sweetly, blushing, "Could be.. considered a... good teacher then?"
Din dusted his lip against Trouble's, "Best one I've ever had... any other strange and delightful things my society denied me of?" he winked.
Trouble blushed even brighter, but brought his hand up to caress Din's cheek, "I'd... like to... find out."
The Koorime's eyes glittered, "So would I," he grinned, and kissed his immortal lover fiercely.