Trouble is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Din canted his head, taking a deep breath and trying to convince himself to do this. Trouble was sitting at his desk, sketching by the looks of it. The Koorime pattered softly across the floor to his side, kneeling gracefully beside the chair. He gently laied a hand on Trouble's thigh, caressing idly, blinking up at him.
"Aitelrai..." Din found his voice was weaker than he'd thought and he had to pause.
Trouble blinked at Din, tilting his head slightly so his hair fell over his face, "Er... yes?"
Din decided it was better to watch what his hand is doing, "I don't want... to intrude on your privacy... but... did you... really..."
Trouble was pretty sure he knew where this was going, blushing a little more, but wanted to be sure he wasn't jumping to conclusions, "Did I... really?"
Din was even blushing by this point, but took a deep breath and let it out in one big rush, "Do you know how to touch yourself, for pleasure?"
Trouble ducked his head so he could really hide behind his hair, speaing very quietly, "Eh... well... kinda... I mean I'm... only immortal... so..."
"I... you can? can you... show me?"
"Er... I... I mean..." Trouble was trying hard to actually get words out, "... you mean... on... me?"
Din nuzzled slowly against his arm, still caressing his thigh, "I was never allowed you know... I don't know how its done... I want to know... please you better."
Trouble gave a nervous breathy laugh, "I don't... think you... I mean... that anyone's... ever," he ducked his head more, finding it harder to concentrate with Din's hand where it is, "... pleased me more... then you do..."
Din kissed up along his arm, "I want to learn more... please... I was never allowed... show me?" he gazed up at his immortal lover between strands of hair, hand slipping to the inside of his thigh and squeezing gently.
Trouble's breath hitched slightly and he closed his eyes, then hesitantly slipped one of his hands under his waistband, just lightly moving across his hip. Din made a soft pleased noise of encouragement, nuzzling lethargically, eyes heavy lidded and lustful, watching.
The immortal kept his eyes closed as he ran his hand down his hip slowly, then across his stomach and up under his loose shirt, the pressure of the caress growing stronger in places. He tilted his head back just slightly, lips just parted slightly, pattern of breath changing slightly as his excitment slowly started growing.
Din tilted his head, eyes darting from Trouble's hand to his expression, entirely neglecting the fact that breath was a necessity, but unwilling to do anything to disturb Trouble.
The path of Trouble's hand continued across to his pierced nipple, fingers lightly stroking just around the nub. His other hand came into play, the back of his knuckles lightly playing down his stomach before sliding to massage at the base of his hip. He gave a slight whimper, resting his cheek against his shoulder, eyes cracking open just slightly, not really focused anywhere.
Din took a shaky breath out of sheer necessity before he passed out, and then went still again. He wanted so badly to do something, to move, but he was almost entranced by what he was seeing. He noticed everything, sharply intense eyes drinking in the sight, every touch, every motion, very intent on learning this.
Trouble rubbed softly at the side of his neck as he shifted slightly to slide his waistband down over his hips for better access. His hand wandered down from his hip to play light touches across his thigh. He closed his eyes again, the hand which was massaging his neck sliding across to his face, the tip of his finger resting on his slightly parted lips as the hitches in his breath became more frequent.
Din shivered and uttered a little gasp, eyes darting down to his hand still resting on Trouble's thigh, daring to move it. He caressed his lover's inner thigh lightly, glancing back up at his expression, looking almost worshipping. Perhaps he was, he wasn't sure.
Trouble gave a soft, breathless gasp, momentarily trying to nuzzle his cheek more against his shoulder. He slid just his thumb delicately along his length before his other fingers joined in, stroking in a slow rhythm. Then he whimpered again, his cheeks so badly burned up but not wanting to stop - finger sliding just beyond his lips, his tongue sliding around it lazily. Din gasped, unable to keep still any longer, squeezing Trouble's thigh gently. His other hand slipped up under his shirt, lightly caressing his stomach, fingers brushing over his pierced nipple.
A quiet moan caught in Trouble's throat, his eyes cracking half open again, gazing at Din - half wanting to just curl up against him. But he made himself stay where he was, increasing the pressure and speed of his stroke, his thumb just barely circling around the head. He drew his finger more into his mouth to suck at it timidly before closing his eyes and turning his head a little more to his shoulder as if embarrassed.
Din circled his finger around the nipple, laying his head down on Trouble's thigh, eyes still fixed upon him, whispering very, very quietly, "What are you thinking about ila aitelrai?"
Trouble finally managed to gain enough wits to speak through his heavy breaths, "I..." he broke off as another whimper caught in his throat, tried again, "Y... you..."
Din smiled, closing his eyes and laying there in bliss a moment. Then he slitted his eyes open, reaching and nudging Trouble's chin, other hand tugging him forward by the shoulder, "Fentir aitelrai... come here."
The immortal lets himself be tugged where he was wanted, managing to partly open his eyes again, gazing at Din. Din settled back on the floor with Trouble nestled against him, darting a kiss to his lips, lingering for a long while. Then he put his hands behind Trouble's head and kissed him deeply.
Trouble wrapped his arms around Din, very softly moaning into the kiss and shyly pressing himself against him - needing so desperately to be as close as he could be to him right now. Din pulled back from the kiss with a gasp, eyes closed, Trouble having shifted against him just right to get him shuddering, incoherent in his needing. Trouble tried to clear his head in some small way, but it was so hard as hot as he was. He leaned up to kiss hesitantly but tenderly against Din's lips, curling his leg around Din's hip - that slight friction just too good, making him bite down on his own lip trying to
control himself.
Din's hands massage blindly into Trouble's hair and at the back of his neck, arching his hips into the friction desperately, seeking out the kiss again, tongue sliding over Trouble's lips, but not past them. Trouble was unable to stop himself thrusting his hips to meet Din's, just so painfully close, tilting his head back slightly and letting his tongue slide against Din's own. Din curled his tongue around Trouble's, drawing it into his mouth, sucking long and hard on it. He drifted one hand down, caressing roughly over Trouble's chest and stomach before curling his fingers around his length, stroking it.
Trouble arched his hips up to meet each torturous stroke, trying desperately not to break off any contact he has with Din as his violent climax caused his entire body to shudder, moaning against Din's mouth.
Din held him securely around the shoulders with his arm, savoring the kiss a little longer before pulling back to watch Trouble get lost in the sensations. He slowed his stroke gradually to stillness, wrapping both arms around him.
Trouble nuzzled his head against Din's shoulder, panting strongly, his heart racing and his body still shivering slightly, "... oh... gods..."
Din kissed his forehead, stroking down his hair, "I better be careful... would hate to be the first mortal to put an immortal out of commission," he winked.
Trouble gave a breathy laugh, "I could... cope with... being put out... of commission... by you... like that..."
Din snickered and nipped at Trouble's ear, then nuzzled, "Thank you again... I know it... embarassed you... thank you."
Trouble was starting to pant slightly less, "I... wanted to... do it to..." he broked off and smiled a little, "Would... try to... do anything... if it might... please you... even if it... embarrassed me."
Din smiled and cuddled him close, "Precious... precious, beautiful, sweet aitelrai... love you."
Trouble nuzzled and kissed Din's neck, "Love you... more."
Din shivered, "Hmmm... all right I'll let you win this one."
"Good," Trouble sighed contently and closed his eyes, just happy to be to close to Din - to be able to feel him, hear him and smell him.
Din smiled, gazing at nothing, "Hmmm... thought my training had been completed," he whispered musingly.
Trouble opened one eye, "Hmm?"
Din leaned back against the desk, "Training... just... making jokes to myself."
Trouble smiled, "What I'm.. training now?"
Din grinned, "Uh huh... definitely taught me... alot of things."
"Like... what?" he blinked prettily.
Din nuzzled, "That you're even prettier than I thought."
Trouble ducked his head and hid against Din's chest, "Eh... I actually... feel pretty... when you say it."
Din wriggled a little beneath him, "You are pretty... verra sexy."
"Eh~" Trouble pulled at a piece of his hair embarrassed, "Can't be... half as sexy... or anywhere near as... beautiful as you..." he smiled up at Din.
Din kissed him shortly, resting forehead against his, "You are... beyond sexy, totally absolutely make me scream your name sexy."
Trouble kissed sweetly, "I love you... even if you... make me feel... more embarrassed then anyone else... in history has."
Din shrugged, "Trying for an overkill extermination effect to get rid of it."
"No.. you just like... seeing me blushing and... flustered."
Din attempted to feign innocence, then failed and looked totally guilty, "Okay, you caught me."
"Well I don't think... my cheeks are... ever going to return to... their normal colour... so you're in luck," Trouble kissed again.
"Eh... I sleep a few hours, you might recover by then, hmm? I have to have some fun," Din nipped at his lip.
"I don't make.. any promises," Trouble nuzzled.
"Come on aitelrai... can cuddle me til I fall asleep and then go back to what you were doing before I bugged ya," Din managed to stagger to his feet, wandering the few steps to the bed, both of them tumbling among the blankets.
"Didn't... bother me... at all," Trouble snuggled close to Din. "Like... training you."
Din smirked, closing his eyes and drifting close to sleep, "Later... ask for... little more..."
Trouble blinked, confused, but when he went to ask what Din meant, the Koorime was already asleep. The immortal blushed slightly at the thought of what he could mean, then resigned to just be patient and find out, settling down to watch Din sleep.