It's A Start
Trouble is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Din laid there in quiet torment, almost wishing he hadn't spent yet another night with Trouble. The immortal was laying there beside him, eyes closed, but not sleeping. Personifications didn't sleep of course, but they did have this sort of resting state. Still, Din wasn't about to move, even if laying there was terribly uncomfortable at the current moment.
Maybe if Trouble were off at his desk drawing or painting, Din would have dared to relieve himself of his little problem, although unlikely - he did have a few manners. Certainly not with the immortal this close, no - and so close Din didn't even dare to move lest it betray his desires. He was so afraid to scare the poor boy, and he assumed admitting he'd dreamt about Trouble all night and now was terribly aroused would scare him, ruining any chance they had at getting their new relationship off to at least a pleasant start.
But the aching was intense, and only getting worse. Din decided he had to at least try, promising himself to go slow and be extremely gentle with Trouble, and hopefully that would be enough to not traumatize him. And as any incubus would tell you, sexuality was a major component of a healthy relationship.
Din scooted, closing the few inches between the two of them and nuzzling against Trouble's shoulder. He had to bite his lip to keep quiet, the friction of the movement had been exquistiely tormenting. Trouble's eyes flew open wide, blinking rapidly. He glanced for a split second at Din and then proceeded to stare as if in wonder at the ceiling, a blush colouring his cheeks in an instant.
Din reached up and caressed the near cheek, loving that blush. He always fell for the cute and reserved ones who blushed and turned their heads so shyly. The Koorime turned a little more onto his side, laying his hand over Trouble's fluttering heart. Scooting just a little bit further pressed his aching length against Trouble's side, barely constrained by the minimal undergarment he was wearing. Trouble went a little bit redder, defying all previously known levels of blushyness. Din worried about scaring him, but he'd decided and was going to do this, he had to try.
A little breath caught in Trouble's throat as Din slipped more atop him, settling himself between Trouble's legs. Din nestled down against him comfortably, nudging under that cascade of hair that fell over half his face, kissing at his neck. Trouble's entire body was tense beneath him, shaking a little bit. Din tried desperately to soothe him with loving touches, but his own desires were making it terribly hard to concentrate.
Din licked a slow line up Trouble's neck, then nipped at his ear. Trouble made a soft, somewhat shocked noise and blinked up at Din with large eyes. He just as quickly looked to the side away from Din, chewing cutely at his lip.
Din admired him, the curve of his jaw, memorizing it for a moment before leaning down and nuzzling, "Stop?" he whispered breathlessly, needing to be sure Trouble was all right with this.
For whatever reason, Din didn't get a response. He ran a hand admiringly over Trouble's bare chest, eliciting a shiver from his companion. Trouble renewed the blush he'd just been losing and tried tilting his head further to get his hair to hide him. Din lowered his head and slowly drug his tongue across a hard little nipple before nuzzling into his chest, remembering what he'd asked.
"Stop?" he repeated a little more insistently, but still very gentle.
Trouble whimpered involuntarily at the attention, gathering himself to shake his head, whispering very softly, "N... no... please..."
Din smiled to himself, listening to Trouble's heartbeat against his ear. That little tremor of Trouble's body strangely thrilled Din. He was scared and reserved, but permitting. Din wouldn't have gone further if he hadn't been, even if he did get a thrill from the fear, rape wasn't his thing.
"If you ever want me to stop..." Din slipped his arms beneath Trouble's head, tilting his face toward him, brushing their lips together.
Trouble's eyes met his, wide as if caught like an animal in car headlights. He gave an almost imperceptible little nod, finding it impossible to look away. Din's nearly pupilless eyes captivated him, looking so cold in their icy blueness. He felt Din's hands playing in his hair, felt every part of his body pressing down against him. He couldn't bring himself to move.
Din wouldn't hurt him, he had to keep telling himself that. Din had said he didn't want to hurt him, had promised he'd try not to, they just had to trust enough other and they'd be fine. He needed someone to trust, and so did Din... so this could work.
Trouble gasped as Din's hardness pressed against his own excitement, the Koorime tentatively rubbing the two of them together through their clothings. Trouble blushed so badly he was sure he was going to burn up. He wanted to hide in Din's chest, but the Koorime was leaning down to brush their lips together again, and then a little more firmly in a tender kiss. Trouble let his mouth give way to the attention, allowing Din's tongue to curl around his own. He whimpered into the kiss, not recalling at that moment ever being kissed quite like that before - being shown affection instead of raw passion. Din wasn't doing this solely for his own pleasure, he was wanting to please his companion as well.
Din pulled back, brushing back Trouble's hair and admiring his face again. Again Trouble was captivated, oblivious to anything else but those intense eyes.
He literally jumped when Din's hand became a distinct pressure on his hip, far too close to not startle him. Din whispered soothingly, kissing him again, so very tender and sweet. Trouble tried desperately to relax, to trust him, but he just couldn't.
And then all coherent thoughts were just gone. Din had nudged Trouble's pants down and gripped his length, firm but still gently, drawing Trouble into a steady stroking rhythm. Trouble couldn't help but arch up into the touch, squeezing his eyes shut, nails digging at the sheets beneath him. That layer of ecstasy was built upon quickly, Din's mouth closing down on a hard nipple, sucking vigorously, grazing his teeth against the sensitive little nub.
Trouble heard himself crying out, blushing at the very thought, deciding that his cheeks were definitely on fire. Din's stroke began to move faster, a now and again squeezing intensifying the sensation. Din's breath was rough, hot against his chest as the Koorime shifted himself a little to press his length against Trouble's thigh, thrusting in time with the movement of his hand.
Trouble nearly formed a thought about how coordinated Din was at this, but that went right out of focus. He was shuddering in Din's hand, building rapidly to orgasm, so powerless to even think about getting control of himself.
Din kissed a slow down along Trouble's stomach, never once losing the deep stroking motion, keeping it steady now but taking much more care to go down completely on it, squeezing the very base. His lips had barely grazed his head when Trouble cried out, shuddering violently, starting to come. Din enveloped the swollen head with his mouth, sucking as Trouble's seed hit the back of his throat, swallowing eagerly.
He loved the taste, the taste of his lover's pleasure, the culmination of what he'd provided. His own violent orgasm was even secondary to that blissful thought.
Din slid himself back up along Trouble's body, caressing him everywhere to get the tense muscles to relax before they cramped up. Trouble curled up so cutely against his chest, panting, heart racing, skin flushed to match his hair. Din held him securely, too sedated to care about anything except cuddling his lover against him and drifting off into a very contented sleep.