First Meeting

Trouble is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


Din wasn’t really sure why he was here, he didn’t really know most of the Beings who inhabited this house.

True enough, his excuses for being here could've been that he was visiting Tanji, who seemed to be spending a lot of time over here – or visiting Damael, since Love, one of the Personifications here, had ‘kidnapped’ the Kouryou to try and snap him out of his depression. However neither Tanji nor Damael were around for him to be visiting them at the moment.

It seemed he was just here to get a change of scenery for a while, maybe get some comforting distance from other people back home. Reikai knew that the whole Kai and Sirrus thing was crawling up his spine, he didn't feel like he fit in there anymore, Sirrus was gradually replacing him in Kai's bed, and working two jobs to support Lane and Kai was highly stressful, not to mention the amount of kids there was beyond annoying.

Not that there weren’t annoying people here.

A purple furred morph skipped in, blinking at Din in surprise before beaming widely and flicking her ears. “It’s a pretty ice boy!”

“He’s bent darlin’, don’t like… get your hopes up,” Innocence informed Poiple from where she was curled up in a comfy chair.

“I jus’ like lookin’ at the pretty boys!” Poiple insisted, plopping herself down on the floor, playing with her tail. Her wide smile was not diverted by Din’s ‘I-hate-the-world-and-everything-in-it’ scowl, “What’re you doin’ here?”

Din shrugged, turning his attention back to the wall and his own thoughts – an honest enough response, but not enough for the giraffe-girl.

“You don’t know why you’re here?”

“No,” there wasn’t any way two letters could sound more aggressive. He was really beginning to wonder why he’d come here to try and gather his thoughts, it was as impossible as back home.

“Not very talkative, is he?” Poiple asked Innocence, swinging her tail sadly.

“His pathetic ass probably isn’t getting any,” the Immortal remarked, sounding very bored.

Din was about ready to encase the damned woman in ice, but he was otherwise distracted by the morph looking across at the entrance of the living room and then bouncing up excitedly, “It’s our new boy!”

“Oh?” he asked with all the indifference he could muster, casting a glance at the Personification being practically pushed into the room by Love.

It was only when he’d returned his gaze to the wall that he realized a glance wasn’t enough. He looked back as discretely as he could manage, eyes drinking in every detail of the new Personification. He was a small, slender-framed Being with rich red hair, most of which fell over his face, and deep blue sapphire eyes that couldn’t be hidden behind it.

“Love-kun!” Poiple bounced around the room happily. “You got him out his room!”

Love smiled, continuing to lead the other Being into the room, “Tch, of course I did. He knows he doesn’t have to stay there, hm?”

“Yes… sir…” the Immortal’s eyes were focused at the ground as he hesitantly spoke the words – his natural accent stronger then the other Personifications’ seemed to be. He really mustn’t have been here long.

Love shook his head with a little sigh, “What will I do with you?”

“Tell him we don’t bite?” Poiple suggested, sitting on the floor and trying to scoot into the Immortal’s line of vision – which always shifted to avoid contact with her.

Love chuckled, petting the redhead’s hand carefully. “You just wait here dear, I’ll fix you up a plate of something.” Before any response could be made the albino had made his way into the kitchen.

The Immortal continued to stare at the floor, his general aura being totally different from any other Personification. Personifications, as far as Din had figured out, tended to think highly of themselves. This one obviously didn’t, everything about him sent off a clear ‘I’m-not-here’ vibe, which just made him more noticeable to Din. The Koorime had had crushes before, all of them with shy, unobtrusive boys - it was just a trait that really attracted him.

Poiple had gotten bored trying to get into the Personification's line of sight, thudding back against the floor and grinning upside-down at Din. “Oh hai, this is Trouble-kun! He’s our new boy – he’s shy,” she added in a confidential tone, as if it was impossible to tell.

“Trouble, tey?” Din mused quietly to himself a moment, openly regarding him now that he'd been formally brought to his attention, “Hey Trouble.”

“Er… Hello…” that gaze still didn’t lift from the floor.

Din wondered if Trouble was aware how much he was looking – well, near enough staring - at him. It might have been the reason he was so uncomfortable.

Innocence had definitely noticed the looks however, since she had long dropped her magazine to the floor and was now observing the scene with barely contained interest. “You haven’t met him before because he locks himself in his room all day,” she grinned wickedly, “He, like, really needs to be punished for it.”

The morph lounging on the floor blinked, “Punished?”

“Oh sure, darlin’,” Innocence was talking to Poiple, but the way she had leaned across the arm of the chair meant she was definitely sending the message in Din’s direction. “Pretty little thing like that, locking himself away. He needs to be punished… he should be like… spanked,” her voice, as usual, was designed to entice some reaction of lust, but there was more there. A definite unspoken ‘I-dare-you’ hung in those words, aimed wholly at Din.

Din narrowed his sharp, near pupilless eyes at Trouble, as if regarding a target. Innocence looked so smug, like she knew he wasn't going to go for this. She really didn't know him very well at all. DinTejin didn't back down from dares, if someone else even implied he couldn't do or handle something, he'd damn well prove them wrong.

He pushed himself up from the couch, body protesting a little bit. This being his first day off from both jobs in over a week meant his muscles weren't exactly thrilled about movement, and his bones even ached. It didn't show, however, he was too proud to let it show. He'd been trained to move a certain way, graceful, beautiful, always sexually alluring, no matter how sick or hurt he was. He'd been bred to always, at the very least, look attractive.

The Koorime veritably prowled toward Trouble. His icy eyes regarded the little Immortal up and down as he circled wide of him, as if looking for the perfect angle from which to pounce. Innocence's eyes were sparkling with delight, Poiple giggling madly behind her hands.

Trouble shuffled back to prevent the Koorime from getting behind him, or even near behind him. Din paused for only a moment, recovering and prowling back the other direction. He heard Innocence giggle under her breath, something about him not going to go through with this. That just fueled him even more. He noted the placement of the nearest chair with a sideways glance, eyes immediately back on the little Immortal.

Din lashed his hand out, snagging Trouble's wrist in a very tight hold and dragging him toward him in a fluid motion as he spun and plopped down in the chair. He pulled the slender little Being across his lap and held him there with one arm, much to Innocence's and Poiple's squealings. Trouble had started to make some noise of protest, had started to wriggle to try and get away, but was now frozen there almost obediently.

The Koorime didn't stop to really think about that, tugging down Trouble's pants. The Immortal wasn't wearing underwear, much to Din's delight. He only paused to appreciate that for a moment, however, before laying his hand on Trouble's rear.

"Oh yeah! Like, teach him!" Innocence cheered.

Din drew his arm back, bringing his palm down forcefully against Trouble's bottom. The little Being cried out very quietly, tensing in his lap. Din brought his hand down again, the girls cheering and giggling. He let his hand rest there against the red-flushed skin, trying to peer at Trouble's face. It was really taking a great deal of control for this not to get to him, and to not let that show either. Trouble was so very blushing, and that hit a chord of excitement in Din.

He fought it down, gathering his composure and continuing in his task. His palm was burning, so he had no doubt Trouble's skin was too. Din gave the Immortal several more really good hits, the blows stinging and loud, before lightening up and striking him a little softer. According to the protest from his arm, Trouble had had enough.

The Koorime pulled his pants back up for him and turned him loose. Trouble stumbled a little, tense, standing there blushing fiercely and staring very intently at the floor.

Poiple was giggling madly, "Ooooh, I gotta get Love!" she bounced up and bounded into the kitchen after the albino.

"Wow, I cannot, like, believe you actually did that," Innocence grinned, flicking her hair back. "He's like, so cute when he blushes, isn't he?"

Din smiled, actually smiled as he regarded the slender wisp of a Being. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was terribly cute anyway, and even moreso with the blush.

"Tch," Love appeared in the doorway, "What happened to Trouble dear?"

"Oooh, like, nothing much," Innocence scooped up her magazine and leaned back in her chair sensuously posing. "Just like, talking and stuff."

"Tch yes, I know the sort of stuff you talk about," Love sighed, regarding Din's new seating close to Trouble. He canted his head, taking his time in thinking that over. Yes, Din had most certainly moved from the couch to that chair, and was now right next to his Kept.

Din lounged back, still with his gaze toward Trouble, but not so blatant now. Lost in his own thoughts, he idly rubbed at his shoulder and neck, tilting his head back against the chair. Lost as he was in whatever he was thinking, his composure slipped badly, the exhaustion of a week's worth of working doubleshifts showing through.

"Din dear," Love took a few steps into the room, "what are you doing here?"

Din blinked, inhaling sharply to gather himself, failing against the weight of the exhaustion, "Eh?"

"Don't you have work?" the albino queried gently.

"Oh... not today, day off from both jobs... rare thing," Din very slowly managed to get his arm to move to brush back stray pieces of hair.

"Then perhaps you should be in bed resting? You look very tired dear."

"Hn," Din grunted, letting his head fall back against the chair, "no place for me anymore... unless I want the couch, and someone is always there too."

"Oh..." Love blinked, "no room of your own?"

"Nuh uh, no place for me," Din slouched, rubbing at his forehead. The exhaustion wasn't going to be fought off this time, he realized, there was no getting his composure back now.

"Tch," Love stood there, blinking at Din worriedly. "You don't look good dear, you really should get some rest. Oh I know. Trouble dear, how about your bed? You don't need to sleep there, perhaps Din could rest a bit? That sound good Din?" the albino didn't wait for Trouble's permission.

"If he wouldn't mind..." Din started.

"Of course he doesn't mind, do you Trouble?"

"N... no... sir," Trouble stammered, forced to answer by Love's tone.

Love extending his arm to Din, "Come on hon, I'll show you where it is. Trouble dear, your dinner is in the kitchen, I'll be along presently to eat with you."

Din barely managed to push himself up from the chair, trying not to shy too badly away from Love's touch, letting the Immortal guide him through the house. He felt a little bad, but at least this way the blushing little Personification wouldn't be able to run and hide from him. The Koorime wondered vaguely if that was Love's plot as well, but he was really too tired at the moment to care. He barely took note of the room, kicking off his shoes and getting no further before collapsing onto the bed and letting the exhaustion win completely.

