Flight Home
Trouble is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
"Where... are we... going?" Trouble asked haltingly, in that quiet, nervous little voice, letting Din lead him.
He had stayed quiet the entire time they'd been driving in Lane's car, despite the fact Din wasn't the best driver, and halfway across the Temple courtyard before Trouble got up the courage to ask.
Din just smiled, "Want to show you something."
The Temple? Trouble thought. But no, Din was leading him right through the courtyard past all the other buildings to the proper Temple building in the center. Din nudged open the outer door. The chamber immediately within was large enough, with stairs to either side leading upwards, an altar immediately in front of them. Din crossed to the far right corner, producing a little key from his pocket that unlocked the door almost hidden there in the shadows. This opened up to a much larger room.
Trouble blinked at the massive pillars that stood at the back wall, just about the only thing in the room. Okay, he really didn't understand now. And to make matters worse, Lane stepped out from where he'd been leaning against the wall.
"Ready?" Lane smiled sweetly at Trouble, but speaking to Din.
Din motioned to him for another moment, turning to Trouble. "Now, afraid I have to give you an order. You cannot look anywhere except straight ahead, so best to just close your eyes. Hold onto my hand, stay behind me, walk slowly. And... hey... trust me," he kissed him lightly.
Trouble blushed, but nodded. Lane stepped in front of the two pillars, raising his hands over his head and closing his eyes. A ball of light gathered between his hands, Din stepping in behind him. The wall between the pillars rippled out in waves of energy that bounced back when they struck the pillars, then back out again when they met in the center. Trouble could only watch in awe.
Lane stepped to one side, bowing playfully, "Have fun," he winked.
Din grinned, taking Trouble's hand and guiding the immortal to step in behind him, "Oh we will."
Trouble gasped, seeing that the ripples of energy had formed into a gateway. Din stepped through in front of him, and seemed to be just fine, the pressure was still there on the skin of his hand, so he stepped through behind him. Then he remembered what Din had said, only look straight ahead or close his eyes. The stormy darkness surrounding them pursuaded him to obey the second option. He kept his steps slow and measured, trusting Din to guide him blindly through wherever they were.
Then, the electricity that seemed to dance over his skin was gone, replaced by a warm breeze. Din's hand cradling his jaw made him open his eyes, gazing up into the light blue of Din's eyes. Din smiled prettily.
"Welcome to Makai."
"M... Makai?" Trouble asked softly.
Din nodded, releasing his hand and trotting off down the steps.
Trouble took a long look around. They were in some sort of ruins, the broken stony floor and a few pillars were about all that remained. He turned and looked behind him. There were the same two pillars he'd seen in the Temple, or at least ones very similar to them.
"Don't get too close, you'll trigger it back and we'll have to do it again!" Din called from the edge of the ruins, laughing.
Trouble blinked, looked up at the pillars again, then trotted down the steps after the Koorime. He stopped short, blinking wide eyes. There at the edge of the woods was a massive bird, taller than even Romance! Din was leaning against its side, adjusting the halter around its beak and petting it.
"It's an aisailtarn, a Koorime riding bird. We keep them here for when we have to make runs back to Koorime for food... or just for a ride," Din adjusted the thing on its back.
Trouble did a doubletake. No, Din had said riding, and that was definitely a saddle of some variety. His suspicions were confirmed when Din leapt up onto its back, sitting just behind the wings, offering a hand to Trouble.
"Come on, aitelrai," Din smiled softly, waving his fingers encouragingly.
Trouble swallowed hard and took his hand. Din's strength betrayed his thinness and he easily pulled his lover up onto the riding bird in front of him. The feathers were soft under his palms, a beautiful light gray tipped a darker gray. Din wrapped his arm securely around Trouble's waist and pulled him back against him.
"If anything happens, ka is no, jey is yes, raji is stop and LEJ!!! is go," Din laughed, the bird listening to the yelled command and spreading its wings.
After only a few short steps forward the bird lifted itself and its two passengers up into the air, pumping its wings to get them quickly over the treetops and then further. Trouble forced himself to exhale, realizing by that burning sensation that he'd been holding his breath. He clutched at Din's arm that was wrapped around him, as if to make sure it was still there. He had horrible thoughts of Din falling off behind him, leaving the bird and Trouble all alone in that great big sky.
"Lej lej!" Din called out over the wind, correcting the bird ever so slightly by the fragile looking rein in his other hand. It seemed to Trouble that this was one massive animal to command only with words and one thin piece of leather.
"That below us is the swamp, up ahead is the kitsune forest," Din squeezed him a little tighter. "To the right in the distance you can see Saitennin, and pretty soon, straight ahead, you'll be able to see Koorime."
"Y... your home?" Trouble turned a little bit to his left, catching Din's eye. Din looked so beautifully happy.
The Koorime nodded and made an affirming noise, keeping his eyes ahead, not noticing Trouble was looking at him. The blue strands of his hair he kept free were whipping around his face, his eyes sparkling with happiness. They flew like that for awhile. Trouble even dared to peek over the edge of the bird beneath them at the forest below, but didn't see much more than treetops and a few streams. The countryside to their right was barren and rocky, not very beautiful - or at least not as beautiful as his company.
A mountain range rose up before them. Trouble squinted, barely making out a well-concealed form that was slightly before the mountains. It was like a sparkling diamond, just hovering there above the forest, and it grew more breathtaking as they flew closer. Din gently commanded the aisailtarn, tugging back on the reins, slowing them down.
The island was large enough to support several mountainous peaks of its own, which shadowed a very massive city. It was like... a self-contained little world high above everything else. Din finally gave the bird the command to stop, letting Trouble have a really good look.
"This... is what I want you to paint for Kai," Din whispered against his ear. "To me this place is nothing more than my past, people who rejected me, people who hurt me. But to him, this is home. This is no longer my home."
"It... it is beautiful..."
Din shook his head sadly, "No... any closer and the memories return. Any closer and to me... it can never be beautiful again. There has been... too much damage to my heart to love Koorime anymore."
Trouble bit his lip, turning a little to nuzzle back into his lover. He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing.
"Will you paint this for Kai?" Din asked softly, nuzzling into Trouble's hair.
"Yes... yes I... I can remember from what... what I've seen. I will... will paint it."
"Thank you aitelrai," Din kissed into his hair and turned the aisailtarn around. "Lej..."
Trouble turned and smiled at Din, "Not... not too fast... it is... nice evening... can take our... our time."
Din smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, "I knew you'd enjoy flying."
The immortal sighed and leaned back against the Koorime, closing his eyes, "Only... with you."
"I agree," Din squeezed him a little tighter and urged the riding bird back the way they had come, back towards his new home.