Pestilence mentioned is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Jenii sighed, resting his forehead against the pommel of the sword, gazing down at the myriad of spikes protruding from the hilt, and then beyond to where the apex of the sheathed sword was braced upon the floor, supporting his weight. His back was starting to ache from sitting in this position for so long, bent over the sword, hands clenched just beyond that spiked hilt.
"I don't know what's wrong with me," he murmured aloud, even though it was unnecessary. "I have gained and lost many things in my life and it never bothered me. However... the mere thought of losing him terrifies me. I've never had anything terrify me like this before."
I know, I can feel your fear. And I've been with you nearly your entire life, this intensity isn't like you.
"It's changing me... somehow this is all changing me."
The question is, do you consider that to be a bad thing? the melodic voice echoed in his head.
"I honestly don't know... I don't. I've tried to figure it out and I just can't."
Perhaps we can work it out together, talk to me. You've neglected me so much lately, I've come to miss you.
"I'm sorry... he just consumes most of my thoughts."
There was a faint giggling, like the tinkling of a windchime, Yes, it's quite Pestilence-centric in here.
"Don't go invading."
I would never, you know me, the tone was so playful it made Jenii smirk.
"Yes, yes I do know you, and that's what I'm afraid of."
Come now, Jenii, you're like my son.
"And you're a very prying and obtrusive mother."
I'm hurt.
"No you're not."
Okay I'm not! the voice shifted back to bubbly and excited once again. Come on, let's talk.
Jenii sighed again, closing his eyes, "Before I met Pestilence... I laid in that bed in Augustine's room and dreamed of healing up, returning to Makai. I don't even know what I would have done had I returned to Makai, there's nearly no Shadow Clan left, no army to lead, no recruits to draft to the cause of protecting the Dragon Clan instead of killing it. And yet, that was my goal... even at my age, I was going to continue the warrior life."
You were made to be a warrior, and you were a very great warrior.
"I'm no longer pleased with what I was made to be... and yet I cannot change."
There was a long silence before the soft voice prompted, Go on.
"I couldn't imagine returning to Makai now... I hate everything I have done, every war I declared, every battle I fought, I detest it all, the entire way of life, the entire social structure of my Clan. I never want to return to that... I don't want to be a warrior."
What do you want?
"To stay with him, forever... not even doing anything, I would be content to be no one for the rest of my existence so long as I had him. There is just something about him that... fits with me, makes me whole. Without him..."
I know Jenii, I know, there was a twinge of sadness in that voice now. You were meant for one another, and you're very lucky to have found one another again.
Jenii scowled, but wasn't given time to question that last word as the voice continued.
However, you were created with a purpose, as a warrior. You fulfilled that purpose perfectly, in fact, above and beyond the expectations for your existence. You have a very powerful and blessed soul that no one predicted. You exceeded your own fate. And now... technically that existence is over, you've had your soul altered, locked yourself from the natural progression you would have taken-
"Because I will not leave him."
And that... is what I was afraid of.
A profound sadness swept through Jenii like a cold wind, chilling him to the very core.
I had plans for you, my exceptional son... but you have other plans now, don't you?
"I'm sorry... but yes. He has to come first. You've guided me through more than seven centuries, I feel as if I'm betraying you."
Well, who am I to stand in the way of soulmates, hmm? I'm sorry for everything your fate put you through, Jenii.
"I have no regrets now. My life has led me to where I am now, led me to him. He makes everything... right somehow... and any other life just wouldn't be right. I have to lay you down, put him first... forget the warrior's life."
You said you cannot change... you're wrong. You have changed, and you are still changing... it is slow, frustrating and confusing, I know, but with him as your strength, and you as his, I'm sure the two of you can work through anything together... just as you and I used to work together. I have no regrets either, Jenii. Enjoy your new life.
"You'll want to test him, of course?" Jenii smirked, picking up on that flittering thought.
Well of course, I can't leave my replacement untested, after all, you are an exceptional soul, far too exceptional for me to just hand over! Now, let's get down to the details of the test, she giggled deviously.
Jenii just smirked and shook his head, staying bent over there and listening intently, even if his body ached. After all, he was used to this pain in the ass, she'd been with him nearly all his life.