
Calm is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


“Hey little spot.”

No reply. Well that was understandable.

“Gonna tell you a story today, would you like that? I’m sure you would. This is the story of creation – not your creation; I’ll tell you that another day and your mama will get very angry with me for doing so. For now, we’ll stick with general creation, okay?”

There was movement, yes, that meant there was interest.

“Long, long ago there were no Realms at all. Not a one, there was nothing at all, nothing. Not even yours truly – and therefore these were horrible, horrible times. Well, I say there was nothing, there were Gods. Not the kind of Gods you see a lot of these days either. These were the great Gods, who had more power in one thought than half these Gods today have in their whole bodies. So what do a load of Gods do when they’re stuck together in nothing for eternity?”

Nothing again, well how could it guess that?

“They fight to get stronger. Gods can’t die, not these great Gods, and don’t let anyone tell you they can. But they can fight with each other, and the loser gets merged into the winner. And this went on for years and years and yet seconds because there was no time at all… and in the end there were only two left. The Greatest Gods there have ever been – Ti’lan and S’ilana – and try as they might they could not best the other. So They were stuck being Brother and Sister forever, the last and greatest of the Great Gods. I have a good family line, eh?”

A kick, ooh yes, we agreed with that.

“S’ilana grew bored with nothing but Ti’lan, so She created an entire Realm in Her left hand. In this realm She placed stars and worlds and then She created the concepts. The good and pure concepts, like Time and Life, Birth and Happiness and so on and so on. I wasn’t one of Her first, but I was one of Her best. Ti’lan saw what She was doing and for every good concept She made, He made at least one opposite. Death, Evil, Misery, War… and so on and so forth, some of them aren’t so bad for Impure Forces you know.”

More silence. Ah he had his audience hooked now.

“S’ilana and Ti’lan then created more and more creatures and species to live in their worlds in the Realm, and they all lived with sadness and joy because of the concepts that ruled their lives. They were all born and so they all had to die. They were all happy and so they had to watch out for misery. They had time, so they had to live each day that was different from the last. And soon these Great and Mighty Gods grew tired of just the one Realm. They wanted more to play with, so they made another Realm with more worlds and creatures. Then another, and another. And soon they had so many they couldn’t watch over them all. So they Lesser Gods to watch over their Being – but these Lesser Gods, some of them don’t know which side of the bread is buttered you know? Most of them would think they are the Great Gods, S’ilana and Ti’lan get very little love… but anyway, that is why we’re all here. I’m S’ilana’s favourite, that’s why I’m so luc-”


“Yes Moonlight?” Calm replied lovingly.

Damael’s tail flicked over the edge of the hammock with a touch of irritability. “If you’re going to talk to my stomach, can you do it in a language I understand… or quiet enough I can try to sleep?”

Calm grinned, “I’ll think about it.”

