Tipol is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Ash found Tipol easily, even in the dark, wedged as the Felinoid often was in a small sleeping place. He had to brace his shoulder against the couch and push it away, but he managed to make room for himself beside Tipol. He settled down there, draping his arm over Tipol’s waist, relaxing to go to sleep.
Tipol roused himself, opening one eye at Ash, “Why do you do that?”
“Ehn?” Ash grunted, forcing his own eyes back open.
“That’s the most you’ve done for ages, just put your arm there or put your head on me. You don’t even grab me or pull me towards you. You certainly don’t pin me down and fuck me senseless.”
Ash blinked at him, chasing the haziness of sleep away to focus on what Tipol meant. Ah right, the whole sexualized issue, where Tipol expected at any moment for Ash to turn and ravage him. Ash certainly did not have that intention, but he did want to show Tipol something of what he felt and wanted to do. So he leaned forward, and nuzzled Tipol’s cheek.
Tipol stared back at him for a long moment, Ash could feel the gaze even as he laid his head back down and closed his eyes again.
“I want sex!” Tipol declared.
Ash was startled back completely awake, totally unable to respond to that with more than a grunt, “Eh?”
“Sex now. With you,” the Felinoid stated, as if that clarified everything.
The young Shadow had to click that over in his mind for a long while, watching as Tipol sat up and groomed himself. “But you said you didn’t… want to be a sex object.”
“I don’t,” Tipol had raised up onto his knees, sliding his shorts down over his ass, “You’re sweet and haven’t made me one and that’s terribly good and all that. Now fuck me until I scream,” Tipol tossed the shorts aside.
Tipol glanced back over his shoulder, looking bored, irritated that Ash was just staring at him. And not even at his bare ass, just at him. “I’ll make sex noises.”
Ash tilted his head, remembering that time Tipol had touched him into an orgasm, the way he’d moaned when Ash had needed it. Obviously those moans had been fake.
“I will make sex noises, because you will be making me make sex noises,” Tipol explained, very slowly, spacing his words.
The young demon really couldn’t figure that out. How could he make Tipol moan?
Tipol sighed a very put-upon sigh, then moaned a long and throaty sound. Ash shuddered at the jolt of pure pleasure that went shooting through him. He had no idea how, but suddenly he was very aroused. Very confused, but very aroused.
“How did…”
“Who cares, let’s put it to good use,” Tipol prowled around and straddled Ash.
The poor overwhelmed Shadow demon could barely keep up with what was going on. Tipol worked Ash’s shirt upwards, touching and licking at his abs, then chest, until Ash finally got the hint and pulled his shirt off over his head. Then the Felinoid went right for his pants, paying attention to Ash’s length for not nearly enough time at all before removing his pants for him. It had all happened so fast…
Tipol laid back then, reclining somewhat on his side, canting one leg out. Ash pushed himself up, hesitantly, eyes roaming over Tipol’s body. He had looked at Tipol naked before, but definitely not this openly, genitalia fully exposed to him. The scent of heat and excitement was overwhelming, making his head swim.
Ash prowled back and forth, his eyes never leaving Tipol. He would move a little forward and then twice the distance back. His mind couldn’t even begin to think of what he was supposed to do.
“Stupid, clueless baby demon. Fuck me,” Tipol looked so very bored with not being fucked.
Jenii’s voice startled Ash somewhat, “Haven’t you mounted that cat yet?” he growled.
Ash put his head down, submissive to the elder Shadow demon. Jenii prowled over, eyes fixing on Tipol’s, purposefully ignoring the rest of his body.
“I think he needs to be shown what to do.”
“Mhmm, stupid baby he is.”
“Mind if I show him?”
“Feel free,” the Felinoid permitted as casually as if Jenii had asked to borrow his shoes.
Of course, Tipol didn’t have shoes.
Jenii was crouching behind Tipol, gripping at his hip and raising his ass up. Tipol obliged him, as if it were natural, far too natural. Ash felt a growl rising in the back of his throat, but he choked it down.
“You make this so fucking complicated, just ignore… that… and do this,” Jenii grunted, sliding a slicked finger into Tipol’s ass.
The Felinoid tensed for a moment before relaxing, arching his back to raise his ass up more, laying his head down on his arms and hiding his face. It took Tipol a moment to rouse up his voice.
“What the fuck do you mean ignore that?”
“Shut up, I’m teaching here,” Jenii growled back at him.
“Not very fucking well,” Tipol shot back. His body shuddered again, arching and squirming, trying to move back against Jenii’s penetrating fingers. His body very much wanted it.
“Ash, come here,” the elder Shadow grunted. “Do you see what I’m doing or do you need verbal instructions?”
Ash looked at where the fingers were moving in and out of Tipol, then up at his superior. He must have had a blank or confused look on his face, because Jenii shook his head. The General removed his fingers from the Felinoid.
“Obviously I have to show you,” Jenii sighed, as if this were some great chore.
Strange, Tipol had sighed like that. Was this all so much of an annoying task for them?
Jenii had to stroke himself to get firm enough to push into Tipol. Ash was damn sure he was hard enough already. That gave him a little bit of comfort, that Jenii wasn’t turned on so much by Tipol. Just a little bit though.
Tipol started to make a noise, then stifled himself. Jenii was rubbing up and down his back, over his thighs and ass, working into him little by little. Ash appreciated him being gentle, he really didn’t feel like trying to hurt his superior. Then again, Jenii’s daughter adored Tipol, probably a major reason why Jenii was reluctant to hurt him.
“How’s that feel?” Jenii was moving more smoothly now, not entering all the way, but still thrusting deep into Tipol.
“Why? Are you in yet?” Tipol asked dryly.
Jenii growled, pulling Tipol to sit upright and lean back against him. Tipol gasped and arched up, then quickly scowled and glared over his shoulder at Jenii.
“Hey, I’m not here to manhandle,” the Felinoid hissed.
“You’re in the right position now for him to… enter that,” Jenii grunted.
“I’ll tell him what to do with that if you stop referring to it as that,” Tipol hissed.
“You just called it that.”
“It’s mine, I can call it that if I want to.”
Ash interrupted the banter, blinking back and forth at both of them, “What is that?”
“Nevermind, just come here,” Tipol encouraged him forward.
“What is he-“ Ash started to ask.
“Just keep to your side,” Jenii interrupted.
“Am I-“
“I don’t want to know what you’re doing up there,” the General seemed repulsed by the very thought.
“Will you two stop your bantering?” Tipol silenced them both. “Just come here and stick it in me.”
Ash canted his head, looking where Tipol was indicating, the female genitalia. He glanced back at Jenii, then at Tipol, “But… don’t I.. have to… since he…”
“I don’t care what he had to do, he’s going in the wrong door-“
“The right door,” Jenii coughed.
“Shut up,” Tipol growled. “He’s going in the wrong door, he had to make preparations to break in nice and easy. This door is totally wide open and ready and waiting with a little welcome mat and everything.”
Ash couldn’t begin to make sense of all of that. There were doors now?
Tipol gave an exasperated sigh, “Just get inside me already.”
Ash settled himself down in front of Tipol, looking down at himself. He was supposed to put… this… into that. Okay, that was clicking in his mind now. But in looking at himself…
“I’m not… very…”
“Look, some of us don't care for freakishly huge penises that are double-figures in length, you're fine. You're perfect. You're great. Him behind me? Freakishly huge.”
“I wouldn’t insult the person in your ass,” Jenii grunted.
“I’ll insult who I want. Ash, hands on my hips, in me NOW.”
Ash snapped to the command, placing his hands on Tipol’s hips. He took several deep breaths before trying to move forward. Tipol squirmed his hips, the heat of him several times brushing against Ash’s length.
Suddenly, Tipol was moved forward, Ash moving back reflexibly. Tipol stiffened and squirmed and hissed back over his shoulder.
“Don’t do that, no orgasm yet dammit.”
“Just wanted to show off,” Jenii smirked.
“Well don’t, no posturating inside me, I’ve had that enough in my time from people bigger than you,” Tipol glared back at him.
Jenii sulked, as if wounded, “Now I have to make you come.”
“No you don’t. Just brace me dammit. You’re not so gay that you can’t resist raping my ass for a few minutes.”
Jenii growled, but stayed still and shut up.
“Come on, you dumb baby demon, try again,” Tipol leaned back a little, arching himself in a way that exposed the lower genitals more.
Ash placed one hand back on Tipol’s hip, using the other to guide his length, nudging against Tipol’s heat. It was wet, and so very hot it made him dizzy.
“Right there, there you go, push forward,” Tipol encouraged, even if his tone was entirely bored again.
The younger Shadow moved his hand away, gripping Tipol with both hands as he shifted forward. The movement was surprisingly easy, smooth, eased by all the wetness there. He slid in deep without much trying.
Tipol had started to moan, then silenced himself, but his head remained back, eyes still closed. His breathing and heartbeat had hit a new pace. Ash could only assume he’d caused the Felinoid pleasure.
“Now go a little out, back in again,” Jenii took up the teaching, since Tipol was indisposed.
“Like you’d know,” Tipol had gathered himself to snap back at Jenii. “I’m doing the teaching here.”
Ash tuned out their banter to focus on what he was doing. He slid out, not far enough to leave Tipol entirely. He was very nervous about that, if it came out he wasn’t sure if he could easily find and get in again, or if Tipol would scold him and not let him. So better to just not let it happen. He moved just most of the way out before pushing in again.
“Mhmm, that’s it,” Tipol sighed, entirely bored and not at all impressed.
Then it struck Ash just how good this felt, the heat, the pressure around him, the smooth motion. He moved forward again and again, slowly and carefully, but each time needing the next one even more. It came almost naturally, this motion. It felt right moving inside Tipol like this.
“Think the instincts finally woke up,” Jenii grunted, now and again moving against Ash.
“Whatever,” the Felinoid was still so very bored.
Ash felt a little sting of emotion, he didn’t want Tipol to be bored, he wanted more of that pleased Tipol. He pushed himself a little faster, a little more strength to the thrusts to drive him deeper.
Tipol’s body stiffened and shuddered, his breath catching in his throat. The heat and scent of the female sex seemed to almost double in an instant.
Ash nosed at him curiously, even Jenii still for the moment.
“That was an orgasm there, that bit where I was shuddering? Yep, orgasm,” Tipol drawled, bored all over again.
“But… that wasn’t like…”
“I’ll get to that orgasm, give me a fucking chance,” he sighed. “Go on, keep going… by the deity both of you are so stupid.”
Jenii growled, moving suddenly up into Tipol, forcefully, but not nearly as forceful as he could have been. Tipol tensed and hissed and glared at him.
“Told you not to do that, let him make me come I said. Get all insulted just because you both learned something.”
Jenii grunted, casting a glance at Ash. It was a wordless challenge, trying to rouse up Ash’s jealousy. Jenii wasn’t going to hold back anymore, he was going to make this cat come, and Ash had better either try and get there first or just get out of the way.
Ash growled back, adjusting his grip on Tipol, accepting the challenge.
“Do I want to know what’s going on between you two? Should I leave you alo-“
Tipol was cut off abruptly as Jenii made the first move, another strong thrust. He didn’t have time to glare back at him, however, because Ash began countering. He started with the slow, usual motion and moved on quickly. He added more strength little by little, more speed.
The Felinoid shuddered between them, lost for all words. Tipol had said moments like that were orgasms, so Ash contented himself that at least some of those were.
The elder Shadow growled, praising Ash’s efforts. Ash had found a good, steady rhythm, only faltering now and again when a particularly hard shudder from Tipol went racing pleasure up his spine. More and more of those distracted him, though, and very soon it was extremely hard to keep going.
Jenii’s pace quickened as Ash faltered, pounding harder into the tormented Felinoid between them. Ash couldn’t do much of anything, his head spinning from how incredibly good this felt. He didn’t much care Jenii was “winning” anymore.
Jenii slowed his thrusts, bearing his weight down more on them, “Ash, lay back.”
Ash was really in no position to argue, not like he could have fought back against the General and won had he even wanted to. Besides, the way Tipol moved to straddle him, it seemed almost natural. Fluid and graceful, the Felinoid arched his body, leaning forward, stretching his arms out to grip at Ash’s shoulders and brace himself.
The new position alone, the new angle of hitting inside Tipol, it was almost too much for Ash to control himself. When Jenii began thrusting, the pleasure just built upon itself over and over again, the sheer force of the movements causing Tipol to move against and around him, the Felinoid’s length trapped between them.
Ash focused on Tipol, the beautiful Felinoid caught there, arching and shuddering. There were little breathless noises, quickly working themselves into moans. The first truly outright moan was when Ash lost it, dissolving into orgasm.
He was barely aware of it, but Jenii was growling loudly now, quickening his pace. Tipol’s moans brought him fully out of his haze, growing longer and louder, the Felinoid absolutely beyond control.
Ash felt bad for finishing so early, the General now the one to finish Tipol off. He felt the shivering Felinoid against him, and had an idea. He slipped his hand between them, finding Tipol’s length and wrapping his hand around it. Twice had Tipol given him this attention, he could at least return the favour.
Tipol’s moans peaked, Jenii stilling his thrusts as the slender body between them shuddered hard, spilling seed over Ash’s hand and belly.
Jenii pulled himself out of Tipol, grunting at Ash before making himself scarce. Ash reached and found a blanket to pull over them, not wanting anyone else to see Tipol, suddenly feeling very possessive. Strange since he’d just let the General basically possess him.
His thoughts were interrupted by a definite purring noise. Tipol was rubbing himself against Ash, nuzzling his chest, snuggling against him all content.
Ash smiled, making sure his hand was clean before petting down Tipol’s hair and stroking down his back. Tipol arched himself up into the touch, as if begging for more.
“Heh, you’re cuddling,” Ash mused.
“Hmm… I can cuddle if I want… you talk and I won’t want to,” Tipol murmured.
Ash quickly shut his mouth, resuming his petting of the very content Felinoid.
Tipol purred, nuzzling and looking so serene and perfect there against his chest, “Good baby demon.”
Perfect, yes, that was what it looked like. Ash was going to enjoy every moment of this, because he was sure it wouldn’t last long, and it was definitely want he’d been looking for.