Title: Prey
Author: Sallie
Pairing: Jenii (as a
Charizard!Pokémorph) x
Pestilence (as a Jirachi!Pokémorph)
Warning: Smut. Total Plot what plot smut. Two bois having sex. Two bois who are half-pokémon even. Tonguing even.
Disclaimer: Pokémon are the copyright nintendo and such. Jenii is Garney's, Pesti and the fic are Sallie's.
Summary: It's hunting time and this Charizard has found the absolute perfect prey for his hunger...
The Charizard stopped in his tracks, growling with mild irritation as his red eyes shot around the clearing he’d come to.
It appeared that once again his prey had gotten away from him – but only momentarily. He had too much pride to let anything get away from him for good.
The fire Pokémorph pulled himself up straight, spreading his wings out to their full span and closing his eyes. With each internal breath he calculated and mapped the area in his mind, seeking for that particular scent. All the while he acutely listened for smaller sounds amongst the wind and birdsong while his wing membrane carefully measured the waves of the air. He waited with a long found patience for the slightest change in his surroundings without having to actively look around him.
Moments passed before there was a small brittle snapping that made the Charizard jerk his head up towards the noise, opening his eyes and fixing a heated glare at the maze of tree branches above him.
His prey, the little Jirachi Pokémorph he’d been chasing for a good hour now, was sat up there, smart enough to have settled downwind. Its light-brown legs were set primly together, dangling in the air at the slightly cocked angle, and one of the little Pokémorph’s fingers was set against its lips while it looked at a small branch it had just broken.
Slowly the Jirachi’s eye settled away from the broken twig towards the large predator staring fixedly at him, before it smiled widely and made a light giggling sound.
The Charizard’s breathing was laced with rumbling, low enough that it could only really be felt rather than heard, and the fire Pokémorph took a slow step forward.
The Jirachi beamed even more, settling its head at an angle and pulling its hand away from its face. Casually it drew its finger in a large circle, a sudden and bright light filling the area when the Reflect attack was complete.
The Charizard snarled and snapped its eyes closed, throwing up a wing as though to protect itself from the intense brightness of the reflected sunlight. He could hear the little psychic Pokémorph giggling again and escaping from the area, and it just made him growl all the more.
He hated when his prey played with him.
The psychic Pokémorph skipped and hopped his way happily amongst the trees and shrubs using Swift. His bare feet barely lingered on the grass and moss underfoot, meaning he left little to no footprints to track.
He finally stopped when he thought he could no longer hear the larger Pokémorph behind him, spinning himself around a tree playfully before tilting his head up towards the woodland’s leafy canopy over his head. The Jirachi smiled and took a slowly deep breath, tilting its wing-like trails to catch the sunlight. He slid his eye closed and took a moment to Refresh itself.
It wasn’t more than half a moment before he was pushed against the tree he was standing near, his dark arms pulled and pinned over his head.
The Jirachi opened its eye, finding a hard, scarred chest in his immediate view. Gradually the small Pokémorph tilted his chin up, taking his gaze up, up, up to the deep set glare of the growling Charizard.
The Jirachi smiled.
The Charizard pulled back his top lip in a snarl, showing off large and perfect teeth, sharp and ready to eat whatever small prey took the fire Pokémorph’s fancy. He lowed his face to the psychic type and growled a very deep set rumble that almost seemed to make the air surrounding them vibrate.
The Jirachi actually giggled, its long buttercup wings fluttering a little in some kind of child-like delight.
It might have really annoyed the Charizard that he wasn’t being taken seriously as a predator, if he had actually been chasing the smaller Pokémorph with an intention to kill and eat it. That had never been the reason he was hunting the Jirachi though; no, certainly not, and he’d never disillusioned himself that was the reason. It wasn’t the typical kind of hunger that this little Pokémorph had awoken in him when it had scampered through his territory.
Then again, now he had caught his prey, the Charizard was hesitating slightly. Being his particular breed, he was supposed to mate with other Charizards, maybe a Charmeleon, but that was it. This Pokémorph wasn’t even a fire type, let alone part of his breed. In fact, the Pokémorph wasn’t even female…
The Charizard managed to shake off most of those thoughts, they didn’t bother him in the slightest. He could happily mate right this second with the Jirachi, consider the previous chase all the before mating enticing he needed.
The problem was that the little Jirachi was… well, little. Very much smaller in Pokémorph terms than the Charizard, and so slight and gracefully built – he looked easily breakable, and the Charizard didn’t particularly want to break the psychic type.
Breaking him was the top of the Charizard’s worries, followed swiftly by the – not fear, definitely not fear, it wasn’t a Charizard emotion, but something similar – the nearly-fear that the Jirachi might not want to couple with some-morph outside its species. If it didn’t then there was a slim chance the Jirachi might become hot enough, with some working, to forget and allow the Charizard to mate him anyway… but that seemed an improbability.
Added to all of that, the psychic type might be already claimed by another morph.
That thought made the Charizard growl again with more anger, a long sound that was almost a roar and that set the nearby chirping bird types to silence.
The Charizard lowered himself towards the smaller Pokémorph, nudging back the Jirachi’s head just short of roughly. His red eyes scanned over the expanse of dark neck for previous mating marks, while he breathed deeply for any lingering scents of other Morphs caught amongst the psychic type’s own scent.
By all accounts the little playful psychic type was free – true, it could have Recovered to remove any bite marks, but there was definitely no scent there that didn’t belong to the Jirachi itself.
What a scent that was, earthen but fresh and seeming as soft as the trapped body appeared. The Charizard could almost imagine he felt that scent wrapping around him, trying to pull him closer, inviting him to take the psychic type; encouraging him to claim the Jirachi as his.
The Charizard growled to itself again, slowly baring his teeth, dusky red eyes fixed on a barely noticeable pulse beneath the rich brown skin. Oh yes, it would be so very easy for the large Pokémorph to take and claim this psychic morph all for himself.
A light little bubbly sound brought the Charizard from its trance almost guiltily, pulling himself up and scanning over the dark body trapped between his own body and the tree-trunk.
The Jirachi beamed at him, swirling those little wings in that playful fashion again. The little thing certainly seemed sure he wasn’t going to be eaten, but it seemed far too pure to be aware of what the Charizard really wanted of it. The Jirachi seemed to consider this all a game, like when young Pokémorphs chased each other around their territories; all show and very little substance other than fun.
The Charizard, unfathomably, couldn’t bring itself to mate with the Jirachi if it really was that innocent.
Somehow the fire type found some strength within itself to let go of the Jirachi’s arms, stepping back with a growl that almost seemed to have a whimper locked within it. The Charizard turned itself back the way it had come.
The Jirachi frowned in confusion, wondering why the game had suddenly stopped.
Then the little psychic type jumped back to life, skipping swiftly in front of the Charizard’s path, waiting there a short while before flitting off to the side. It came around the other side, settling itself in the fire type’s path again before skipping to the side, seeming to be trying to entice the Charizard back into the previous chase.
The Charizard tried his best to ignore the other morph, pushing himself on through the breaks in the trees, refusing to be deterred from his path.
Eventually the Jirachi realised the Charizard was not going to chase him again, switching to another plan to start the games again. The little psychic Pokémorph threw himself at the Charizard, landing against the thick, scarred hide of the Charizard with all its strength, although the larger Pokémorph barely seemed to notice – it didn’t even knock him slightly off balance.
Quickly the Jirachi pulled the Charizard’s clawed hands to his hips, clapping his little hands against his cheeks and blinking up at the Charizard as if in surprise. The little morph’s yellow wings fluttered and it wriggled its body, as though trying to get away from being so suddenly caught, but not really trying.
The Charizard was more than confused, the deep set lines of his usual scowl long gone to wide-eyed surprise. He hastily found enough grip on himself to frown again, although it was still in confusion more than anger. He fought with himself not to grip that wiggling body tighter and pull it closer, and due to that being such a difficult battle he couldn’t actually find the resolve to remove his hands from the small morph and walk around him.
The Jirachi playfully struggled for a while before blinking its lone purple eye sadly and standing still. Its golden wings dropped down, the very tips of them trailing against the ground. Almost seeming very tired suddenly, the psychic type thudded its cheek against the Charizard’s chest, still looking up at him.
“Chi,” It mournfully crooned in a heartbreaking little voice.
The Charizard found out he wasn’t made of stone, at least not against such a tragically pretty display by this particular psychic Pokémorph. He found himself bowing himself enough that he could nudge against the dejected Jirachi’s cheek with his face.
He was rewarded with an instant and infinitely happier little sound from the psychic type, who wrapped his arms around the Charizard’s strong neck and shoulders.
Those arms were so very soft, very likely the smoothest skin the Charizard had ever had the pleasure of feeling against his, a thousand times softer than any Charizard’s or Charmeleon’s tough hide. It worked against the fire type, who had to flick his tongue against the Jirachi’s cheek, short little laps against the skin. The taste of the psychic type’s skin was unbelievable, seeming to work right through the Charizard’s body, rousing up that lustful hunger he’d been trying to ignore.
The Jirachi bubbled that giggling little sound, hopping back just a step and waiting for the Charizard to follow – which he invariably did – before hopping back again. Slowly and surely leading them until his back hit another tree-trunk, leaving them much as they had been before. The buttercup wings fluttered just slightly, as though their owner was privately very pleased with himself.
The Charizard growled low in his throat, an entirely lustful and wanting sound as he sought out more of that unique taste. He drug his tongue up the smaller Pokémorph’s neck, along that throbbing pulse, letting the flavours melt through his mouth and dance across his veins. His flamed tail thrashed from side to side, acting of its own accord with his rising need of this morph beneath him, as he settled his teeth against that vital thump, feeling it echo against his mouth.
With just a little pressure his needle-sharp teeth could just break that soft skin, have that heated vital liquid just pour across his tongue, down his throat. He could, if he wanted, bite his hardest, take every last drop of blood from the little body against his – but he wouldn’t. He would just take enough to taste it, bite enough to mark the little Pokémorph as his own…
He forced himself away from that elegant neck quickly, shaking his head violently as if he could force his lusts away from him. The Jirachi couldn’t have been trying to entice him to mate with it. It just couldn’t be offering itself to him. It was too difficult for the Charizard to comprehend.
The Jirachi pushed itself onto its tip-toes, moving its little hands through the Charizard’s burnt black hair, fixing the fine strands back behind him from where it had over-spilled onto his face during that shaking. Then it led its fingers up the two hard horns atop the fire type’s head, fingers whispering loose trails over them and palms softly pressing against them; exploring over them curiously and yet almost knowingly with touch.
The Charizard growled, loud and lustful, digging its claws into the smooth dark skin of the Jirachi’s hips, just holding back from breaking the skin. He lifted the psychic type up a little, pinning him against the tree with his hips, growling again, making his intentions for the little morph very clear, before loosening his hands grip against his body’s wishes.
This was the chance for the Jirachi to realise the Charizard’s plans and maybe stop all this inviting playing and quickly flit away from the overly enflamed fire type. The perfect chance to should he wish to take it.
The Jirachi saw the chance to leave and ignored it, pressing his soft palms against the firm hide of the Charizard’s horns and working his slim little fingers across them in random patterns. The dark fingers found a old deep scar cutting through a horn and drew themselves along it slowly and firmly.
The lustful growls increased dramatically, the Charizard regripping at the hips of the psychic type, claws digging into the soft flesh and then breaking through. The Jirachi made a sighing sound, tilting its slender hips towards the ones pinning him, arching his back against the tree-trunk and tightening his little hands around the long horns.
The Charizard ducked his head, biting along the rich brown jaw of the other morph before drawing his tongue back down to the magnetic pulse. He was unable to hold off the urges that continued to race through him this third time of being aware of that hard thumping echo of heartbeat. The fire type bit down against it, gentle at first, savouring the taste of the flesh alone, flicking the tip of his tongue against the smooth skin, before adding pressure.
Wickedly sharp teeth slid through the skin, the hidden crimson released instantly as if waiting to be set free. The heated fluid raced over his tongue and down his throat, the taste mingling with the scent of the psychic morph within the fire type’s mouth. The Charizard’s tail thrashed more wildly than before, his wings wrapping themselves around his and the Jirachi’s sides as though they could pull the other Pokémorph closer.
The Jirachi threw its head back, exposing more of that expanse of neck and crying out with little restraint. Its voice was soft and almost seemed as bright and twinkling as stars that hung in the skies, the pleasure in the noise sparking in curiously ethereal tones. Those delicate blonde wings fluttered wildly, the psychic types body tightening and trying to arch up to the Charizard’s mouth while those little hands tightened just that bit more against the fire type’s horns, trying so desperately to find something to centre against.
The Charizard could have stayed locked that way for hours, just lost in the taste, the sounds, and the way that little body moved against him, but he wouldn’t allow himself that much. He licked at the wound until it stopped bleeding, regarding his mark proudly, officially now the Jirachi was his and no one else’s. Anyone who tried to take his territory from him now, he could and would kill without prejudice.
Setting his mark there wasn’t enough though. He wasn’t to be satisfied so easily. It may have taken him some time to be fully assured he should act on his instincts, but now they weren’t going to be ignored.
The Charizard’s tongue swept down along the Jirachi’s collarbone, licking up any little trails of blood that had escaped and pooled there. His clawed hands, still digging firmly into that soft flesh about the smaller Pokémorph’s hips, lifted the little creature higher so he didn’t have to bend so much. His long tongue worshipped over the dark skin of the Jirachi, sampling each individual flavour of every last inch, sometimes biting here and there just for the thrilling little noises the psychic morph would make. His wings, still wrapped around to help trap the little morph, shifted themselves almost against his real knowledge, massaging against the smooth sides of the Jirachi and playing against the delicate golden wings the psychic type possessed.
Those soft little hands were half-burrowed into the Charizard’s fine black hair, slender fingers twisting the sable strands around them. Sometimes the little Pokémorph would find the sense to at least try and return those pleasures rippling through his slender form, and he would manage to rub his palms up those two study horns or rub his fingers firmly around the base of them.
The little actions didn’t go unnoticed, each one making the Charizard growl louder, trying, yet again, to push his body closer to the smaller pinned one and in the end attacking that delicious flesh with a greater zeal that left the psychic type shivering and gasping and unable to do anything until it had once again gathered some sense.
Finally the Charizard had had enough, needing just something more. He carefully lowered the little morph until the dark feet settled on the ground again, dropping himself to his knees in front of his chosen mate once that was done.
One of the clawed hands slid down the Jirachi’s thigh, scratching little rough rents in the smooth skin, feeling out the muscles concealed under the dark skin. His hand moved under the knee, lifting it easily and bracing it over his shoulder. The little psychic type wobbled a moment but was easily steadied by the Charizard’s other hand, the tree and the sturdiness of that strongly muscled shoulder.
The Charizard drug his dusky red eyes along that thigh, slender as it was those strong muscles beneath the skin curved so tantalisingly when bent like it was, almost seeming to mark the path the Charizard should take along it. The fire type growled with intense satisfaction, letting his tongue follow one of the shallow paths his claws had made along the skin, back along to the hip. His mouth followed along the hip line to the stomach, breathing deeply at the deeper and more personal scents that lingered there. Still an earthen scent, but at the same time it was freeing, like a refreshing breeze on a hot summer’s day.
The Jirachi was squirming and whimpering as the Charizard’s tongue moved across his lower belly, and the Charizard couldn’t blame him. His own arousal was both protesting and thrilling at the tightness of being packed within his genital sheath, and even if the petite Pokémorph was only half as aroused as him it had to be some kind of strange new combination of bliss and agony for the pure little morph. The Charizard would relieve the Jirachi of that soon enough, but for a moment longer he wanted to torture his claimed mate.
Those dark red eyes surveyed over that stomach, finding that small break in the skin and drawing his tongue over it in a long, hard motion. The hard shudder that ran through the Jirachi and mingled with the little cry it made would have been reward enough to the Charizard. That flicker of deeply personal scent and stronger taste made it even better, making the larger morph shudder himself, snarling a deeply gratified noise. He flicked his tongue between that break again another long and gratifying taste, enough to keep him going until he felt the need to actually free the smaller Pokémorph from that tight confine.
Until then though, he had other areas to taste. His clawed hand returned up the Jirachi’s dark thigh to his hip, gripping strongly as his teeth nipped at the hard pulse in that silky thigh. The Charizard lingered there a moment, licking over that throbbing, fighting his instincts to set another bite mark into the psychic type, finally drawing away from that area, scraping his teeth over the underside of that thigh. He found that entrance to the smaller morph, his near continuous growls rising to a conquering sound for a moment, before forcing his tongue into that tight heated passage.
The Jirachi cried out louder than any previous time, the volume itself setting the forest to near-silence around them. It knew no restraint and tried desperately to buck its hips, but the Charizard’s hands held it too powerfully for any movement. The slender body locked in a hard arched position, only the Jirachi’s wings free enough to beat themselves wildly, thrashing as the little morph would have liked too, much in a mimic of the thrashing action of the Charizard’s flamed tail.
The Charizard growled hungrily, pushing up into the tight muscle as much as he could afford, the thrusting motion increasing as the small morph’s whimpers and cries swelled. The predator’s large wings moved up, creating a screen against his awareness, blocking the sight of his mate from any prying eyes that might have been around. He could feel those little hips straining against his grip and it sent thrills through him, as much as anything else about the psychic morph did – like the noises, the feeling of his fingers tangling in his hair and those unique, intoxicating scents.
He pulled back, removing his clawed hands and letting the little Jirachi sink slowly and shakily to its knees.
The psychic morph shivered and gasped for breaths, bracing his hands on the floor to help keep upright. “Chiii,” He breathed heavily, turning his flushed towards the Charizard, his whole body shaking with his deep breaths while he squirmed, unsatisfied and empty.
The Charizard prowled around the smaller Pokémorph, nudging and licking shortly against his cheek to show he was pleased with the little creature. The fire type settled behind his mate, pulling the little creature up against him, the little golden wings trapped against the Charizard’s chest. The Charizard nosed against the soft blonde crowning, breathing in the sweet scent, then lower against the little Pokémorph’s neck where the trails of hair were even softer; so soft that they might as well have been gossamer air, a lingering scent and nothing more.
The Jirachi wriggled and squirmed all the more as the Charizard’s clawed hand moved over his belly, those slim hips thrusting of their own accord as the fire type withdrew the pure little creature’s hard length from within his sheath. The psychic type tried desperately to hold himself still, thinking a growl from the Charizard at that point was anger but it was so very difficult as the fire type’s rough clawed hands drew over his sensitive flesh.
The Charizard growled again in satisfaction, drawing back one hand to free himself from his own oppressively tight sheath. He encouraged the psychic type to bend back over and with a small whimper the Jirachi complied, lowering his top half to the ground and lifting his rear in the air. The Charizard only gave himself a moment to drag his eyes over that delicious sight of his chosen mate offering itself to him. His needs ignored any flickering thoughts of how very small the Jirachi seemed, digging his claws into that soft skin and without warning thrusting strongly into the tight heated passage.
The Jirachi skidded into the ground, yelping a short little sound, trying to get its arms or hands under it, but not managing against the hard thrusts that began to assault it. If there was any pain there, it quickly melted away to pleasure and need, the psychic type shuddering and panting moans with every deep push into him. The Charizard growled deeply in his chest, grunting short sounds with each thrust that could easily have become moans given less self-restraint, eventually managing to break into his small mate right to the hilt.
The small morph simply could not last long under that barrage, brutal waves of pleasure wracking the slender frame and then crashing over into release. The Jirachi cried out against his orgasm, shuddering helplessly and pressing back against the hard body of the Charizard, unseen things spinning behind its tightly closed eye.
The Charizard all but howled a deeply triumphant sound, forcing into the hot passage just a few more times before coming hard within his mate, succumbing to his own shudders and setting burning seed deep in that shivering form pressed under him.
It took the Charizard a shorter time to recover, the large predator turning his unusual mate over gently and licking him clean, satisfying the small flicker of guilt that he had not broken the delicate seeming form. His tongue roved over the Jirachi’s thighs, stomach, wings and chest, delighting in each and every shudder and little sound he dragged from the small creature. He found the bite mark he’d set so deeply into the dark skin to ensure the Jirachi was claimed as his own and bit it lightly, playfully.
The Jirachi wriggled beneath him, wrapping its arms around the Charizard’s shoulders acting as though they were too heavy for it. It smiled beautifully, but tiredly. “Chi,” It crooned prettily, its tired buttercup wings shifting against the ground, lethargically content moves.
The Charizard growled, smiling back before scooping up his prey into his arms and pulling himself up. The morning’s chase had taken him some way from his territory, but at least his pride – and more besides – had been satisfied.
This little Jirachi would not escape from him again.
Pokémon is copyrighted to Nintendo and I in no way mean any infringement.