Keeper of the Kiro Temple, Guardian of the Crossroads
Gender - Female
Age - about 50 years old
Birthdate - she's not telling
Character Type - she's not telling this either, although it's been rumored she's not entirely human, but exactly what beyond that is debatable.
Build - in one word small, about five feet tall, probably less, but in good shape, wiry and tough
Eyes - cold gray blue, usually look pretty sad
Hair - starting to gray from age, originally a sort of light brown
Facial Features
Yotaka looks pretty good except for all those worry lines, probably from raising those troublesome orphans.
Additional details
She may be small, old, and gray, but she can kick anybody's ass. Perhaps that's why she's still there guarding the temple, no one can defeat her and be worthy of her position. She'll toy around using physical attacks because her magic can put you down in one blow.
This old teacher knows much much more than she's telling, that's constantly evident. She keeps pretty quiet, but has a pride that just shows in her posture.
Yotaka keeps her past in the past. Without a doubt her entire life has been physical and magical training, and she's spent a great deal of years at the Kiro Temple, just ask some of the orphans that she raised.
Miscellaneous Information
It is rumored that among Yotaka's abilities is the power to change shape into a hawk, but no one's ever actually seen this. She is also currently the only one authorized to open the paths to the other worlds from the human world. Nobody gets anywhere without her permission, and she knows immediately when the gate is opened from another side. But she is caring, having treated her orphans as lavishly as she could.
Yotaka gives her long time students allowances of money so that if handled correctly each can buy their own food and necessities and perhaps have some to spend. They are allowed certain personal affects (Tanji has a cd player, Kino mostly books) but still live pretty simply. She expects them to attend school and still train at the temple afterwards, but she only expects each to do as best as they can (yes Tanji does limp through school, she knows that)