Victor & Lane

Victor Damien

Gender - Male

----As he's Amadeus' older brother, its easier to describe him by comparing them.-----

Age - A few hundred years, give or take. He appears to be about 21

Birthdate - ???

Character Type - Vampire noble from the Vampire Hunter D world

Build - A bit taller than his brother, making him about average. Is also slim, but not lanky or anything, his small build suits him. He also limps with his right leg.

Eyes - Steel grey and icy cold

Hair - Thick and on the longish side, keeps falling in his eyes but its not long enough to be put in a ponytail. It's a strange steel grey, with white and black hairs mixed in. He was not born that way.

Facial Features - Not as beautiful as his brother, his features are sharper, colder. See Garnet's amazing portrait. She captured exactly what he looked like before she even knew about him :) I nearly fell off my chair when I saw Victor looking back at me!

Personality - In the VHD world, vampires are "nobles" and consider humans as little more than servants and convenient blood donors. I copied this statement from Amadeus' decription because it sill holds true, but rather than abuse "lesser" beings as his brother enjoys doing, Victor essentially ignores them as not worth his attention and lets them go on with their pointless lives.

He has little interest in killing people, he'd much rather spend his nights in his study reading. Feeding is just an inconvenience that is a waste of time as far as he's concerned. He is extremely intelligent, a scientist and a sorceror. He doesn't really see the difference between a chemical equation and a magical spell, and he is perfectly capable of combining the two to achieve his goals. As far as his love life is concerned, it is pretty much unexistant, unless you include his library, though he has no gender preference (just in case anyone wants to try and get him). He is very cold, logical, virtually emotionless and "unfazeable" (think Vulcan here), though he has been known to find things amusing.

For now, all you need to know is that it was Victor that made Amadeus a vampire. How he became a vampire is a story yet to be written.

Miscellaneous Information
There's actually not much more to say about him. It is a letter written to him by his brother which brings the Temple to his attention and he'll come to investigate the school, and the various magics used here.