Thorn Nightshade

Real Name: Barnabas Night... don't ever... EVER call him Barney... he will give you the most horrible of slow and painful deaths.

Chosen Name: Thorn Nightshade

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birth date: October 31

Character Type: Human

Build: Thorn stands at a tall 6 feet, with shoulders of a nice, strong, width. Skin a light tan, his build is smooth, lean, built, and finely tuned.

Eyes: Thorn's eyes are a dark, expressive brown, that are simply smoldering-and also blessed with long thick, dark lashes that would make any girl envious.

Hair: Coal black, short in the front, longer in the back, with bangs that like to fall over his forehead and spill over the tips of his eyes in the most dashing way-Squall style.

Facial Features: Handsomely chiseled, with fine eyes, a smooth nose, prominent cheekbones, sensual lips and a slightly strong chin.

Personality: Thorn can be both the smooth talking lady-killer or the broody, smart ass jerk...with a healthy measure of confidence and teen mutiny. But despite this, he can be sensitive and is always sincere. Intelligent and quick, not much escapes him. He has a charming sense of humor and a few sly words ready at will. Although Thorn gets along nicely with the women-folk (in that way... *wink*) he isn't much of a social person and has few friends... probably because of that aura he tends to give off... different from most people a just a little intimidating... if not strange.

Additional details: Thorn likes black. Thorn doesn't like anything but black. Thorn likes leather pants, nylon pants, and denim pants, baggie or nice fitting but slightly flared. All black. Thorn also likes tight muscle shirts, tank tops, or cool t-shirts...but only black. Thorn also likes his army combat boots. Black. Thorn does not like any other color of the light spectrum other than dark red.
But, on another note, Thorn has his right earlobe pierced twice, and is usually wearing one silver 4mm ball earring in the first piercing and a small diamond stud in the second.
On his upper right arm there is a tattoo of a thorny vine arrow piercing a heart.

History: Born in upstate New York, Thorn lived there for about half of his life as the quiet, solemn, but adventurous little boy tragically named Barnabas. Then-when his parents separated in one of those cruel-ugly-hurtful divorces becoming rather common in this world, he now lives with his Father in Tokyo, along with his twin sister... Agatha/Ivy. (Yes... there is a trend here. When birth names go horribly wrong...) He and his sister would rather be living with their Mother...and his father is a sore spot with him. A wise person would not mention it...unless very close to him (how on Earth did you manage that?) or strong enough to back up your mouth. For most of his life, Thorn has been looking for a certain place... a place that he'd fit in more... somewhere at which he could learn more about himself and his strange powers... then he found Kiro Temple.

Miscellaneous Information: Other than Thorn's great physical shape, he is an empathic. Able to hone in on the people or creatures of his choice and simply feel what they feel. Sometimes, when overwhelmed by his own emotions he can not control his ability and thus usually prefers secluded places with few people about. Only a few years ago had this strange power surfaced...and it Thorn finds that it's perks are quite nice...