Strahd's novel

Strahd van Jarovich

Gender: Male

Age: Around 16 centuries

Birthdate: February 7th, 405

Character Type: Non-traditional vampire

Build: Strahd is tall, with broad shoulders and a well-muscled build. He's not exceptionally muscular, but nicely toned from plenty of exercise and training.

Eyes: A steel-grey, which he calls dull.

Hair: Brown and straight, kept long and usually tied in a loose ponytail.

Facial Features: Strahd has a very masculine, aristocratic face. His jaw is heavy and his cheekbones are well-defined and set high. His eyes are sharp and not overly hooded. His nose is long, but not overly thick or thin.

Personality: Strahd is generally laid-back and easy going, calm and easy to talk to. He finds humour necessary and likes to make dry jokes and sarcastic remarks. Even in very serious situations, he tries to relax using humour. However, when necessary, he can be deathly serious.

Additional Details: Strahd has learned well to blend into modern society. He prefers to dress in black jeans or leather, but he's flexible as the situation demands.

History: Strahd is the second-born son of a Lord who once ruled over a small country somewhere in Eastern Europe. His father died when he was twelve, and at that time, his elder brother technically became the ruler of their country.

As the second-born, Strahd was given over to war. By the time he was eighteen, he was leading their army into battles against neighboring countries. Warfare took up a large portion of his life. He refers to himself as a Warrior-Lord, despite the fact that their country dissolved centuries ago.

Miscellaneous Information: Strahd is trained primarily in swordsmanship, though he's taught himself various other weapons as well. He is also an excellent horseman and hunter.
