
Starfall Celesain

Gender - Male

Age - A couple hundred, young really

Birthdate - November 13th

Character Type - Incubus

Build - 5'10" and sort of thin, sort of muscled, he's a nice balance, with a touch of roundness from "baby fat"

Eyes - Deep and expressionful chestnut brown

Hair - Thick, chestnut brown, usually kept in a waist-length ponytail, but he can never control his bangs. He has a white streak, but he makes every effort to hide that.

Facial Features - Starry has a round, boyish face, giving him a not quite adult look. He has a white star on his forehead and a white tribal-like design on the left side of his face, the first of his energy level marks.

Personality -
Starry is hyper and bubbly and social, bordering on annoyingly so. He always has tons of energy and a lot to say. He tends to forget if he's mad at someone really quickly, isn't one to hold grudges, he'd rather just sleep with everyone, a true sex demon.

Starfall has spent several decades in incubus sexual training under the direction of Merric, Obsidian's former teacher. He heard so many stories he aspired to be just like Obsidian, overcoming the odds, passing every test with flying colours so he could be free of Makai.

Miscellaneous Information
This incubus knows nothing of gender barriers. He's not really a cross-dresser persay, he just doesn't see why he can't wear women's clothes when he feels like it.