Gender: male
Age: He doesn't know - likely over 350, but quite the mystery. He appears
no older than 17 or 18
Birthdate: Unknown
Character Type: Youkai - formerly of the Shadow Clan
Build: Tall and muscular, but in no way overdone. His height of 6'2" lends to a more lean appearance since he is certainly not bulky, but still a very sturdy build even if on the light side when compared to other youkai.
Eyes: Dark Brown, almost black at times. They glow red when he is angry or
marshalling his energy.
Hair: It is a rusty red color and runs about halfway down his back.
Facial Features: Angular definitions, but with a softer appearance. Somewhat hooded eyes, slightly larger than proportion nose and a generous mouth make more gentle the heavy amount of sharply defined bone.
Personality: He is overall very loving and caring towards his friends... however very quick to decide he doesn't like you if you offend him. There are certain boundaries not to be tampered with - once breached you are eternally on his bad side. He is ruthless with his enemies - betraying some of who he once was.
Additional Details: Since his "rebirth" he hasn't been the person he once
was - the leader of a rebellious army of Shadow Youkai - he remembers little
of who he once was and only has access to about half of his true power as
History: Sirrus was once the general of a relatively large army of Youkai
of the Shadow Clan. They were apalled by the behavior of their peers and as
such resolved to shift the balance of power and atone for the wrongs of
their people. Sirrus "died" in battle, mainly because he overextended
himself - exhausting himself to the point where he went into a form of
stasis. He was found by a powermad Youkai mage who sought to revive him and
enslave his will. Sirrus' will was not so easily tamed - even after such an
ordeal. As such, the mage was killed shortly after his resurrection.
Sirrus roamed about aimlessly, a small notebook written almost a century
before by himself was his only guide as to his identity. Since meeting
Kai - he has been a more complete person - even going so far as to steal a
Kitsune body to escape his legacy and live in peace with his beloved.
Miscellaneous Information: Sirrus is gifted primarily in magics related to
fire. His prior training (now nothing more than what might be called
"acting on instinct") lends him frightening strength and speed in combat.
Coupled with his gift for illusion, this makes him more than formidable -
even weakened. He prefers a life of peace and study to warfare and is often
found either with Kai or studying many of the books left behind by his
former self. After his rebirth - Sirrus required blood to survive, much
like a more common breed of vampire - simple foods would not sustain him.
In his new body this isn't required, but old habits die hard and he can also
often be found feeding on local thugs and other predators of the night. He
refuses to harm the innocent in any way.