Gallery ~*~ Yalea ~*~ The Wolfpack


Gender: Male

Age: 119 (technically)

Birthdate: May 26th

Character Type: Jujinkai, Wolf Type, Pack of the Midnight Moon

Build: 6'7" and rather more slender than either of his sibling, lacking both Shoren's muscles and Shoryu's curves.

Eyes: Deep, midnight blue

Hair: Long and dark brown, usually allowed to remain free or kept in a loose ponytail, but he really hates tying it back.

Facial Features: Shorn has nearly the same face as Shoryu, oval and delicate appearing, looking rather feminine. His eyes are well spaced apart and framed with beautiful lashes.

Personality: Shorn is as serious as Shoryu, without all her emotionality. He can get a little irrational, playful, or emotional at times, but mostly he keeps himself very refined and polite, speaking well, and usually not often. He is the quietest of the three, the most intellectual.

Additional Details: Shorn, like others of his Jujin type, have four forms: Full human, human with wolf ears and tail, a man-beast form, and a full wolf form. However, Shorn hasn't yet attained all these forms, needing a bit of practise and training to fully master them.

History: Before Shoren and Shoryu were born, there was evidently a third pup in the womb with them. Somehow, his body didn't survive and he took refuge inside of Shoryu. For 119 years he remained there until attempting to take over one of her unborn pups. He was given a body of his own and placed into that, which moulded to how he perceived himself to look.

Miscellaneous Information: Shorn is very well spoken and mannered, with a serious and brilliant mind. However, he considers himself to be disadvantaged, having only existed in Shoryu's mind, privy to viewing her memories, but not actually living all this time. He did retain all the memories Shoryu had, which complicates him somewhat, since she lived most of her life in a female manner and he is entirely male. Also, Shorn has two crescents outside of each eye and a dot between his eyebrows. Both shoulders have crescent energy marks as well.
