Strahd's novel

Sergei van Jarovich

Gender: Male

Age: Around 16 centuries

Birthdate: January 29th, 403

Character Type: Non-traditional vampire

Build: Sergei is lean and slender. His muscles are toned, but not nearly so much as Strahd. He's spent most of his time playing diplomat rather than exerting himself physically, and it shows.

Eyes: Bright green, the green of healthy grass.

Hair: Red, with touches of honey-gold in the sunlight. It has a slight wave to it and is shoulder-length. He either leaves it loose, or ties it into a short ponytail.

Facial Features: Sergei is much more slender than Strahd, with an almost feminine face. He isn't quite delicate looking, but his features are refined. He is, in a word, elegant.

Personality: Sergei is generally quiet and thoughtful. He keeps to himself about most things, and you can tell by looking at him that he is constantly thinking. He tends to speak softly despite carrying a regal presence that demands respect.

Additional Details: Sergei is an aristocrat by birth, and even though his country no longer exists, he still considers himself to be of noble birth. He dresses and carries himself as an aristocrat should. He hasn't quite adjusted to modern times as well as Strahd has, so he keeps to himself in his library most of the time.

History: Sergei is the eldest son of a lord of a small eastern European country during the 5th century. His father died when he was fourteen, making it necessary for him to rule over the country in his feather's stead. His mother educated him well on this task before her death and he became a fair and competent leader.

Miscellaneous Information: Sergei has a gift for reading body language that extends both for people and for animals. Through this he can predict moods, behaviors, and responses in such a way that seems almost psychic even though it isn't.
