Remy Devereaux
Son of Runicen and Sabine
Remy Joseph Devereaux
Father - Runicen - Shadow Youkai
Mother - Sabine Devereaux - Human with one quarter Azure Youkai
Hair is long and black, front portion refuses to remain put back, wears back portion in long ponytail
Face has rather soft features for a youkai, with tender and somewhat dreamy green eyes
Five foot eleven with a slender, but nicely toned body
Remy is a quiet child with mostly the disposition of his sweet and gentle mother, but like both his parents, he has a fierce temper. His fire and shadow powers from his father aren't as strong, but are present, as are the telekenetic powers from his mother. He keeps his body toned and strong, but really dislikes physical fighting, even if he has trained in a few weapons and hand to hand combat.
He is a loyal follower, and with his quick mind, a good advisor, if you can ever get him to talk loud enough to hear what he has to advise.
Honey Rashel Jacque Devereaux
Father - Unknown
Mother - Innocence
Hair is vibrant red and curly
Skin is extremely white, and eyes a pupilless golden yellow
Honey can almost seem a split personality at times. Whereas she's happy, sweet and caring at all times, she's more open, playful and at ease around her family and men. Women she has a real problem with and tends to seem more shy and withdrawn around them.
She's best described as eclectic at best, easily seen by her habit of "stealing" coldness from areas so she can be cold inside, while liking to be toasty warm on the outside. But even with her occasional oddness, unknown parentage and being abandoned by her birth mother, she seems relatively well adjusted and to have a sweet nature.