Eros, Echo and Ecstasy
Children of Evil and Obsidian
Eros and Echo
Father - Evil - The Personification of Evil, Good Half
"Mother" - Obsidian Sanguis Moonrise Aratain - Incubus
Both have black hair, Echo's falling to his knees, Eros' to his waist
Eros - five eight, Echo - five ten
Eros is slender, but with some muscle definition his more delicate twin lacks
Eros was born a split like his father, the being deep within his mind eventually brought forward and named Echo since it was obvious they were two distinct personalities. The once split soul and the term halves no longer applied to them, they were two separate beings. Eventually they were granted separate bodies as well, but retain a connection and a need for one another, granted not as strong as a split, but still severe.
Eros is playful, but highly emotional and dramatic at times. Echo is far more serious and sometimes doesn't grasp certain emotions and feelings. Eros is the more physical half, prefering motion and action. Echo is the more magical half, who moves gracefully but slow, like a prowling animal. They're not so much opposites like their split father as opposing shades of gray.
Father - Evil - The Personification of Evil, Good Half
"Mother" - Obsidian Sanguis Moonrise Aratain - Incubus
Ankle length white hair
Five eight, delicately curved little body, a true albino
Pink with nearly non-existent pupils, and blind
Ecstasy is sweet and loveable. She's an aspiring artist and writer despite being completely blind. She loves her parents very much, but is definitely a daddy's girl. She isn't exceptionally healthy and has many limitations, but she tries not to let those get her down. She hopes by being a good succubus that one day she'll be granted her eyes, and works hard to acheive that, getting down now and again, but never giving up. She has the stubbornness of both parents combined.
Being a succubus, Ecstasy loves meddling in love lives and getting people together. She doesn't like jealousy or hatred, perhaps a bit of fun tension, but that's all, sweetness and true love is really her deal. She's shown no care for having a love life of her own, however, and only feeds indirectly off others' energies.