Soren Adonis Damien Jun
Son of Victor and Lane
Soren Adonis Damien Jun
Father -
Victor Damien - vampire
"Mother" -
LanEise Jun - Koorime
Waist length white hair with black tips that, when cut, quickly return to black at the ends naturally, usually kept in a ponytail
Ice blue eyes
Five foot nine, extremely lanky build
Soren gets his height, features, and general build mostly from Lane, appearing extremely fragile, but with all the properties of his vampire father. Sunlight doesn't bother him except to make him feel as if he should be sleeping, not as strong as a vampire, but hard to resist. He can eat regular food but really prefers blood.
He's generally assumed to have a bad attitude, but really he's mild-tempered. He enjoys studying, rather like his father, learning all sorts of magic. His ice magic was not extremely strong, but he honed it through constant trial and study. He is especially close to his father, taking more after him, but still cares deeply for his mother, even if he doesn't often show it.