DariTania Tejin
Daughter of Din and Trouble
DariTania Tejin
Father - DinTejin Jun - Koorime, ice demon
Father - Third class Force (unstable) Trouble, Son of Ti’lan, Collection of Small Problems
Hair is long and red, with strips of white framing her face.
Face is rather delicate and refined like Din, but has a little bit more roundness from Trouble
Nicely curvy body and well-endowed too
Dari seems selfish and spoilt a lot of the time, and it's with good reason. If she decides she likes someone though, she can be a good, playful and bouncy (literally) friend. She tends to know what she wants and do anything to get it - not above the occasional wicked plan.
She's a playful flirt, in ernest or just to get her way, and extremely creative. Her passion is more designing clothes then anything else, although criticism of her designs tends to lead to her short temper fraying and makes her whip out her ice powers.