Damael's Children
Father -
Mizi Xiu - Azure Youkai
"Mother" -
Damael - Kouryou Youkai
White hair with a blue streak over his right eye, yes its natural, left careless and free to his shoulderblades
Sapphire blue Kouryou-like eyes
Five foot eight, muscled build
Mizumi gets many of his traits from his mother, the Kouryou showing through more strongly than his Azure half. Except for his dark flesh-toned skin and blue highlights, he is a good replica of Damael. He isn't as inherently strong as Damael due to the slight thinning of Kouryou blood, but his magic is stronger.
Mizumi's father died a month after he was born, and he only saw Mizumi once. When his mother "re-mated" to the Immortal Personification of Calm, Mizumi eagerly "adopted" him as his father. He emulates Calm very much, wanting to make him proud and deserving to be his son. He honed his strength and his magic, studied extensively, and worked very hard to make himself worthy of having an Immortal father.
He's very kind and sweet, loves to read and learn, but he has a very boisterous side. He's extremely optimistic and bouncy, always with a smile. His curiosity is insatiable and can get him into trouble, but he really strives to make those people he loves proud.
Chance December
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
The pinkest shade of pink hair about shoulder length and messy.
Aqua eyes just like "mother"
Chance is another replica of Damael, except is far more pale skinned than Mizumi, that and the pink hair emulating his father.
Chance was conceived at a bad time of health for Damael, when his energy was quite low. Therefore the natural internal shifting that creates the womb wasn't complete until further into the pregnancy, creating a great deal of instability. Chance died several times in the womb due to a very weak heart, only brought back by Damael's healing ability. Chance's own inherent healing and magic sustains the weakness of the body, and thankfully that magic is exceptionally strong.
Chance was born as a neither gender, a fa'i in Calm's home language, as Damael had been born. Calm considers this to be a great honour and has done a great deal to alleviate Damael's fears of Chance growing up confused or forced into one gender or another.
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
Fluffy white hair with two strands that fall to frame his face and two strands that defy gravity
Lime green eyes just like dad
Chase has a skintone somewhere between Chance's pale and Mizumi's tan, with lime green scales to match his eyes. He only has scales on his ears, shoulders, and knees, and then a rather unusual patch of scales on his back.
Chase was born very prematurely, and yet survived without much complication. He loves to listen to stories about gods and goddesses, and is picking up language exceptionally fast.
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
Pink hair just like dad
Lime green eyes just like dad
Charm is the firstborn of the sextuplets. He and Chaos were born together. Charm is a perfect replica of Calm. He also insists on being first for everything, leading his siblings, and always trying to protect them.
He also has a fascination for weapons, just like Calm.
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
White, cotton-like hair just like mama
Aqua eyes just like mama
Chaos followed right after Charm, and still tends to follow him around. He loves his Charm very very much. He also tends to love just about everyone, a very caring and gentle personality. He lets everyone else go first, and makes sure a forgotten sibling - usually Coral - isn't left behind.
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
Golden-blonde hair, fluffy, slightly curled
Golden eyes
Cocoa was born two days after Charm and Chaos, in a tangle with Cloud and Confetti.
Cocoa is almost EXACTLY like the Force of Pestilence, for whatever really odd reason. He is dark-skinned, blonde-haired, exceptionally clumsy, and even has a lazy right eye.
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
White, cotton-like hair that tends to defy gravity
Pure white eyes, no pupils, no colour
Cloud is a rather odd colourless Kouryou, completely lacking in any colours or scales whatsoever.
However, Cloud is definitely not lacking in intelligence. Very early, he tamed the ability to teleport from place to place. And when he spoke, it was very clear and intelligent, almost at an adult level, although he usually takes quite a while to respond and tends to pause to think about what he's saying.
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
White, cotton-like hair just like mama
Right eye aqua, left eye pink
Confetti is a happy bouncy one, often spending time with the Force of Sex. He had the widest range of sounds as a baby, and once he started talking he's never really shut up. He tends to pronounce every with an 'eee' sound.
Confetti loves music, singing, dancing, playing instruments, the whole deal, he loves it all, and he's very good at it.
Father - First Class Force, Ultra Rank Serviceman Calm, Son of S'ilana, Bringer of Serenity, Absence of Anxiety.
"Mother" - Damael - Kouryou Youkai
A sort of coral pink hair
Same coral pink eyes
Coral was the last born, a full five days after the three, seven after the first two, and nine days after labour first began. By this time, Coral was exhausted and the aminotic fluid drained. Coral basically suffocated before being born and had be brought back to life following the birth.
After that trauma and several during the pregnancy, Coral is quite brain-damaged. He is very slow in just about every aspect.