Strahd's novel
Sebastian van Jarovich
Gender: Male
Age: Around 16 centuries
Birthdate: February 14th, 408
Character Type: Non-traditional vampire
Build: Small and slender, very child-like in appearance.
Eyes: Steel-grey
Hair: Plain brown and kept in a short boy's cut.
Facial Features: Sebastian has a round, child-like face with large eyes.
Personality: Sebastian acts very much like an impulsive child with a very short attention span - even though he can spend hours studying subjects that interest him. He gets very easily worked up and excited, but his energy does eventually run out and he crashes into sleep with little warning.
Additional Details: Sebastian is perpetually sixteen years old, but he's always acted more like a nine year old.
History: Sebastian is the youngest of the three brothers, and was the baby of the family until their younger sister was born shortly after their father's death, when Sebastian was only nine.
No pressure was ever put on Sebastian that he had to become one thing or another. Sergei took over for their father, Strahd became the warrior. Their country was not strongly religious, so Sebastian wasn't forced into that service.
Sebastian preferred to study magic. He would lock himself in the tower for days at a time studying old scrolls and tomes. He unlocked the spell that turned him and his brothers into immortal creatures.
Miscellaneous Information: His brothers call him "Bastian" as a petname.