Sasori Senjutsu
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birth date: May 30th, 1985
Character Type: While Sasori is definitely human, though she possesses some not- quite-human characteristics
Build: Petite with a curvy figure. She’s all cute compact energy.
Eyes: Large and very round in shaped and a bright piercing green color. They’re fringed with short curled lashes and always seem to be smiling, even when she’s angry.
Hair: Light brown in color, it is straight and fine, and falls to her shoulders in many layers.
Facial Features: Her face is slightly round with rosy cheeks, a cute chin, and full lips. She’s normally quite bubbly in nature, and her face projects that inner cheerfulness.
Personality: Sasori is restless and enjoys being the center of attention, which is why theatre is one of her passions. She holds romantic ideals and longs to fall into passionate love and lead a glamourous life. Sasori is a huge flirt, and can't quite seem to stop herself, even if she knows that person is involved with someone else. She can also be quite a superficial ditz, obsessed with appearances and forgetful of more important matters. However, in nature Sasori is extremely caring person who will lend a hand to help anyone she can. She is also seems to be have a "happy" aura and her presence often lifts other's more dark moods.
Additional details: However normal Sasori appears to most people, there is something very special about this cheerful girl. She is a descendent from a long line of witches and seers. She is unaware of her own heritage, though, because she was adopted as a baby. She in keenly intune with nature and slowly gaining elemental powers along with the occasional vision of the future.
History: Sasori was born in Tokyo, Japan and is the by product of a famous European fortune teller and a random one night stand of hers while touring Asia. She was immediately put her up for adoption because her mother did not feel that anyone who was not of “pure” blood could actually have any powers. Sasori’s adoptive parents are a gentle retired couple who were never able to have their own children. They care for her a great deal, though they are a little oblivious. Sasori loves them very much, but she finds it increasingly difficult to talk opemly to them, especially about her abilities. Sasori’s birth mother, it seems, was very wrong, and now her daughter must learn to cope with her growing powers alone…
Miscellaneous Information: Sasori openly admits to being bisexual with a tendency to enjoy the company of women more than men, and she has been that way ever since she could remember.