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Sabine Devereaux
Gender - Female
Age - just turned 16 years old
Birthdate - December 3rd
Character Type - Ningen
Build - slender, elegant, 5'5"
Eyes - bright blue
Hair - brown with a reddish tint, very very long
Facial Features
Sharp and exotic, large eyes with lush lashes, pert little mouth, cute nose, high cheekbones
Additional details
Only child of a fairly well-off business man, Sabine was lavishly educated and is thus considered 'cultured'. Some might consider her spoiled, given a new car for her 16th birthday, and anything else she wants. She is schooled in dance, piano, violin, and horseback riding. She loves plants of all kinds.
Sabine is shy, a nervous and scared girl, too sheltered her entire life. She keeps quiet, works hard to never speak, and tries even harder to keep calm for... dangerous reasons. And although her father would give her anything she wanted, she asks for nothing.
For whatever reason, Sabine's father did not stay with her mother, either that or her mother just refused to leave Japan when he returned to France. Except for a few years in the US, she and her father lived in Paris. Only recently her mother passed away and, in some strange sort of grief, her father decided that Sabine should 'discover' her mother's heritage, moving the both of them to Tokyo just a week ago.
Miscellaneous Information
Sabine has always had an ability with plants, not entirely unnatural until recently, at the same time a rather uncontrollable power of telekinesis appeared.