When you are upset
I can be patient
When I am upset
you can calm me

When you are weak
I will be strong for you
When I am weak
will you be strong for me?

When you want to go
I will release you
When you want to be held
I will embrace you

When you are uncertain
I will be sure
When you are sure
I will trust you

When you speak
I will dwell on every word
When you don't want to talk
I will hear your words in the silence

When I had nothing
you were my reason for living
When I have anything
I will owe it to you

Our past entwined
our paths walked together
walk with me a little further

Everything in this universe
has a match...

... and everyone

Never Enough
for Yotaka-san

Sometimes I know the words to say,
To give thanks for all you've done,
But they fly up and away,
As quickly as they come.

How could I possibly show you,
The one who makes me whole,
The one to whom I owe my life,
The forming of my soul.

The one who tucked me in at night,
The one who stopped me from crying,
The one who was the expert,
At picking up when I was lying.

The one who saw me off to school,
And spent sad days alone,
Yet magically produced a smile,
As soon as I got home.

The one who makes such sacrifices,
To always put me first,
Who lets me test my broken wings,
In spite of how it hurts.

Are there really any words for this?
I find this question tough. . .
Anything I want to say,
Just doesn't seem enough.

What way is there to thank you,
For your heart, your sweat, your tears,
For ten thousand little things you've done,
For oh-so-many years.

For changing with me as I changed,
Accepting all my flaws,
Not loving 'cause you had to,
But loving "just because."

For never giving up on me,
When your wits had reached their end,
For always being proud of me,
For being my best friend.

And so I come to realize,
The only way to say,
The only thank you that's enough,
Is clear in just one way.

Look at me before you,
See what I've become,
Do you see yourself in me?
The job that I have done?

All your hopes and all your dreams,
The strength that no one sees,
A transfer over many years,
Your best was passed to me.

Thank you for the gifts you give,
For everything you do,
But thank you, Mommy, most of all,
For making dreams come true.
