Pieces of Me

This page is something of a psychological investigation into myself. My characters seem to pick up things from me, and this is my attempt at an explanation. Don't take it too seriously, or do, your choice ~.^

Yotaka ~ Balance

Yotaka is the balance, the overseer of the other elements. Her influence keeps their extremes in line, herding them back towards moderation. Because moderation in all things is best.

Kesu ~ Guardian

Kesu is my guardian, the first Kiro character to be created. Fairly shy and reserved, he usually keeps to himself, but also has the ability to be friendly and social. He's intelligent and strong, very protective of his friends, and extremely loyal. He guards them, but also guards himself.

Tanji ~ Heart

Tanji is my heart, my love and my passion. He's extremely sensitive and emotional, and needs a great deal of protection because he's quite "raw" and breakable at the moment.

Jenii ~ Strength

Jenii is my strength. He's a rock-solid foundation on which to rely, very dependable. He's just all-around very strong, and serves as a good guardian when Kesu's... being an ass >.>

Lane ~ Beauty

Lane is a natural beauty, not only physically, but in other aspects as well. A gentle, non-conceited beauty, a humble lover who would be just as beautiful without his physical appearance, because we are all beautiful in our own ways.

Damael ~ Innocence

Damael is my innocence, a pure heart and a sheltered soul. Sweet and gentle, he would never hurt anyone willingly, and wants to help everyone, despite knowing very little about the world and how it works.

Sabine ~ Patience

I've been praised on my amazing amount of patience. Sabine has patience in spades as well, with her partner, with her friends, and especially with her children.

Din ~ Pride

Din is my pride, that big fluffy ego that stands tall and proud and isn't afraid to say what he is and what you're not.

Kai ~ Humility

Kai is Din's opposite, the humility to Din's pride. He doesn't believe he's worth anything more than those he cares about, placing them entirely above him.

Seraphim ~ Acceptance

Sera has been through so much in her life, but she just accepts everything as it comes. She'll take the worst situation and find something good about it, sometimes it's all you can do when life is that bad.

Starfall ~ Lust

Starfall is my lust, the pure desire for anything he wants, sexual or not. It is a childish wanting that gives no regard to others, a selfish sort who hasn't quite grown up yet and only cares about himself, rarely thinking of others who he might be impacting.

AralainShai ~ Altruism

Ara is the embodiment of altruism and charity. She gives time and energy without thought for herself, whether it be for the sake of her son or her homeland.

Obsidian ~ Loyalty

Obsidian is my loyalty. Despite being an incubus, a being that requires sexual energy from preferably many people, he is loyal and devoted to one lover, even at the risk of his life, for as long as he should live.

Sabirrin ~ Remedy

Sabirrin is a true healer, everyone before himself, a caretaker. If something is wrong, he has to fix it, or at least make it a little better.

Aki ~ Kindness

Aki is my kindness, all the love and caring and more than could possibly be contained inside a being. He's a light in darkness.

Ran ~ Cruelty

Ran is the darkness to Aki's light, the cruelty to his kindness. Ran enjoys making others hurt and suffer. Sadistic? We all have that little bit.

Obliette ~ Determination

Obliette puts all his energy into his work, determined to always complete his jobs to the best of his ability, even if it means working himself sick.

Ame ~ Procrastination

Ame is Obliette's complete opposite. Whatever work needs to be done... it can wait. He has not yet begun to procrastinate.

Bastian ~ Energy

Bastian is just a fluffy ball of pure, child-like, joyous energy, there's no other way to describe except to say he is hyperness personified.

Joshua Augustine ~ Vengeance

August is my vengeance, hatred, revenge, all those nasty things that come with holding a grudge. August has held a grudge for centuries and he won't get over it any time soon.

Ash ~ Honour

Honour is closely linked to pride, but slightly different. Pride is ego-centric, self-centered and boastful. Honour is more dignified and silent, a quiet integrity and need to not do wrong.


And, let's face it, we're all a little insane. Some more than others. Zander is more insane than most, and hopefully I'm not that bad.

Nikki ~ Faith

Being an angel, isn't hard to imagine that Nikki is quite the faithful little thing. So he is my faith. This is more than a religious belief, but faith, belief, and trust in all things.

Mizumi ~ Duty

Mizumi is duty, a sense that things must be done. Some things just have to be done, not for their enjoyment, but just because it's expected of you.

Chance ~ Potential

As a very magical being, Chance has the power to create new life. Within Chance rests the possibility of creation, similar to how I feel about my own creativity.

Chase ~ Pentinence

Chase is my pentinence, the regret you feel for things you've done wrong, the begging for forgiveness. If I feel I've done wrong, especially by my friends, I feel very guilty until forgiven.

Wonderful graphics made by Sallie
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