The Phoenix Clan

The Phoenix were once the second-greatest clan in all Makai, fiercely loyal to the Dragon Clan. They were extremely powerful mages capable of creating, training, and controlling the phoenix companions who were partnered with each member of the royal line.

Over the centuries, however, the Phoenix Clan grew smaller and smaller due to several factors. One was the realization that handling a phoenix spirit usually made the mage sterile, often during the firest initiation of the mage when they reached maturity. They attempted to leseen this affect by not allowing initiation until after the mage had had at least one child. But then the Dragon/Shadow war began and the mages were initiated as soon as posible, sometimes even as children.

The Shadow realized the importance of the phoenix companions to the royal line and gave the clan its final blow in the battle thats now called the Phoenix Massacre. And that's what it was. The Shadow snuck into their city and indiscriminately slaughtered everyone.

Due to this, new phoenix companions for new royal family members could not be called, and as those already partnered grew in power, eventually they could break the mages' seal on them that otherwise would have been reinforced by the mage had they been living. Without the phoenix protenction, the Shadow found that Dragon royals were much easier to kill.
