
Name: Obliette
"Place of forgetting"

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, appears to be a young man of about 20 or younger.

Birth Date: The month that is in the current calendar December, the third day.

Build: Only 5'10", but his thinness and overall 'long' appearance makes him seem taller. This is also lent by the fact he carries himself proudly when in the company of other beings. Alone is another matter.

Eyes: Dark gray, hematite color, sometimes blending too well with the pupil and leaving no distinction. They almost always appear either kind and caring or extremely sad.

Hair: Black, perfectly black and absolutely straight. It falls almost to his waist and is all one length. He usually keeps it back from his face with jeweled or feathered pins or bands.

Facial features: Slender, almost to the point of being gaunt, but very soft and very pretty (picture the boy who played Ra in the Stargate movie)

Additional details: Obliette dresses in black pants almost always, brightly colored or black shirts, sometimes vests, long coats, or nothing at all. Sometimes he just gets really weird with styles and colors. Always he wears jewelry with bright jems, all silver (gold just wouldn't look good with hematite eyes and black hair, no no no). The only constant peice of jewelry is an eye of Ra pendant and a crystal earring rather like a long long teardrop in his left ear.
He is also rather well-tanned, almost golden-skinned, a desert child.

Character Type: Lesser God of Forgetting, Egyptian origin.
A minor god of Ancient Egypt, in the times of Pharoahs and Ra, Osiris and Isis. He had a different name then, but nearly the same quality of existence.

Personality: Obliette has pride only in the fact he was once of the Egyptian pantheon, held counsel with the great Osiris, conversed daily with the mighty Ra. That is also his sorrow, that it is gone. Forgotten as easily as he can make mortals forget anything and perhaps even everything. He has come to detest the thing called Forgetting that rests in his hands, because to be remembered is a far greater thing. He's polite, kind, and quiet, although either repressed or depressed might be a more appropriate term.

History: Obliette sometimes wishfully tells a tale about how his own god-power, the realm of Forgetting, turned on him and made him become forgotten in his pantheon. So he took a different name and moved on, skimming through the ages taking jobs where a lesser god can find a job, guarding temples and overseeing sacred places, things like that, doing things for more powerful gods.
But more often than not Obliette plays at being human, here and there, tasting cultures and new times. Currently he's "employed" by Reikai as a First Class Agent

Miscellaneous Information: Obliette has the power to make anyone forget anything, or everything, but he hates this power and thus only uses it when necessary. He can therefore sift thoughts and memories to select those to remove, always at his will, always in control, and also rarely used. He prefers to act human despite his god powers.