

Gender: male

Age: unknown, but appears very young

Birthdate: He thinks sometime in December, but isn't sure

Character Type: Angel

Build: Nikki is about 5'4", smallish and thin without any real definitions, just a little stick boy

Eyes: Bright, sky-blue

Hair: Very very thick but relatively light, so it blows easily, and a very light and pretty golden colour. It's waist-length and he usually leaves it free-flowing.

Facial Features: Nikki has a very round, cherubic face that almost always glows with happiness and optimism. His mouth and nose are small, giving him a cute and boyish look with those big, usually pushed up in a smile and/or blushing cheeks.

Personality: Nikki is so sweet and friendly you'd never want to hurt him. He will do anything to help someone, a helpful trait being an angel.

Additional Details: Nikki always hides his wings, it's just standard procedure, but they'll come out when he's very scared and in a panic.

History: Nikki doesn't remember anything specific from his human life, just a few vague things. He spent some time in heaven learning angelic ways and just recently earned the right to go to earth and give miracles to help those in need. He was in Madrid, Spain when he ran into Eros and decided this was his goal in life, to help Eros "defeat the monster inside of him".

Miscellaneous Information: Nikki is allowed small miracles to help others, but never himself. He has a great deal of limitations and isn't very powerful, but he can be helpful.

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