Mizi Xiu
Gender: male
Age: 200, appears to be about 18
Birthdate: summer sometime
Character Type: Youkai - Azure Clan
Build: 5'7", slim wiry build with very long fingers, your basic bishie build ^__^
Eyes: dark red-brown, almost black
Hair: blue-black, very shaggy because cut unevenly short. Right bang is one long piece of brilliantly blue hair.
Facial Features: strong jaw with a delicate nose and almond shaped eyes
Personality: stand offish and brusque, mostly because he's shy and inexperienced in social situations. Mizi also prefers things to be logical and well thought out; he's not given much to spontaneity if he can help it. Spontaneous decisions tend to blow up in his face from previous experience. He's strongly dedicated to his magical studies and would rather focus on them to the exclusion of most things. Most people are held at the status of 'acquaintance', but he can be very caring and protective though of those who have managed to pierce through his outward demeanor to become something more.
Additional Details: Mizi has a Blue Serpent tatoo on his left shoulder, marking him as one of the Azure Clan. The Azure Clan are sometimes called the 'Blue Flames' because of their unnatural tendancies for being Youkai. They are predominantly a magical Clan, preferring spells to physical fighting when possible. Because of these unnatrual tendancies, the Azure Clan is one of the lowest Clans in Youkai society. In addition, Mizi has a coin shaped scar marring the palm of his right hand from a childhood 'accident' that he doesn't like to talk about.
History: born and raised in the Makai within the Azure Clan enclave where they are forced to live on the edge of the Makai. Raised in the traditions of the Azure where magic is held in higher regard than fighting skill because of their natural affinity to many types of magic. The Elders of Azure Clan do not care who rules the Makai, so long as they survive, so they stand relatively neutral in the Dragon/Shadow war. Mizi was a gifted student and learned quickly. He was sold to one of the Clan's Master mages by his parents when he was very little. This Master taught Mizi much of magic... and other things. Mizi did not see the logic in remaining neutral. He thought that if Azure could refine it's strengths in magic, it could help turn the tide of the war one way or another and secure it's place in Makai society. Mizi finally escaped his master and set out to increase his personal knowledge of magic to see if his theory could come to anything.
Miscellaneous Information: Mizi is very strong in fire magic, but he also dabbles in some rudimentary wind and earth magic. All his attempts at water magic have failed horribly, but he insists on continuing his attempts. He has been drawn to the temple and its students in hopes of encountering and learning new magics at the Crossroads