The Kitsune Forest
Along the southern border of the youkai lands lies a dense forest which few intelligent youkai dare to venture. The rather unstructured society of fox demons claims the forest for its own, allowing only a sparse few nekojin into their territory. The cat demon population is hardly a burden to the area, and the forest so vast that those who don't wish to mingle have more than enough space to avoid one another.
There is only one kitsune village, but its location isn't widely known and even those who know it have a hard time finding it. Here the Kitsune Council meet. Boy kitsunes are brought here and given to Masters by the Council, never to see their mothers again. Boy kitsunes are rare and therefore are given to these Masters for special training, not left in the hands of a female dominated population.
It's exceptionally rare for a male kitsune to settle down, but there's no problem with the race continuing since they find time to sire children between their adventures. It's not unusual to see a group of young kit boys running with nekojin youths, usually after their Masters have released them or something happened.
Most kitsunes make a living as thieves, the more highly trained ones worth hiring by outsiders, and a select few becoming excellent assassins.