
While Koorime (Ice demons) are known in many animes, this glossary contains Koorime words and phrases that I made up myself. Lane, Din and Kai use them frequently.
Again, this version of the Koorime language I created. Of course, the society of Koorime I created is more than likely also a little... different.

A few grammar notes - Most of the time, especially when a shey is speaking to or about someone they respect, the subject comes last in the sentence. A shey, like Lane was, will also never refer to themselves as I, me, or by name, but use the phrase nai shey, or "this shey", it means the same thing as "me".


Prefixes, Suffixes and gender markers
can often be added to or mingled into a word or used to join words to alter its meaning

nai: male modifier
naia: female modifier
nei: genderless or mixed group modifier
sh: slave
th/ph: feminine marker (adult/child)
jh/wh: masculine marker (adult/child)
lai: tangible object marker
el: general possessive suffix, akin to saying ila ("my") in front of a word, serves the same purpose
tesh: holy prefix
me: man-made, unnatural or "unholy" prefix
jial: -ism prefix
ail: ing suffix
-i: the usual plural suffix


aishaln: Greetings and honor to you (only said by males to someone they respect)

aisheyln: A much friendler greeting, often said by a shey to another shey or an equal

ailain: Pretty, beautiful

aitelrai: Treasure

aitelrail: Treasuring

aila: Mine

alainshi: belong, posess (...dai alainshi ja rin - ...let belong to you)

alainshail: belonging, possessing

arainti: Protect, defend

araintail: protecting, defending

araintiel: protector, defender

aranti: guard

arantail: guarding

arantiel: gaurdian

arantiel (saron): gaurdian flower, a flowering vine believe to be at least semi-intelligent used to protect Koorime homes. the blossoms also have healing properties

arinth: help

arinthail: helping

ais: ride

aisail: riding

aisailtarn: a large bird used for riding by the Koorime (literally "riding bird")


bes: yellow

beslei: topaz the gem


chan: blue

chanlei: sapphire


dein: Please

dai: let, allow

dail: letting, allowing

dajin: knife

daj: red

dajlei: ruby

dajel: blood

dajelei: garnet

de: with


es: and (varail es fainail - dancing and singing)

ensi: come

ensail: coming

ensilei: orgasm


fentir: thanks

fentirrin: thank you (honorable)

fentirail: thanking

fain: sing

fainail: singing


gi: tunic

gihan: shirt

gihein: pants

gihaias: undergarment


han: top

hein: bottom

haias: under


ila: my

ian: little

ir: eye

iri: eyes

ianleyin: "little love" or liking, for family or friends

ilaleyin: my love, or lover


ja: to

jialtenesei: Animalism, ferocity like an animal

jhan: big, large

jhanleyin: "large love", love as in for a partner

jey: yes, affirming response

jhenai: Father

jiin: relax

jiinail: relaxing, resting

jiinliak (saron): a certain type of flower used for medicinal purposes, specifically a muscle relaxer/pain reliever


ki'al: An extremely vehement curse, akin to the 'f' word

ka: no, negative

kas: for

kilaian: good evening

kitairin: good afternoon

kileyshai: good morning

kaslemel: forever (literally "for eternity")

koorime: people of the ice (literally "ice - me - people" combined into one word)

ko: ice

kome: tear

komeil: teargem

komail: crying

kel: dark, night, end, black


lam: hurt

lamail: hurting

lamlei: A projectile weapon, something like a crossbow, almost. It takes some training to use properly. (literally "hurt as a tangible object")

leyin: love, affection, increased or decreased by markers such as ian and jhan

leyinel: love made possessive, meaning love that person has towards another or object

leyinail: loving

lej: Go

lejail: going

lain: home, spiritual

lasin: thing

laian: evening time

leyshai: morning time

lemel: eternity

liak: muscle

ley: light

leyel: light crystal, glowing shards used basically as lightbulbs


melain: house, home, building of residence

metesh: church, temple or any holy building, also used to refer to a Lady's bedroom in a house (giggles)

mei: every

meilasin: everything


naran: Destroy (naran teshnei - "gods destroy", a prayer said as a curse)

naranail: destroying

nemi: A less extreme curse, something like "damn!" (nemi teshnei - "gods damn" like saying goddammit)



phenaia: sister

phenaila: daughter



ri: I, myself

rin: you

rini: us

rina: your

ris: her

rai: him

rishan: Sorry or I beg your forgiveness. This is VERY honorable and usually said by a shey to females.

risheyl: A less honorable sorry, said to an equal.

raji: stop


shey: A young male Koorime, unmarried and possessed by a female.

shai: A male of adult age, most likely married to a female, but not considered quite equal.

shtesh: A male equal to a female in status, very very rarely happens

shey'a'tal'n: A method by which Koorime boys braid their hair. It has a large center braid looped to double itself, encircled by smaller braids. Often a layer of hair beneath is left free. This braid seeks protection from the Koorime Dieties.

shey'tau'lur: Another shey braid where the top layer of hair is braided into two braids that join and braid together to form a 'Y' shape over the bottom free layer.

sar: green

sarel: emerald

saron: flower

sirak: a fruit

shainlei: harp like instrument (literally "music object")

shain: music


ta: all

tesh-: holy or divine prefix, but tesh also means "girl" or "female"

Teshin: A female who possesses a shey. It is an honorable title used by shey when referring to their possessing female.

Telin: A reference of shey to a familiar female who is teaching the shey, or guiding him through an unfamiliar experience. It is quite casual for a male to female reference, almost akin to 'friend'.

Terin: Much more respectful than Telin, this is a formal and dedicated trainer of a shey, usually a shey has a single Terin for his entire life, and she makes use of various Telin for all the realms of instruction.

-tey: Question marker

teshnei: The Koorime gods as a collective (Nai shey dein arainti teshnei - literally "This shey please protect gods" but actually "Gods please protect me")

tenesei: animal or beast - and loosely used to refer to Jujinkai

temshei: another curse, but mild, akin to saying 'oh lords' or 'heavens above'

te: be (te aila - be mine, you know, like on valentine's candy, hehe)

teshleyin: "Gods love" or true love

tairin: afternoon time

tenil: idiot, equivalent to "baka"

teshlemel: mountain, but literally "holy forever"

teshkel: death, but literally "holy end"

teshvaras: holy or pure water, mountain water

tarn: bird

tas: white, snow, beginning



vara: dance

varail: dancing

varas: water


whenai: brother

whenaila: son


this letter does not exist for Koorime, they have a hard time pronouncing it


yatta: I don't understand, explain further, etc (yatta-tey=What?)

yash: hide

yashail: hiding

yashen: secret, hidden

yashenel: my secret

ye: half

yelen: half of half, a quarter


zai: period of time of 28 days, roughly equal to a human month

zaiye: half a month, fortnight, 14 days

zaiyelen: quarter of a month, 7 days, a week, usually shortened to just "yelen"

Months of the Koorime Calendar
Taszai - "white month" beginning of winter and the year
Kochanzai - "ice blue month"
Taschanzai - "white blue month"
Leychanzai - "light blue month"
Chanzai - "blue month", lots of ice rain instead of snow
Kelchanzai - "dark blue month", end of winter, marked by more true rain and less ice rain
Kosarzai - "ice green month", beginning of spring, planting time
Sarzai - "green month", growing time
Kelsarzai - "dark green month", harvest time
Beszai - "yellow month", autumn begins
Dajzai - "red month"
Dajelzai - "blood red month"
Kelzai - "dark month", the end, month of death
