Jenii's Gallery


Gender: Male

Age: 736

Birthdate: summer

Character Type: Shadow Clan Youkai

Build: 7'2" and well-muscled, extremely fit for days of battle at a time

Eyes: Dark, dull red

Hair: Perfectly black, usually not fussed over much (or at all) and therefore sometimes messy, kept back in a braid or ponytail more often than not. When let loose it's very fine and the entire length is feathered and falls to the middle of his back.

Facial Features: Not the friendliest looking creature, scarred and angry looking... you just get the impression not to mess with him at first glance.

Personality: Jenii is silent, seemingly uncaring, cold and distant. You'd almost think he was stupid because he hardly never talks, but he's not, he's exceptionally intelligent and has a very strategic mind. He also doesn't kill indiscriminately, despite being such a fiercely trained warrior.

History: Typical Shadow Clan upbringing, taken from his mother at birth and placed into training. Fed only blood from a skin until he was old enough to eat solid food (most youkai don't survive this process, thus weeding out the weak ones) The rest of his young life was combat training, touching into the inherent youkai fire magic and shadow powers, which he developed very strongly. He rose through ranks quickly once placed into the Shadow Clan army and became one of the Seven Generals at a very young age, the youngest to ever attain that rank. He's been a General a long time now, and commands respect from the others.

Miscellaneous Information - If this guy has a life beyond fighting it would really be a surprise. He has a really strange affinity for Bastian... and he may hate Augustine, but you keep your friends close and your enemies closer.