Ferisa's Gallery


Gender: Female

Age: 83

Birthdate: October 3rd

Character Type: First Realm Werewolf

Build: Ferisa is short and stocky, and with plenty of curves. She has very ample breasts that she shows off with body postures without really thinking about it. Ferisa's underlying fur is white, but she has a heavy stain that crosses a great deal of grey before ending in black.

Eyes: A bright and vibrant green.

Hair: Black and very long, usually put up in ponytails or buns.

Facial Features: Ferisa's face is heart shaped, with full cheeks and a small chin. Her eyes are large and dominate her face. Her nose and mouth are both small. She usually wears make-up.

Personality: Ferisa is generally cheerful, bubbly and bouncy. She is very emotional. Her temper is quick and explosive. Any moods she has tends to move quickly back to happy and giggling, but usually after a very vocal display.

History: Ferisa was born to a working class male and a whore. Her father truly loved her mother, but she refused to stop prostituting. He even got her pregnant in an attempt to get her to stop, but she still refused, and returned to her work soon after the birth. Given that her father had to work very hard most of the time, the pups were left alone.

Her eldest sister of the little died at birth. Her sister and youngest brother died during the neglect as pups. Her other two brothers survived until they were teenagers, where they died in fights.

Ferisa's mother taught her the ways of whoring and would often take her out with her, selling her to males even as a teenager. Ferisa tried to stay with legitimate jobs, but her mother often wouldn't have it. Ferisa was even sold at one point, to a male who raped her and got her pregnant at a very young age. She couldn't stand to keep the litter and aborted them.

Several years ago, there was a fire in her parents' home. Her mother and father were both there and died in the fire. Only Ferisa escaped. Since then, she was forced to work both legitimate jobs and whoring to make ends meet.

Miscellaneous Information - Since she aborted a litter, Ferisa is barren - and in Werewolf society this seriously reduces the value of a female. She left her home because of this and her reputation as a whore basically left her feeling she had no future there.