Elise's Gallery

Name: AnnElise Kiron

Gender: Female

Age: 32


Character Type: Half Koorime, half unknown

Build: Tall and athletic, with more curves and weight than a typical Koorime woman. She has ample breasts and hips.

Eyes: Blue-green, leaning more towards green.

Hair: Short cropped white and highly feathered.

Facial Features: Nose that's just a little too big, cheeks are just a little too fat, and eyes are just a little too wide apart.

Personality: Elise is fun-loving and rather cheerful. She prefers the excitement of lively company and becomes bored rather easily. Staying still is difficult for her. She's also not afraid to speak her mind, and she'll speak it very plainly, sometimes with little regard for courtesy.

History: As with most of the high Ladies of Koorime, Elise is actually the daughter of two servants. She was raised primarily by the servants, as her mother was far too important for the task of raising a child. Elise is convinced one of these servants was not Koorime at all.

Elise was schooled as most Koorime ladies are, in etiquette, languages, music, and athletics. Elise, however, chose to spend more of her time on fighting techniques as she grew older. She cares little for her healing magics, and prefers something a little more offensive in nature.

Always convinced that she is more than just Koorime, Elise studies other cultures as much as she is able, seeking desperately to find clues to what the other half of her blood might be. When her mother sent her off Koorime to keep her heir safe, Elise was more than happy to leave and go searching for her true heritage.

Miscellaneous Information: Elise does her best to hide them with her feathery hair, but she does indeed have real feathery wings growing out of her head. She also has two very sore places on her shoulderblades.
