The Dragon Clan
![]() The most powerful clan in Makai, the Dragon youkai for the most part rule the land. They believe themselves to be directly descended from the Great Dragon, who created the youkai, to have the purest blood and therefore the power and right to rule. The Dragon follow a warrior code of honor and discipline. Strong boys are taught early the ways of physical and magical fighting. Weaker boys are given a chance to prove magical prowess and can sometimes find their place, but are often shunted down the social ladder or completely case from the clan. Any female who attempts the rigorous training is allowed, but not looked highly upon. In higher families, daughters are still arranged into marriages and the like. Most of the Dragon clan consider themselves warriors, nobles, or both, but all follow the honorable code. Those who don't are usually stripped of their Clan rights (signified by cutting off the skin where they were branded), even if they're the lord of a large region, there is always someone above them to check their power. Some can become assassins, and elder Dragons who have survived the warrior life (which are few) settle down into more merchant positions, losing caste status as they lose strength. It is best to die young and in battle, but preferably after siring a strong son to carry on the line. Home |