

Gender: male

Age: Looks middle teen, probably 14 or 15, but not much older than that. He's lost track, but estimates himself to be nearing 200

Birthdate: September 11th

Character Type: Nekojin

Build: 5'6" and kind of thin, compact little guy. More often than not he's sporting ears and a tail

Eyes: One bright blue and one yellow, very cat-like in appearance

Hair: A calico mix of orange, black and white, frames his face nicely and kept in a waist-length ponytail

Facial Features: Boyish and cute, always smiling in a cocky sort of way. You almost think innocent and young

Personality: Bastian is lively, sometimes enough to be considered hyper, and he can border annoying. He's devious and tricky, but very trustful actually, and he'll do anything for his friends.

Additional Details:

History: Like most of his people, Bastian never really had a permanent home, hardly knew any of his own kind. He spent a great many years in the kitsune forest running with a "clan" of others, probably a mix of nekojins, halfbreeds, and kitsunes. He knows his way around Saintennin, the major city in the youkai territories, and he's obviously had some sort of fighting experience as well considering how well he fights.

Miscellaneous Information: Currently Bastian is employed by Joshua Augustine and coordinating the Shadow Clan Youkai under his Master's control in Koorime. Augustine trusts the little cat demon quite explicitly to handle such major affairs, and Bastian handles them very well.