Baern's Gallery


Gender: Male

Age: 408 (2006)

Birthdate: January 11

Character Type: Dragon Clan Youkai

Build: 7'0" and very well muscled

Eyes: A dark yellow, sort of amber colour

Hair: None! Baern is completely bald, and has been his entire life.

Facial Features: Baern has what he calls a plain face. His bones are thick, giving him prominent features, but all of which balance each other nicely. His high cheekbones are offset by a long nose, heavy brown, and square chin.

Personality: Baern is fairly laid-back. Okay, he's quite laid-back. He smiles readily, but tends to grin more often than that, usually with some sort of mischievous amusement. He likes having fun and just talking to people. He does have a temper, but he has a very long fuse, and usually ends up walking away before he does something he'll regret.

History: Baern is the only son among a family of many, many girls. His parents kept trying but could only produce females. Eventually they gave up, but several years after, Baern came along as a surprise boy! His father was proud, his mother delighted. His sisters were quite a bit older than Baern, but those that weren't married off were encouraged to dote upon and spoil him.

Baern was arranged to be married at the age of twelve. His wife was named Estarin, a woman of good breeding and superior beauty. Their marriage increased her house standing, and would guarantee an attractive offspring for Baern and his family line. The two of them gradually became friends, but nothing more, and it wasn't until centuries later that Estarin produced a daughter, Enrin.

After the death of his father, Baern was made General in his place. He moved his mother into his home in Saitennin with his wife. During the Shadow raid upon Saitennin, his mother, wife, daughter, and unborn child were killed.

As the favoured son of the Centaran family, Dragons regard Baern as the right hand of the royal line. They even offered him control of the throne until the Prince stepped forward. Instead, Baern vowed to find the true Prince so that he wouldn't have to rule.

Miscellaneous Information: Baern displays his Clan and Family marks proudly - on his head. His Family mark, the Hundred Legged Dragon, goes from his forehead all the way down his spine. Two Dragon Clan marks curl over and around his ears.

Baern is faster than the average warrior. He uses a sword which splits into two and can wield the dual blade with amazing speed. However, he prefers to use bows. One is a longbow that has a massive range, and another faster bow for shorter ranges.