Joshua Augustine

Gender: male

Age: unknown, but pretty damn old

Birthdate: eh, who cares after this long

Character Type: vampire

Build: About 5'10" or so, impressively noble of stature and the way he carries himself. He isn't exceptionally muscular, but toned and appears strong, and lean but not thin.

Eyes: A strange golden colour

Hair: Dark brown and thick, shoulder-length and always tied back.

Facial Features: Augustine's face is perhaps perpetual frozen in a smug or cold look. His features are sharp, as if from stone, but handsome enough.

Personality: Augustine seems to be a typical loner, quiet and distant, except when he's feeling particularly cruel and decides to torture people. Humans, demons, vampires, he tends to torture anyone he pleases. He has humor, but often its quite dark in nature. He's sadistic, anyone who's ever pissed him off will feel his wrath - perhaps centuries from now, but they'll feel it. He doesn't forget grudges.

Additional Details: He's obviously of European descent, although the precise mix is uncertain, possibly French or Slavic. He speaks with a slight French accent and can speak many European languages.

History: For as cruel as he is, you'd think this boy didn't have a happy childhood, and you'd be right. Somehow or another, however, he became a vampire and thus his cruelty is extended indefinitely.

Augustine also harbors some sort of animosity for the van Jarovich family. He likes to make sure they run into one another now and again just to torture them in some way, usually by provoking Strahd - Sergei is just so hard to unsettle - but his grudge is obviously with the elder brother. And after this long who could really remember what started it, and Augustine doesn't care, it's fun, and eventually he intends to kill them (blunt huh?)

Miscellaneous Information: He never ever goes by Joshua, he just won't answer to it. Augustine is preferred, friends get away with just "August"... not like he has many friends, but anyway.
