Death and Tanji
Death is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Tanji first became aware of a dull throbbing in his head. That wasn’t surprising, most mornings lately he’d awakened with a hangover. Secondly he became aware of the fact he was lying in a very soft and comfortable bed.
The last thing he remembered about the night before was declaring he was going out to look for Death and then wandering a bit in the rain. He remembered the rain very distinctly, he hated rain, but he’d wandered out in it to look for an immortal being who probably hadn’t even been in that realm let alone the area. Honestly, he couldn’t blame that much stupidity on the alcohol, no matter how much he’d had to drink.
Tanji instinctively put his arm over his eyes before opening them. It was always the smart thing to do, especially when one was badly hungover and it was likely a bright and shining and annoying morning. The room was lit, but not very brightly, so he took his arm away.
This wasn’t his room. In fact it wasn’t any room he’d ever woken up in before. The bed was large and luxurious, with a canopy, and the room was big and very nicely decorated. Tanji scooted up slightly on the bed, blinking around confused.
“I’m pleased to see you’re awake,” came a smooth, deep voice to his right.
Tanji startled slightly and looked, smiling, “Death…”
“How are you feeling?” Death filled the uncomfortable silence before it had barely begun.
“Hungover, but otherwise pretty good,” Tanji looked down and to one side in embarrassment, rubbing his head absently.
“Shouldn’t have gone looking for me, especially intoxicated like you were,” Death’s voice wasn’t especially scolding, at least that’s what he thought, he was toning it down a bit, but still Tanji looked wounded. Perhaps he was just sensitive.
“I know,” Tanji murmured just barely within hearing.
“But you’ve sought death before,” Death leaned forward and touched the scars running up and down the length of the underside of Tanji’s arm.
Tanji bit his lip, shivering slightly at the touch, the scars were sensitive beyond belief, like raw nerves instead of having the luxury of skin for protection. Not altogether unpleasant, just a lot to handle. “Yeah… couple years ago.”
“You knew what you were doing,” Death’s elegant fingers were still caressing the scars, “this should have killed you.”
“My… my girlfriend, Kino… she healed me, saved me,” Tanji blinked at his arm where Death was touching it, his eyes stinging.
“You had nothing to live for?”
“I didn’t think I did… everything hurt… so much suffering,” Tanji remembered that time in his life all too well, it repeated itself on occasion too.
“Each being is only given the amount of suffering they can handle.”
“I didn’t see any meaning for my life.”
“That’s the purpose of living, to find meaning.”
“Should you be telling me this?”
“I’m only telling you what you already know, because you went through this. If you hadn’t found something, you likely would have tried again and succeeded. Those who truly want death find a way.”
“I found Kino.”
“You love her very much.”
“She’s your soulmate.”
“Then why did you go looking for me?”
“I…” Tanji choked, blinking rapidly as the stinging overflowed and burned down his cheek.
“You long for it to end now, like you did then?”
“Yes,” Tanji broke down sobbing, curling in on himself and just crying.
Sitting there, watching the crying boy, Death felt something. He wasn’t sure what it was. It wasn’t pity, not quite, but a need to comfort. This small little creature with such a strong lifeforce, not realizing himself just how strong his own will to live was. A creature so powerful and strong, and yet wanting and seeking the end of its own existence prematurely. There was so much potential in this life sitting before him.
Death slipped from the chair onto the edge of the bed. Tanji tensed and his sobs broke momentarily at the surprise of feeling arms wrapping around him. Those sparkling red eyes blinked up at Death, still glittering with unfallen tears.
Without really thinking about it, Death leaned down and kissed at a tear where it had paused on Tanji’s cheek, tasting the salty wetness. Tanji blinked rapidly, trying to get the tears to stop, shaking nervously and not sure what to do. He was being held, and it felt very good, very comforting and secure, but he was too nervous to relax. Death’s lips were still so close to his skin he couldn’t think.
Then Death moved slowly downward, savoring for a moment the warmth of Tanji’s breath, then sealing his lips to the boy’s for a tender kiss.
Now Tanji couldn’t help but relax, entire body softening and bending to the will of the strong immortal that held him. It took barely a teasing motion to get him to part his lips, allowing entrance for Death’s tongue, sliding his own against it. Death made a pleased little humming noise into the kiss, working one hand through the hair at the back of Tanji’s head for support, pushing the kiss deeper.
Tanji felt himself being pushed downward, back onto the bed, and gave no resistance, totally captivated by the quick sensations of Death’s tongue in his mouth. His hands laid on the immortal’s chest, unsure of what to do with themselves. Death still had one hand buried in Tanji’s hair, the other caressing his face, playing at his ear.
Death pulled back finally, blinking and admiring Tanji while the boy struggled to catch his breath. He pushed back fine sable hair from his forehead, caressing the delicately structured features of his cheek and jaw. Despite what he said, he had a certain kind of beauty to him. Certainly there was still a boyishness about him, but it was giving way to something else in Tanji’s late teen years. So much potential in many ways.
Death smiled and kissed lightly at those lips several times, stretching himself out beside Tanji and curling a leg around one of the boy’s. He let one hand wander down to the exposed chest, so small and yet so well defined. This child had to put himself through so much to give his body this kind of strength, it was so… alluring.
Tanji had been soaked when he’d found him, and so Death had politely removed him of his clothing except for those black silk boxers he wore and set them to dry, letting Tanji sleep off the intoxication. In moving, Death had worked his way under the blanket and now had the wealth of Tanji’s almost entirely exposed body literally at his fingertips. The slender chest with the erratically fluttering heart beneath, the barest outline of his ribs, the very well defined stomach.
Death regarded that stomach as his touch wandered downwards, circling the bellybutton. He smirked to himself as Tanji inhaled sharply, tracing the circular tattoo from outer edge to the center in a lazy pattern. Then he bent and kissed it, repeating the same pattern with his skilled tongue.
“Ahhhh… Death,” Tanji breathed hoarsely, reaching down and instinctively gripping at that long white hair.
“More?” Death asked coyly.
“Yes,” Tanji’s fingers tangled in silken white strands, gazing at Death with those pretty, pouting crimson eyes.
Death flickered his tongue out teasingly, darting within the shallow hollow just enough to give Tanji a shiver. The boy moaned and shifted beneath him, begging wordlessly. Death gave into the formless pleading and nipped at the colored flesh, running his tongue along the edge and then thrusting within strongly. Tanji was fighting to keep his hips still, he could feel it, and he could have held him down, but it gave him a little thrill to watch the boy try to control himself.
The immortal lowered himself, scooting down along the bed so he wouldn’t have to bend, letting his chest rest against Tanji’s hips, but lightly at first, concerned about crushing the frail boy. While kissing and licking a trail up Tanji’s stomach, Death was keenly aware of his growing heat of arousal against his chest, even through his shirt and Tanji’s shorts. It was burning despite the double layer of cloth, and Death wanted it, but waited, saving it for later.
Death took his time over Tanji’s sculpted abdomen, tracing each firm line of muscle first with his tongue, then a gentle scraping of teeth. Tanji was gripping at his shoulders now, making soft little noises of contentment with just enough excited breathlessness to incite arousal in his partner.
“Death… Death… I…” Tanji panted, writhing a bit in expectation when the immortal had reached his diaphragm and was slowly working his way toward one of his nipples, “I need…”
“Shhh, I know what you need,” Death exhaled over the path he’d gotten wet with his tongue, smirking at the response Tanji’s skin offered him. “I’ll take care of you.”
Tanji relaxed a bit, fingers loosening some of their grip on his shoulders. Death licked a circle around the taut nipple, teasing, testing the boy’s patience. He would, eventually, take care of his needs… but that was eventually, had to test the limits first.
Death finally let his tongue spiral around the cute little nub of flesh, smirking to himself when Tanji moaned and wriggled beneath him. He let himself down a little further atop the boy, effectively pinning him there, his chest putting ungodly pressure on Tanji’s arousal and driving him further over the edge.
Death reigned in his own wanting and slowly made his way up rather than down, sliding his tongue all along Tanji’s collarbone, resting his cheek for a moment against his shoulder and gazing at him. He listened to the erratic heartbeat, felt Tanji’s chest rise and fall beneath his fingers in quick little panting breaths. He waited patiently, savoring the moments just listening and feeling as the boy calmed down.
“Death,” Tanji squirmed a little bit, making his un-diminished arousal very evident to the immortal.
Death repeated his previous hushing and slid himself up a little further, covering the boy completely and wrapping his arms around Tanji’s shoulders, cradling him. Tanji fit so cutely against him, holding on like a needy child – and he was definitely needing something. However Death still had some testing to accomplish.
He loosened his secure, cradling hold and peered down at Tanji’s face, their eyes locking for a moment. Tanji blushed and looked away, almost appearing like… perhaps he thought he wasn’t good enough to look Death in the eyes. Death stored that thought away for later, dipping his mouth to Tanji’s neck, sucking gently at the pulse of blood beneath the flesh.
Blindly his hand found Tanji’s and brought it to his chest, strategically laying it over the top button of his shirt, “Touch me,” he breathed upon the skin he’d wetted.
Tanji shivered, hesitating for only a moment. He moved his hand upwards, massaging Death’s neck, nimble little fingers playing wonderfully over taut muscle. Death was so pleasantly surprised that he hardly noticed Tanji’s other hand had come into play, swiftly undoing the buttons his other hand had neglected. When it reached the lowest button his little hand darted beneath the fabric, running over Death’s stomach momentarily before untucking it from his pants.
Death hummed, pleased with Tanji, returning to his attention at his neck. That small touch felt so wonderful rubbing across his lower belly, as if Tanji was working up the courage to unfasten his pants. Death let him alone, he was doing fine without encouragement for the moment. He moved up, flickering his tongue against the boy’s ear, curling it behind the earlobe and drawing it into his mouth for a long suck.
Tanji moaned long and loud, shuddering, the room spinning for a moment. He fought it off, concentrating on what he was doing. Death shifted slightly, still nibbling at the delicate shell of Tanji’s ear, giving Tanji more room between them. Tanji inhaled deeply, as if breathing in courage instead of oxygen, sliding his hand down over the fabric of Death’s pants, rubbing timidly.
Against his ear, Death smirked, keeping himself still despite the pleasure that was shooting up his spine. Tanji pressed a little more firmly, actually eliciting a groan from the immortal as the pleasure began gathering beneath the touch. The boy paused in the attentions only long enough to get past the barrier of cloth, taking the heated flesh directly in his hand and continuing with an even more fierce attention. Death actually caught himself thrusting his hips into the touches, gathering his willpower and going still once again.
Tanji panted against Death’s shoulder, every lick or nibble causing him to shudder breathlessly, over-sensitized at this point. He was fighting desperately to hold off orgasm already, and neither of them even had their pants off yet!
Death sensed the tenseness in his partner, licking delicately a few more times before pulling back, gazing down into those burning red eyes. Once Tanji had caught his breath he kissed him, lightly, sweetly, moving his hips with extremely tight control against Tanji’s hand to get him to resume the attention he was neglecting.
The immortal kissed lightly once again and sat up, kneeling between Tanji’s legs. They were both definitely ready to finish with the foreplay. But Death paused. Coherent thinking had been neglected, politeness had been neglected.
Death played at the waistband of Tanji’s boxers, caressing his belly, “Do you really want this?” he asked softly.
Tanji nodded immediately, squirming a bit, “Hai… Death… please, yes I want this… I want you.”
Death gazed at him awhile longer, as if captivated, reaching forward and caressing Tanji’s jaw, “So young… so much potential… such a strong energy.”
Tanji shivered, placing his hand over Death’s, tilting his head into the touch and closing his eyes, sighing in happy contentment. He felt Death lean down again, brushing his lips over his cheek so very tenderly.
Then Death was sitting up again, his large hands over Tanji’s hips, fingering the waistband once again. Tanji opened his eyes to see a humored smile in Death’s sparkling green eyes, not upon his lips, something Tanji knew he did himself quite often. Death was gazing intently at the tattoo on Tanji’s right hip, the thorny vine entwining the sword, caressing it with his eyes.
“Does every mark on you tell a story?” Death breathed softly.
Tanji smiled, “Yes… and some of them several.”
“Hmmm,” Death seemed pleased, teasingly pulling down Tanji’s silk shorts. He ran his hand down Tanji’s leg, bending it to pull the shorts off, repeating the motion on the other side and casting the garment away.
Tanji felt a little self-conscious being laid out completely naked in front of an immortal, blushing, so afraid Death wouldn’t be pleased with him. Death ran his hands up the insides of Tanji’s lean thighs, taking his time to survey what the little mortal had to offer. He was certainly well-endowed for his size and age, that was for certain.
Death slipped one hand down, gliding over the boy’s velvety scrotum and teasing a finger at his entrance, eyes watching the tumescent erection shiver. Tanji wasn’t extremely tense, but it was still too tight, it would need some gentle preparation.
The immortal stretched himself out along the bed, propping himself up at eye level with Tanji’s hip, kissing the entwined sword tattoo as he brought his hand up to fondle the boy’s hard length, stroking it up and down very lightly. Tanji shuddered, moaning softly and arching his hips into the motion, losing himself in it, all his worries vanishing.
Death snaked his free hand beneath Tanji, palming the small of his back as he leaned forward, lips brushing the sensitive head of Tanji’s arousal, tongue flickering ever so slightly. He felt Tanji’s hands in his hair and couldn’t help but smile as the boy bucked up into his mouth. The Reaper didn’t have a problem, taking every bit of the mortal past his lips and sliding his tongue up and down it.
He was dismayed, however, when Tanji’s length jerked burning seed into his mouth, thinking he’d finished the boy already, far too quickly for his own wants. But Tanji’s hands silently guided Death into continuing the attention, his hips still moving, slowly, but moving.
Death kept up a slow rhythm, swallowing what Tanji had offered to him and loving the boy’s flavor, not needing much encouragement to continue. For the barest moment Tanji’s length lost its firmness, and then surprisingly regained itself. Death couldn’t help but smile, drawing long and hard off the entire length, increasing the pace gradually, Tanji moving with him.
The immortal forced himself away, crouching over the mortal boy and letting his heart get back to normal rhythm, hand lightly playing at the boy’s once again fully hard length, “How many times can you do that?”
Tanji blinked his eyes open, chewing at his lip, “I think four or five, not sure… haven’t really…”
Death smiled, “Tested it? Well… I shall have to test it for you then, so you’ll have that information handy if it should ever be needed,” he abandoned his absent fondling and reached into his pocket.
Tanji’s eyes glittered as he watched Death’s motions intently, slightly confused and curious, but with a hint of begging. Death regarded the bottle of lubrication for a moment, actually regarding Tanji really. The boy was waiting patiently, and Death’s aching excitement concurred, he’d been patient enough.
The immortal coated two fingers with the lube, leaning over Tanji and rethinking his decision, testing the boy’s passage with only one finger. He braced himself over the boy with his other hand, eyes flickering from what he was doing to Tanji’s expression. Tanji was blushing a little, but didn’t seem to be in too much pain.
Death smiled, pleased, sliding his finger in and out just to be sure of the ease of motion, searching for what felt the best to the mortal. Tanji arched his hips, eyes rolling back in his head as he moaned. Death tilted his head, smirking just a little, finding the precise spot that had elicited that response. The boy reacted wildly, his arousal jerking and threatening to come again. Death contemplated pushing him over that edge, thinking Tanji was certainly attractive when he was this out of control.
Tanji hit the orgasm hard, gripping at the bedsheets and thrashing wildly, spilling seed across his belly. The Reaper withdrew his finger, adding the second and pushing much more gently. Tanji bit his lip and tensed this time in pain.
“Take a deep breath,” Death encouraged, watching him intently.
Tanji inhaled deeply, tension fleeing as he exhaled, and Death pushing his way inside him at that moment of most relaxation. Tanji threw his head back and cried out, somewhat pained, but mostly driven wild with pleasure.
“Hmm… if you think this fills you…” Death mused quietly to himself, slipping both fingers free of the slick and heated passage.
Tanji took deep breaths, watching Death from beyond heavy-lidded eyes as the immortal slipped out of his pants completely. Death caressed up the inside of Tanji’s thigh, thumbing over the tattoo there and giving him a little thrill, bending his leg up.
Tanji moaned quietly as he felt Death’s hot arousal pressed against him, forcing himself to be still and wait. Death’s eyes were intently focused downward as he pushed in, taking it slow, but using a great deal of strength to shove past what remained of Tanji’s barriers.
Death buried himself deep within the mortal, humming a quiet pleased noise at being surrounded by that sort of intense heat. He pulled back very gently, drawing himself completely out of the boy and gathering his composure for a moment. He ran his still slick fingers along his own arousal, ignoring the thrill that caused, making the next entrance a little gentler, soothing what remained of the pain.
The immortal laid himself down against the little fire demon, moving easily within him now, Tanji’s arousal burning between them. He slipped both hands behind Tanji’s head and cradled it, kissing him deeply. Tanji responded, burying his hands in Death’s hair and thrusting back against him, matching that slow rhythm.
Death pulled back from the kiss, brushing back strands of black hair, watching as his own mingled with it on the pillows. He kissed tenderly along Tanji’s jaw to his neck, sucking and nibbling playfully.
Tanji cried out, gripping Death’s shoulders suddenly as the immortal hit one of those overly sensitive places with his attentions, arching his hips. Death drove in a little deeper, encouraged by the boy shuddering beneath him. Tanji’s body tensed and shivered, caught up in a powerful orgasm, his seed spilling out between them.
The Reaper held Tanji against him, giving him a moment to recover, waiting until his heartbeat was sufficiently calm before continuing. He reached down between them and massaged Tanji’s length, smiling to himself as it firmed up again. Tanji moaned against his skin and shivered again, clinging to him, lost entirely to the sensations. He made no complaint when Death slipped away from him and laid down, pulling Tanji to straddle his hips.
The boy bit his lip, a little unsure of himself, trembling a little as Death guided him by the hips into place. Tanji closed his eyes as he eased himself down onto the immortal’s length, moaning as he hit high within him.
Death laid back, running his hands up and down Tanji’s thighs but otherwise letting him take control. The little mortal slipped up and down along him smoothly, as if he’d done it many times before, striking deep and making himself shudder every time.
The immortal trailed a delicate touch over the tattoo on the boy’s hip, smirking at a more intense shiver. There were just too many places that were overly sensitive on this boy, it made it quite amusing. He reached and firmly grasped Tanji’s arousal firmly, pumping it with undeniable force. Tanji curled forward slightly, bracing himself with his hands against Death’s chest as another powerful release overtook him, coating Death’s hand with hot fluid.
Death smiled softly to himself, sitting up and curling his legs beneath him, reseating the boy down onto his lap and thrusting up into him, hands firmly grasping his rear. Tanji wrapped his arms around Death’s shoulders and held on, gasping, having barley recovered before coming again, Death hitting that just precise spot within him.
An actual moan of pleasure escaped Death’s lips as Tanji tightened down around him, the heat unbearable. He wanted so badly to allow himself release, but not yet, he wasn’t finished testing the boy’s limits.
“Death,” Tanji whispered shakily.
“Shhh,” the immortal hushed him with a kiss, letting him rest there on his lap for a moment, relishing in the delicious sensation of being within him. It was almost… comforting, as if they weren’t two separate beings at all for that moment.
The Reaper shook off the sentimental nonsense and laid Tanji back onto the bed, withdrawing from that warmth almost reluctantly. He massaged Tanji’s chest and stomach, caressing firmly up his sides and then down over his hips. It wasn’t a matter of exciting him again, Tanji was still aroused, it was more relaxing and calming, easing the tortured little body a little before putting it through more.
“Turn over,” Death commanded even as he turned the boy over himself, not waiting for him to obey.
Tanji whimpered quietly, fingers digging into the sheets in preparation of whatever would come that he wouldn’t know before it happened. Death was running his hands over his back, humming a sound of almost admiration.
Death circled his fingers over one shoulder, smirking as the wings of the phoenix spanning Tanji’s back moved in response. He could have swore he saw beneath Tanji’s sable hair, the phoenix turning his gaze toward him, and angry. It was certainly a powerful being, connected to Tanji and yet not, it was ancient already and it would survive long after the boy had passed away to time.
The immortal brushed Tanji’s hair to the side, seeing that indeed the fiery bird was glaring at him, every mark of flame beneath Tanji’s skin rippling. The boy himself whimpered and tried to look back over his shoulder.
“Gods Death… you’re pissing it off…”
“You’re that connected to one another?” Death half-mused.
“Somethin like that…” Tanji laid his head back down, trying to ignore the fact his arousal was being pressed viciously down onto the bed.
Death massaged down along his sides, just teasing at the edge of the phoenix’s wings, smirking when it tried to reach and burn him. He made his way down to its “tail” at the base of Tanji’s spine, massaging in circles, watching Tanji writhe beneath the attention. Another sensitive spot.
The immortal quit teasing him at last, gripping him with both hands at the waist and pushing deep into him without warning. Tanji called out, muffled by the bedding slightly, but much louder than anything else he’d uttered before. Death drove into him viciously, sparing nothing, jarring his little body with all the strength he had.
Tanji veritably screamed in pleasure, shuddering violently, driven to climax by the intense pressure of Death filling him and the friction of the bedsheets. Death paused for only a moment, closing his eyes and enjoying how tightly the boy was clenched around him, nearly coming himself. Just barely not enough, he needed just a little more.
Death lifted Tanji up off the bed by the hips and drove into him again, setting his jaw to keep himself quiet as he pounded into the mortal. Tanji couldn’t get his arms beneath him the force was so intense, all he could do was bury his face against his arms to quiet his noises. The Reaper reached around his slender waist and gripped his tortured length, stroking it in time with his fierce thrusts.
Tanji cried out loudly, his world spinning and flashing entirely white as he felt Death coming within him, answering with his own orgasms, trembling release into Death’s hand.
The immortal panted and eased Tanji down onto the bed, stretching out beside him and entirely ignoring the phoenix against his chest – it was pleasantly warm even if it was pissed off at him. He draped his arm casually over Tanji’s hip, an entirely non-affectionate position of course.
Tanji was perfectly content with that little “non-affection” and didn’t bother moving. No sense asking for more and risk being turned away. Besides, he was very damned content at the moment.
“Well… you’ve been tested,” Death smirked, resting his head on his arm, eyes closed.
“Uhhh huh… I lost count,” Tanji lied, smirking as well.
Death was quiet for a long moment, then softly he mused, “Hmm, I’ll remind you later.”