Fan Art, weeeee!! I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

Kiro Gallery ~*~ Belial Art Gallery ~*~ Gift Art Gallery

Sallie has done SO much fanart
she gets her own page ^^

Click on the cutie Trouble to go see
all the fabby work she's done

Fanart by Kinky

A lovely Sabine

Mom Snuggle

Full fox Kesu with baby Vincent
done by the wonderful SunBlind.

Kesu and Lane

drawn by Ghost Angel
Visit her Corner

Lane in the Snow

Aaahhh this one is just gorgeous!
drawn by IronInu
author of the comic Nhil

A GORGEOUS Deus & Kesy
bright version so you can see
Deus' awesome clothes! ^.^

Preetty preetty Laney

by the mahvelous Jaysen
Go visit, see more pretties

Raawwrrrr Damael

by Alpha Ki

Fanart by Niyx

Dressed as a girl
of course

Fanart by Musachan

A verra
lovely Sabine

Fanart by CE

Calm and

Fanart by Blackdragon

*__* Laney

*___* Aya

*____* Tanji

*_______* Kesu

(giggles) Tanji

Death and Tanji

Death and Tanji

FanArt by Xella
Visit Xella's site, Seki no Hikari

Little Oekaki doodle of Laney

Gorgeous colouring of my sketch
this is soooo awesome!!

Damael and Tanji
Coloured by Xella
drawn by me

Fanart by Rini-Chan
Visit her site, Catharsis Studios

I think the thumbnail says it all
Pretty fanart

Someone finally picked on Tanji!

Squee!! Vic and Lane
by the dahlin Rini

All three Koorime

Laney Oekaki

Colorings by Rini-Chan
(drawn by me)

Wonderful colouring
of Sentinel

So kawaii!!
Vin bath coloured

Teehee, she coloured

So much
better than mine!

Lane's hair just
looks so soft and pettable

DinTejin, Laney's
best friend
Originial Din

Gorgeous gorgeous
colouring of
Rosebed Fox

FanArt by Jenae

Damael actin sexy

For some reason
she thought Damy
and Aya were

Cute Laney! *^.^*

And sleepy Lane

Sexy Ty

And another

A strange one
Aya eating a
pretzel I made O.o
